Hello All, This weekend at The Museum of Transportation in Brookline, Mass, is having a British Car Day. Since I live very close to the Museum, I called the coordinator of the event, and it went something like this: Me: I'm interested in bringing my car to the event this weekend, but it is debatable if it qualifies as "British". Him: Does it leak oil? Me: No. Him: Well, can't be British, then. But once I told him it was a Delorean, he was happy to include my car in the show. He even mentioned that he used to live right down the road from Delorean One in CA, but hasn't seen a D in years. (He seemed surprised that there was a shop devoted entirely to Deloreans - I enlightened him that there are several across the country) There are going to be between 150 and 200 other cars there this weekend (see http://www.mot.org/museum_home.htm for more info). --> BUT I DO NEED A BIG FAVOR from anyone who has shown their car at a show like this.. I would like to put together a "fact sheet" that I can distribute or leave on the car to answer all the likely questions. Does anyone have the basic facts already assembled, like I saw at Cleveland on many cars? If so, could you please, please email what you have, so I can put something simple together before Sunday. (I'm thinking simple 8.5x11 photocopied sheets). Finally, I just want to say that I've had my car for about six weeks now, and it is just a total joy to drive, every single minute. The weather here has been perfect - bright, sunny, not to hot.. I couldn't be happier with this fine automobile. Just wanted to share... Thanks in advance, -Hank Eskin #1619