Lee's Limited Edition Model
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Lee's Limited Edition Model

Hi Everyone. With the news that Lee Seiler is going to expand the
limited edition model kits and make 50 more, I thought I would jump on
this opportunity to buy one, which I have. I was kicking myself for not
buying one of the original when they were first offered, and everyone
might be interested why. About a year and a half ago, (Feb. 1999), I
had lunch with 2 DeLorean owners from my area, Minnesota. One of them
was moderator Mike Griese, (not moderator at that time). I had met Mike
the previous August when he was kind enough to take me on my first
actual ride in a DeLorean. But what made this lunch even better, was
the fact that Mike brought with him one of Lee's prototype models, for
the purpose of creating instructions for the assembly. So at this time
nobody had yet receive their kits. This was a very unique situation as
I had a chance to see the complete, unassembled package before anyone
else! It is hard to imagine all of the work that Lee had to have put
into this project to make it work. The doors, hood, louvers, and (I
think) the engine lid all operate like the car. It is really
incredible. Not only did a lot of work go into making it, but a lot of
work also needs to go into it's assembly. Due to it's detail, and
operating doors, the windows and windshield come solid, all in one main
body piece. So you have to cut and trim them yourself. I personally
cannot wait to receive mine. He told me I might have to wait as long as
late winter, (that would be early 2001!). But that cannot be entirely
unexpected since he is doing all this by hand during his spare time! 
What a project. For those of you still waiting for yours, keep
waiting. The quality of the kit will greatly make up for how long it is
taking! And lastly, thank you Lee for all of the work you have put into

For those of you who haven't seen any pictures of the kit, go to Lee's
website at http://www.totalimmersion.com . There are a lot of pictures
to look at.
Jim Reeve <Ultra>

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