I've had a couple people ask about the next update to the DMC production chronology. The last time I updated the analysis, I failed to update the chronological list of cars that also appears on DMCNews.com, leaving the impression that the stuff is all pretty stale. The _analysis_ was updated fairly recently with the previous issue of the owners directory, but the listed chronology is stale. Because the chronology and associated analysis shares data with the owners directory, I'm holding off on updating the chronology and analysis until after the next release of the DOD which Ken has indicated is imminent. After Ken closes this pass of the DOD and we re-synch on the data, I will update the analysis and the posted chronology for your use. I had indicated to a couple folks when I was expecting to post the new chronology, but I have not yet done so pending re-synch of the latest DOD data. Thanks for your patience in waiting for a refresh of the chronology Knut