[DML] POLL: How much does it cost to maintain a daily driver DeLorean?
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[DML] POLL: How much does it cost to maintain a daily driver DeLorean?

POLL FOR VETERAN DAILY DRIVER OWNERS ONLY! To help would-be owners gain an understanding of the maintenance it takes to keep a DeLorean roadworthy, please estimate the money you have spent servicing your car in the last five years. Include routine maintenance, major repairs, upgrades, and oddball stuff like speedo angle drives. Please take a few minutes to arrive at a good estimate.

Please select one of the following:

o I've spent less than $1,000 in five years of daily driving
o $1,000 - $2,000
o $2,001 - $4,000
o $4,001 - $6,000
o $6,001 - $8,000
o $8,001 - $10,000
o $10,000 - $12,000
o over $12,000

by going to the following Web form:


Thank you!

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