Electrical Meltdown to Great Delorean Experience!
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Electrical Meltdown to Great Delorean Experience!


I just had to share this weekends activities with the list. It was the the 
worst and best Delorean experience all in one long day.
I left my home near the WI & IL line @ 0200 early Sat A.M. headed to 
Lichfield, IL (about 225 miles one way) to have my new "D" Suspension package 
put in. When I was about three miles from home I noticed my lights go dim and 
a quick power surge. When I stopped I had four lights out. The driver side 
red & yellow marker lights the rear driver running light and the front yellow 
parking light. I found I had a blown 15 Amp fuse in the #2 position (I think 
that was the slot). I had the choice of several 20 & 30 Amps but nothing 
less. Since it was 0215 in the A.M. and nothing open I had to go with a 20 
amp. Not a good choice but better than no choice. 

As I was going around a shape curve at 35 to 40 mph disaster stuck. First a 
burning smell and then no lights anywhere on the "D". No headlights, no 
inside lights and I'm going around a shape bend like I'm blindfolded. After 
I managed to adjust my xray vision I drove the "D" to a lighted parking lot 
of the "Ecolab" company. I looked things over and found my headlight switch 
had stuck in the on position. I had no low beam headlights, no running rear 
lights (I did have brake lights) no dash lights but the "D' still runs. I 
decide to wait to daylight and make the run to Marty/Micah's. At 0600 I 
started again with my "D" and no lights. On the way down my power windows 
went out in the down position and near the end my radio quit too. But the 
good news is I reach Micahs place at 0945.
After explaining my situation we went to work on the suspension, which went 
very well thanks to Marty's expertise. What a great package. 
Micah (The Greg Morris, "Mission Imposssible" type guy ) the electrical 
wizzard of Litchfield, IL went to work on the melted remains of a once 
funtional electrical system. At about 1830 we had the "D" back together with 
an updated suspension, updated electrical relays and a complete inspection of 
every wire and part in the fuse box area. Micah and Marty nearly rebuilt the 
electrical system and suspension system in one day.I left Micah's at about 
dark (tired, no sleep since Thursday night) but thrilled I was 100% ready for 
the return. As I drove towards the interstate the real comfort of the new 
suspension was nothing short of fantastic. Micah lives out in the rural area 
with many bumps and stones. The "D" drove like a dream. 

Then disaster hits a second time. I'm driving at 45 and the car shuts off. 
Like some one pulled the plug. Now I'm three or four miles from Micah's, on a 
country road, Its dark and I'm walking to Micah's. A guy with a pickup pulls 
up looking for directions from me and he's more lost than I am. He agreed to 
take me to Micah's where I assured him the electrical doctor would direct him 
to anywhere in the world he wanted to go. (I was desperate I didn't want to 
walk the last mile or two I would have told him anything he wanted to hear to 
get the ride.) 
Marty, Micah, and I went to my "D" and found out a fuel pump relay had given 
out. We went back to Micah's and from his array of new and used parts 
inventory he came up with the right part. In ten minutes I'm up and running 
and back on the road. 
The 4 hour trip back was shear Delorean fun. The car drove better than when 
it was new. The suspension was better than I could have ever hoped for. The 
electrical system was working perfectly and I pulled into the garage at 0120 
today almost 24 hours later really tired, but one very happy camper. Thank 
you Micah & Marty for turning a disaster into such a rewarding experience. 
You guys are top shelf and I wanted the DML to know about some of the trurly 
dedicated & helpful members we have out there.

Bill (11596)

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