At 10:16 AM 8/6/99 -0500, you wrote: > I have heard a disturbing rumor that our beloved DeLorean >DMC-12 was actually a concept of General Motors that John >DeLorean created while still at GM in the late '60s, early '70s. > He then got caught designing this car behind GM's back, >resulting in his resigning in '74. > They considered the concept, but it was too costly to >produce, so they ditched it. > >Could anyone please clear this up, seeing as this sounds >like hearsay, but I am still confused. > >Much Thanks, >Robert You are probably thinking of the Aerovette.. I think the Aerovette had gull-wing doors and other characteristics that resembled the features of the DeLorean. Scott Tester testersd@xxxx vin# I WISH!
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