DML, I wanted to share a great experience with all of you that I have had with my recently purchased 140 Amp alternator. I finally have my volt meter on the dash at over 13 volts. John (dherv10) told me all along that his replacement alternator would make the needle jump and he was 100% right. Instead of the 12 and 11 volts I was getting with the old Velco 90 Amper I am now never under 13 volts. What a great unit. For the price I paid I really got a superior product with about a one week turn around. It was easy to replace. You just need a couple of 17 MM wrenches or sockets (To disconnect the main bolt and nut) and a small adjustble to take the nut off the two wire connections. It takes maybe 20 to 30 minutes each time. What a change in the volts. I would recommend this any owner who has either the old 80 Amp or 90 Amp set up. Bill #11596