Message text written by INTERNET:dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx >If there was someone to blame for a "Blunder"< It is a blunder only in the eyes of some people those who perhaps haven?t studied what it all involved. The fact that JDZ managed to gain funding from whatever source and manufacture some 8000+ cars was No mean feat. Speaking as a British Tax Payer I've seen the ways that Our various Governments have wasted money over the years. That they provided continuous employment to a number of People in Northern Ireland for some approx 3 years and the spin off in Jobs which were created as a result of the Delorean from the point of view of parts suppliers from various parts of the world. Was it a blunder...I look at my Car today and it really is a great looking Sports car some 16-18 years on. The design was good and had the car been given a longer lease of life then I?m sure that the minor faults would have been worked out. The Delorean is no blunder fellow DMC'ers as we who are favoured in owning know!! Just my two penny worth John Hanley Vin 16369