Cooling fans running all the time......I have had this problem when I first purchased my Delorean and this is what I did to correct the problem. In my case the otter switch was bad, it was stuck, closing the circuit which in turn caused the fans to run all the time. I purchased a few new switches from DMC Houston, but after a few days these switches would also fail, resulting in the fans running all the time.(I contacted Houston about the problem and they may have solved the problem with their switches) PJ Gradys sells the Volvo otter switch which does work, but it does have a draw back. It seems that the Volvo switch is not set for the same temp setting as the Delorean. The fans will run longer getting the engine coolant at a temp that will throw the switch to the off position. I was able to locate a OEM Delorean otter switch last year and installed same and have yet to have the problem reoccur. The OEM Delorean otter switch may be a hard item to find, as the original stock has been exhausted, but if you can find one it is the way to go. Maybe someone from the list can help you locate one. Part#100816. Also known as the thermostat switch. If you go to page 6 of my web site you will find details on how to locate...check ....and replace the switch... PS: I never experienced the fans running with the ignition switch in the off position. You may have a different problem entirely. Robert Starling Vin#5252