The DMC-News "store" is temporarily back open! There are official DMC-News T-shirts that I had made just before the DOA convention, and several other items left from James' prior stock. Also featured are DeLorean Holiday Greeting Cards, and the DeLorean poster. The T-shirts look very nice, my old Apple digital camera does not do it justice. Some of the items are exclusive to the DML. Some are in very limited (read "one") quantity. This will be for a limited time only, I intend to cease this effort and close the store back up by the end of the year. Orders will be taken and items reserved in the order I get your emails. Instructions are on the web site. Any profits (so far there aren't any) from this go back into the DMC-News effort, paying to keep eGroups commercial-free, for the printing of the owner's directory and paying for the web-server. Please check it out at Dave