I suspect that this antenna, although you don't say so, is mounted in the right front fender. If so, this is not and was never a power antenna. This key-lift design was a common aftermarket anti-vandalism antenna in the mid-late 70's. I installed a few when I was a stereo installer (in a prior life!). There is no room in the front fender for an antenna motor. Unfortunately one of DMC's not-so-good ideas was to have the dealers install an antenna in the front fender to improve radio reception. Yours may be one of these, or may be a replacement that someone did at a later date. This was just before they went to the power antenna in the left REAR fender. dave ============= From: Comet42483@xxxx We have an 81 Delorean, with a metal antenna. It has a key to pull it out of the slot. is it a power antenna or not? Should it be? Thanks