The DeLorean Club of Ohio 2000 annual Meeting / Party will be held at Welsh Jaguar Classic Car Museum and Jaggin' Around Restaurant & Pub Steubenville, OH. on Saturday, February 19. We hope that Ken Koncelik will be in attendance to update us on the status of his DeLorean Car Show in Cleveland and solicit volunteers for various duties. Everyone is invited. Driving a DeLorean is not necessary, although every year at least one person brings a DeLorean to this midwinter event. For some of you in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Indiana the DCO is probably the closest of the local DeLorean clubs (Dave Stragand, are you reading this? Steubenville is pretty close to you.) IMPORTANT! Please RSVP to Patti and Mike Substelny by email (msubstel@xxxx) or telephone (216-321-5024) if you plan to attend the meeting. As with last year, we might get bad weather and need to reschedule the event. We can only warn you of cancellations if we know you plan on coming. - Mike Substelny