microswitch and idleing
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microswitch and idleing

I finally got my car running again after it stalled in the street last 
week. My car will only stay running when the full throttle microswitch(parts 
manual 2/3/0 #15) is depressed. When I bought my car there was a bread tie 
around it keeping it pressed in. when the car is running and you take the 
bread tie off, the car will go to a VERY low idle and the car will shake and 
eventually die out. 
Why does it go down to such a low idle? The microswith triggers the 
acceleration enrichment circuit, right? I can here it start to buzz when I 
press the switch down. any ideas on how to get my car to idle correctly. It 
idles pretty high with the switch on all the time. the car will not be 
driven for a few more months But I would like to get this figured out.

Thanks in advance
#2496-carpet goes in soon.

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