We seem to have hit another glut of people submitting attachments to the mailing list. While this works sometimes, many readers cannot see it and it messes up the archives. Two problems - if you are not careful it makes the download time a pain for folks with slow modems. For people with basic email readers, and the archives, it comes out looking like the sample pasted below. If you want to post a photo, either put it on your own website and make a pointer to it, OR sign in to the eGroups DMCnews page, and put in in the "vault" section. Then write a note telling the list to look there. I've put something in there for you to look at as a sample (thanks to Chris Hawes). Hint - his picture also answers some questions about models. . . . . IF YOU HAVE NEVER SIGNED INTO THIS PAGE please put in your EXACT subscription email address, hit "forgot password" and they will send it to you. Do not sign is a new user our you will then be double-subscribed to the list. http://www.egroups.com/docvault/dmcnews/ There are 20 mB of storage there that no one has ever used. Stuff posted here will be up for a short while, we'll keep an eye on it. dave Sample of a what a picture looks like to about half the people on the list, and when it works its way into the archive. : AHACAAACAAAADAAAAAMAADAEAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAEUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABkbWNuZXdzQGVncm91cHMuY29tAFNNVFAAZG1jbmV3c0BlZ3JvdXBzLmNvbQAAAAAe AAIwAQAAAAUAAABTTVRQAAAAAB4AAzABAAAAFAAAAGRtY25ld3NAZWdyb3Vwcy5jb20AAwAVDAEA AAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAFgAAACdkbWNuZXdzQGVncm91cHMuY29tJwAAAAIBCzABAAAAGQAA AFNNVFA6RE1DTkVXU0BFR1JPVVBTLkNPTQAAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoBAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAA AAAABA0AAAADAAAwBQAAAAsADw4BAAAAAgH/DwEAAAA/AAAAAAAAAIErH6S+oxAZnW4A3QEPVAIA AAEAc2Vhbm1AYXRsY29tLm5ldABTTVRQAHNlYW5tQGF0bGNvbS5uZXQAAB4AAjABAAAABQAAAFNN VFAAAAAAHgADMAEAAAARAAAAc2Vhbm1AYXRsY29tLm5ldAAAAAADABUMAgAAAAMA/g8GAAAAHgAB MAEAAAATAAAAJ3NlYW5tQGF0bGNvbS5uZXQnAAACAQswAQAAABYAAABTTVRQOlNFQU5NQEFUTENP TS5ORVQAAAADAAA5AAAAAAsAQDoAAAAAAgH2DwEAAAAEAAAAAAAABQIB+Q8BAAAAPwAAAAAAAACB Kx+kvqMQGZ1uAN0BD1QCAAABAHNlYW5tQGF0bGNvbS5uZXQAU01UUABzZWFubUBhdGxjb20ubmV0 AADndQEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNyb3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQSAAQAFAAAAUkU6IADxAAEF gAMADgAAAM8HCAAHABcAAQAoAAYAKwEBIIADAA4AAADPBwgABwAWACoAHgAGAEkBAQmAAQAhAAAA MzA1OENFRTgxNzRERDMxMTg3QTFDOEE4MDNDMTBFMjcAGAcBA5AGAAAEAAASAAAACwAjAAAAAAAD ACYAAAAAAAsAKQAAAAAAAwA2AAAAAABAADkAYA81VkrhvgEeAHAAAQAAAAUAAABSRTogAAAAAAIB cQABAAAAFgAAAAG+4UpWAujOWDFNFxHTh6HIqAPBDicAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAAHgAf The main signin for the eGroups page is http://www.egroups.com/list/dmcnews/info.html This is where you can change from real time to digest, read back issues, etc as well.