Christopher, I don't quite understand what you are saying. When the DeLorean doors are fully open, the highest point of the doors, which is the mirror, is less than 6 ft. Are you saying that the roof of the drive trough's is less than 6 feet high. "We're here to help you" DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxx> Web Site: <> ----- Original Message ----- From: Christopher M. Hawes To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 6:05 PM Subject: Re: [DML] Toll Both Window Benefits Robert vin 6585, I liked your favourable comments in regard to the gullwing/toll booth windows. I found your fast food example rather amusing as some of the fast food drive-in places in the UK have a low roof section to shield the cars from the rain and an inexperienced DeLorean owner not knowing how much height clearance is needed would pull up flick the door open switch and hear the 'crack' of the door mirror and scrapping of stainless steel as it is elevated into the roof of the drive-in - ye - ouch -!!!!! Attention is GREAT when is of the right kind!!! Just a thought! Christopher M. Hawes
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