The DeLorean Midwest Connection club has a 2-event weekend coming up. Saturday September 9 is the Fall Tech Session in Naperville IL. This will be a light-maintenance day (oil changes, door adjustments etc) and a tech session by James and Bill of DeLorean Motor Company. They also expect to be demonstrating one of the cars equipped with the new modified PRV engine. This is open to members of the DeLorean Midwest Connection and the Mid-State DeLorean club. For membership information see and For information on this event contact Dave (dswingle"at" or Marty (wingd2"at" (change the "at" to @). Sunday September 10 is the annual British Car Union at Oakton College in DesPlaines IL. This is open to the public. We usually have from 8-15 DeLoreans attending. The total show is over 900 British (including Irish!) cars. More information on this event is available at