There should be no performance gains from removing a GOOD trans filter. A filter has nothing to do with ratios. The only thing it could affect is line pressure and that controls the shifts and the pressure to keep the clucthes from slipping, and the flow to the cooler causing it to overheat.The danger is that as the dirty fluid goes around in the closed system it will ruin the pump, seals, bearings etc.I don't know anyone who would try running without a trans filter except for troubleshooting purposes. You wouldn't try running without a fuel filter and that isn't a closed system. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxx> wrote: > > I heard a rumor at the BCD. Someone was crediting you with claiming that > removing the filter in the automatic transmission, improves its > performance.? You just have to change the oil more often. Is this true? > > bob Brandys