Re: Protecting your D...
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Re: Protecting your D...

 I don't really believe that DeLorean's are targets for theft. Most 
car thieves who steal cars don't get much $ for the vehicles they 
get. So there's not really an incentive to risk taking another car 
you don't know anything about, or how long it will take you to make 
off with it? 
The people who buy them need to move the cars in a hurry. Whether 
they are stripped for parts, or sold to other people, they have to go 
fast. A DeLorean would be way too hard to unload, and too noticable 
not to trace. Just think; If you're running a successful operation, 
would you be willing to risk it all because of 1 car?
As for a "black market" for DeLoreans, I'd have to say no here 
as well. Most cars that would be targets are rare classics such as 
old Jaguars, Ferraris, and other very rare classics/exotics. The only 
D's that might fall into this catergory would be the gold cars, and 
MAYBE somthing extremly unique such as VIN 502. The biggest factor is 
(this is gonna hurt) there really are not many people who want 
DeLoreans THAT badly that they would hire a professional to "acquire" 
one for them. With the price of DeLorean's being what they are, it 
would be easier to just buy one from the owner.

Hope this helps other owners sleep a little easier at night!

vin 6585

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