I have had this problem on occasion, except it is not usually under hard braking. In one instance I was slowly rolling down a hill while braking intermittently. At idle, the engine cannot take much of a load, and many engines have trouble when winding down. Combine throttle-lift with an extra load, and an out-of-tune engine could stumble. I really don't think it's anything like the inertia switch or fuel pickup, at least in my case, since I would expect these failure points to cause other symptoms. It doesn't really bother me, since it is a rare occurrence on my 100k-mile engine that otherwise runs fine. Besides, I'm getting one of those DMC souped-up PRVs in the spring. :-) Gus Schlachter Austin, TX VIN# 4695 -----Original Message----- From: Sean Howley [mailto:tsuyoi@xxxx] Subject: [DML] Engine cut-off under hard braking I am just curious about something. In two (maybe three) instances that I have had to emergency brake my DeLorean, the engine has cut-off. I suspect it is because the booster is requiring more than the engine can provide at idle and it cannot compensate. Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions on how to stop it from occurring?
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