The DeLorean came with factory installed spacers on each rear wheel hum. They are held in place by a single screw and are only 1/8" thick. I took my rear ones off so there would be more centerhub for my new adapters to grab onto. I put mine on the front to help with the wheel offset (two on each side). The fit perfectly on the front. Did you check to make sure that your front wheel is mating with the hub? If your wheels are anything like mine, I bet they aren't up against the hub. I bet they are tightened against the flare in the studs. Take a close look and reach ujp from behind to see if they are or not. Keep me posted. ---Dan By the way, I'm currently looking to split a room for the Fall Foliage tour. So far, I'm going it alone. Anyone interested? [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]