Just a couple thoughts on getting hold of a Stainless Steel Illusion book. I wanted to see and read it badly and our little local library did not have it, but did they DID put in a request and got it for me from another smallish town library. I saw it looked like it had never been opened and as it was quite old wrote the library to see if they might sell it, as they DO sell books from time to time. I was able to purchase it for a SONG. I forget exactly how much, but it was under $50.00 !! This was about three years ago and they may have been apprised of the actually value by now! Another person who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons......A friend but not in this state.....got a copy from a library and promptly photocopied every page....he said he used 99 brightness paper and of course in color on both sides of the sheet. I tried one myself for kicks...I have a top brand printer and it came out as good as the original. I am NOT soliciting business...that would not be legal of course and also would take a lot of time and paper. He put it in a looseleaf notebook. FWIW Dept Murray Vin: 05962 Lic: DMC-XII Washington State