Responding to your question that Deloreans need a lot of
Your question struck a cord with me while reading it and also
a comment brought to mind from a friend the other day, questioning the valve or
non-value of the dmc bulletin board. His comment was,"The bulletin board
seems to discourage and paint a very bad picture of the Delorean automobile, in
that, it makes it appear that is not worth the trouble to own one with all the
problems and up-keep that seems to be required.
The Delorean is an excellent automobile that requires no more
maintenance that any other automobile provided that you give it the care and
attention as you would the car you drive on a regular basis.
The Delorean is a study in design, granted it has it's quirks,
the same as any other piece of machinery and therefore, requires it's tweaks now
and then. To be afraid of the maintenance requirements is to be afraid to
own any type of automobile. Do not be afraid.
As my friend and I concluded, we questions the remarks made on
the bulletin board, from a non owner's point of view that we may be painting a
very dim picture of ownership and that many want-to-be owners my steer clear of
ownership. Hopefully not. It is something to be consideredwith
our comments and maybe we ( the poster's on the bulletin board) should tag a
comment of the joys and pride we have in being owners.
Have been wanting to make this comment for sometime andI
thank you for giving me the stimulus to do so.
Aside: this might be a contributing reason for the price
of such a wonderful car to be so sub-standard priced. A Delorean is worth
far more than the national pricing indicated and if you can get one now on
today's market, I say go for it , you will not regret it and you will miss out
on a hell of a lot of enjoyment if you deny yourself the joy of being a Delorean
driver. I rest my case!
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