ADMIN:Poll result/DMC2 (long)
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ADMIN:Poll result/DMC2 (long)

Interesting times in DMC-Land. Over the weekend I posted a query to the list
about the continued discussion on the DMC2/Watch thing. All there is to go
on (or was at that moment - keep reading) was the new web site to look at.
Nothing in the mainstream press. And not really very much on the web site.
The decisive (25 to 3 at various temperatures) response was that we should
temper the "what-if-maybe" discussion until something with some substance
comes along.

Then the story gets more amusing, at least to me. Although some people
weren't amused at the time. . . . . .

Almost simultaneously, a post came in from something called the [DMC2]
eGroup list to check out the updated "watch" web site, and announcing that
the long-dormant "newdelorean/DMC2" eGroup was being opened up for
discussion as an UNmoderated group (note the term unmoderated - oops).

It was being operated by an un-named person going as dmc2[at] .
. We really do not know who he/she is. Many of you may recall that the
newdelorean list was formed over a year ago by polling members of this group
and inviting them to join. The list admin was then turned over to business
associates of JZD, but we're not sure who by name. We, nor James, have any
relationship to the current group.

There was no one on that list that did not agree to be there, albeit a long
time ago (August 1999 to be exact). The subscriber list of this
newly-reactivated list therefore contained over 1000 old email addresses. My
guess is that about a third of them forget that they ever signed up, and
another third had long ago quit the DML. If you are (un)fortunate enough to
have been on that list, you watched the comedy of errors over the weekend as
people attempted to unsubscribe by posting to the list, adding up to, by the
end of the weekend, about 200 emails from the [DMC2] list. About 195 of
these were "remove me" (and stronger words) messages. Although a few did,
I'm just thankful that more people didn't confuse the two lists and quit the
wrong one!

By the end of the weekend, the list owner shut down the list (no doubt
anticipating even more hate mail come Monday morning as everyone returned to
work - I'd guess that at least half the members of this or any email list do
not monitor email over the weekend). In addition, dmc2[at]
closed his email account and is still unidentified. (We know this because
the domain, including email, is owned by DMC Houston and they
checked. See the posting by James Espey a few days ago about this email
domain - anyone can sign up anonymously for email thru this service, just
like Yahoo or Hotmail).

So far that's about all there is to know, again until something of substance
comes along let's keep the list to the facts - and the cars. . So - Short
answer - we'll limit postings on this topic to new information. If you don't
like this, feel free to start another list.

Dave - getting better at this "Iron Hand" thing. . . . .

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