If you want to send me your pieces (ALL of them) and $3.20 return postage I will reassemble it for you at no cost. I have provided this service for 14 years, to customers as far away as Europe. I'd like to add one more comment to the "dead thread" on inertia switches. They can suddenly fail with NO outward sign (button not popped up). It happened very embarassingly on my own car a few years ago. Put in a new one and all was well. I suspect corrosion was the culprit. And speaking of dead threads, why on earth haven't the moderators killed the concours one yet? Do that many of you even care??? These cars were made for driving, not storing forever. Those who disagree should collect stamps. Or buy all of my 10,000 New Old Stock parts! (Okay, don't get huffy, I'm not serious. But think about it - its a CAR, not an artifact.) -- Darryl Tinnerstet Specialty Automotive 4 LaBelle Lane McCleary, WA 98557 PH: 360-495-4640 FAX: 360-495-4680