I repaired mine this way: I took it off. I bought some sheet metal to wrap around one side and the edges of the asbestos shield. I bought the sheet metal at Lowes in the form of a large stove sheet metal pipe, it cost about $3.00 The pipe had a seam running the full length and I just unrolled it and shaped it flat. I then marked it 1/2 bigger on all sides and cut it with a tin snip cutter. Then I used a rubber hammer to hammer 90% turns on the edges. I used a concrete porch step of my house to be the corner mold for the sheet metal. This was very easy. I then put the asbastos on the metal sheet and hammered it so that it folded over the asbastos on its ends. Then I drilled the holes and remounted it. I suggest that you do this so that the asbastos side is seen from the back of the car and the metal faces the engine.