[DML] Re: D's Book Value
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[DML] Re: D's Book Value

My insurance company required an appraisal by a professional automotive
appraiser. Since I bought mine from a classic car dealer, they had their
on-staff appraiser do it. He knew what the cars were worth, but was willing
to work with me on the dollar amount on the appraisal form as long as it
wasn't too far out of line. He ended up writing it for $22,500 since it
only had 3500 miles on it and was in VERY good condition. This was more
than I paid for it, but not an out of line amount for an appraisal. My
insurance company accepted it without any questions as did the credit union
where we financed it.

Mark N
VIN 6820

At 04:31 PM 8/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi list. I know that a DeLorean can sell for $7,000, or $25,000. What do
>the insurance companies value the cars at? Is there a web site I could
>go to that has the book value of older cars? Thanks.

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