William T. Wilson said: > I didn't like the show very much. Much of the information presented > was wrong, including the dates of production, the reasons behind > JZD's arrest, and the involvement of Lotus. The program seemed > to be focused entirely on the silliness of the British government - The program *was* called "History's Greatest Blunders" so we should expect the entire content of the show to be the naming of the blundering party and the details of their blunder. As far as I am concerned, The History Channel did place the blame correctly on the British Government, who made some incredibly stupid deals with JZD. They also described the blunder somewhat accurately, although they left out and distorted many details. History Channel was trying to make a case that the DeLorean project was a colossal blunder. The information that most DMLers would like to see, like production dates, QAC practices, JZD's arrest, and the current state of DeLoreans in the world, was unimportant to making their case. Notice that they compared the DeLorean to the Edsel, not the more logical Bricklin or Tucker. They could have chosen the Edsel as the subject for the show, but decided that the DeLorean was a bigger blunder. Perhaps the reason for this choice was that they planned to blame the British government for the DeLorean blunder, making it more worthy of a documentary. BTW I think the copyright date said 1997, although I have been watching History Channel for years and have never seen this segement before. Re: the old factory footage: In much of the footage, The cars had their VINs displayed in large numbers on their bumpers. Throughout the documentary, the same batch of DeLoreans was shown over and over. They were all early 81s, most with VINs in the 10xx range. Did any DMLers see their own cars on TV? - Mike Substelny