Last week someone on the list was asking about their radio antenna, a manual retracting antenna for the front fender. Today I was poking around in some boxes in he back and ran across some of these. Their history is unknown to me, but it was a factory item. How it figured in to whole antenna chronology is also unknown: First: Windshield antenna Somewhere in between: Fixed mast antenna on fender Somewhere in between: Manual retracting antenna on fender Last: Power antenna in rear quarter If I had a fixed mast antenna, I would consider replacing it with the manual retracting antenna. I think the guy said his radio reception was the same if it was up or down (is that good or bad reception?). Cheaper than putting in the power antenna ($240) and then having the hole welded up and refinished ($200). The bad part is that to install this antenna you have to remove the fender. Call or email me if anyone is interested in knowing more... James Espey DeLorean Motor Company Houston, Texas 281/568-9573 800/USA-DMC1