On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, ryan arsenault wrote: > Hi all, I just received a quote from Metropolitan Insurance companies on > DeLorean insurance. They quoted 2,800 dollars. I will be 17, have good > grades and I took Drivers Ed. It will be written off my parents policy. The only suggestions I have are: 1) Shop around. Some insurance companies are strongly biased in favor of middle aged parents driving minivans. Others are more tolerant of other kinds of drivers. 2) You should buy an old economy car and insure it as your primary driver, insuring the DeLorean as a "pleasure car" for the whole family. You will still be able to drive the DeLorean whenever you want. As a bonus, you have an old economy car, in case you need to actually transport something other than yourself and one friend. As another bonus, you only have to pay liability on your $2000 "primary car" - saving you lots of money again. 3) I do not recommend the DeLorean as a first car. Everybody I know (including myself) crashed their first car. The DeLorean doesn't have very good visibility, which increases the chances of crashing. 4) Sometimes insurance companies don't realize that it is possible to repair a DeLorean, and file it in with other out of production exotics. If you have documentation regarding accident rates and repair costs for the DeLorean, you might be able to talk your insurance agent into giving you a lower rate. > I am a male and I live in the northeast. The car would be covered for > everything, all year round. Does this quote seem steep? Thanks. 17 year old males pay high insurance rates. You will just have to live with it for another four years or so. :}