The previous owner of my DeLorean, on the day we paid him, said,"...and you can polish it with steel wool." He never said he did it himself, but I didn't really know if you were supposed to do that. Of course, knowing that all of you smart people would know a lot better, I checked out the many informative DeLorean sites and in the DeLorean FAQ, I found that you were not supposed to use steel wool, saying it would appear the the stainless steel was rusting, and it was actually the tiny bits of steel wool. What I was wondering is: Is there a way to see if the car was polished by steel wool? And if it has, is there a way to reverse it and take the tiny particles of steel out of the stainless steel? I wouldn't want my dream car looking like it was "rusting." Thanks a lot, John Feldman VIN 4275