I've heard that many of the first cars off the assembly line had too thick a coating of epoxy on them which resulted in cracking. Once DMC realized what was happening, a thinner coat was applied to all chassis after that. I don't know of a VIN cut off number where the change was put into effect, but I'm pretty sure it happened sometime in mid '81. While there are suttle variations for certain cosmetic components and parts, there really isn't a huge differance between all year models. Judging by the progress & habits of the company, the DMC-12 probably wouldn't have had a noticible makeover untill 1986. -Robert vin 6585 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, intelisens@xxxx wrote: > I understand that there was a new process used on the 1983 Deloreon > frames that prevented corrosion. I heard that the epoxy used on the > 1981-82 models had a tendency to crack resulting in water becoming > trapped beneath the epoxy layers leading to corrosion of the frame. I > heard the coating process was changed for the 1983 models. Is this > true? Thank you > > Daniel Cole
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