Virus update (how to find and remove)
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Virus update (how to find and remove)

Ok, One LAST post from me about this virus. If you think you have 
been infected with this virus, don't worry it does not destroy 
anything on your system. What it will do is every Weds between 12am 
and 2am it will display (or at least attempt to) an image of Hitler 
blowing his brains out with some text saying "Follow your leader". 

If you ran the file (not just open the email) then you should check 
the following:

In Windows 95/98/NT Go to Start -> Find -> Files or folders and 
type in the name INETD.EXE in the "Named" box. Make sure you have in 
the "Look In" box "Local Hardrives [C:]" (if you have more than one 
hard drive it will display [C:,D:,etc]) selected. By choosing Local 
Harddrives it will search all of your drives (if you have more than 
one). If the search finds this file, Highlight it in the window and 
DELETE IT by pressing the Delete key. 

Next thing to do. If you have Windows 95/98 go to Start -> Run and 
type in SYSEDIT in the "Open" box and click ok. A window will pop up 
with a bunch of other windows in it. Find and select the WIN.INI 
window. Once it's highlighted go to the top of the main window and 
click search then click find. In the "Find" box type INETD and click 
Next. If it finds the name INETD or INETD.EXE in any of the lines, 
JUST DELETE THE NAME. I don't know if it inserts itself into an 
important and needed line of the WIN.INI file so just delete the name 
INETD and leave the rest. Now press your F3 key to search for the 
name again in the same file. If it finds it again, do the same thing. 
If not it will come up with "Cannot find INETD" or "Finished 

If you have Windows NT than Email me and I will give you a complete 
description on how to search your registry to find it.

If any of you have any questions email me privateley and I will try 
and help you.

Sorry again for using the DML for this.

Steve Rubano

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