[DML] Re: Commercial Posting Policy
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[DML] Re: Commercial Posting Policy

Ann & Ed Thompson wrote:
> I don't understand all the hullabaloo surrounding this issue. It appears to
> me that the moderator's position is perfectly clear. Please correct me if
> I am wrong, but here's how I see it.

Yes, the moderators position has been made clear. My message was in
response to the confusion created by John Hanley's message. Honestly,
my intention was to send that message only to John, but somehow I must
have hit the wrong button on my mailer. My OPINION on the issue was
stated. In all my years as a member of the DML, there have been many
private e-mail messages passed around that would convince me that a
posting of a negative opinion to the DML could lead to undesirable
results. Because of that last message, I have already (by mistake)
taken the plunge... I guess I should still be reserved though because
of the possibility of repercussion.

> This seems crystal clear and simple to me. Where are the clouds? I DO NOT
> believe for a moment that the moderators are in bed with the likes of James Espey
> or DMC Joe and their respective commercial operations. Both have contributed
> greatly to the success of the DML and I shudder to think where the DML would
> be without them, albeit that James was the founder. BTW, the DML is one of the
> most successful of all eGroups, thanks in no small part to Espey. I also shudder
> to think where the DML would be without the likes of the current moderators and,
> of course, MOM. Their unselfish, unpaid, and often unappreciated efforts must
> be recognized for what they are, not for what they are not.

I did not say I had a problem with DMC Houston, DMC Joe, or any
commercial postings. I just find it odd that I know PJGrady, and other
commercial DMC suppliers are on the list yet I never see any postings
from them. 

IMHO DMC Joe is the complete opposite of DMC Houston's participation on
the list. Without any research in to it my feeling is that most of DMC
Joe's messages are "This is how to fix that problem" where DMC Houston
is "You can buy that part from us". We can all tell the difference. I
hardly consider DMC Joe's participation in the list to be commercial. 
Both add value to the DMC community, I have benefited from Stephen and
James posting "we have that" along with DMC Joe's technical
contributions, and I hope to continue to have a good relationship with

Personal conversations have revealed that in the past postings have been
rejected because they were commercial or should be sent privately from
specific commercial posters. This is past history, I can only hope this
will change in the future. As customers of Delorean service centers, we
should notify PJ Grady, Delorean Motor Center, D1, and any others I may
have forgotten that they are now welcome on the DML as participants, and
not lurkers.

I agree that James Espey has played a key role in the success of the
DML, but lets not act like running a mailing list is rocket science. I
stand by my past comments (over the past few years) that James had put
many hours of time in to moderating the list and for the most part did a
good job. BUT, Lets also not pretend that there are no perks to being in
such a position... After all, He now works for DMC Houston. Would he
have this job if it were not for the DML?

> Please folks, let's get off this "commercial posting policy" soap box and get
> a life. Personally, I cast a vote for getting on with business as usual and
> for putting this petty bickering behind us.

Ed, I dont know you and have no personal gripe with you... 

With that said, if you really wanted this to drop, you would not have
posted your response. I am glad you said "Let's" because you have
correctly included yourself in the "get a life" comment... This is a
good conversation, and I disagree with "get a life" for both you and me,
I see this as a flame and dont know why the moderators allowed it.

I would like to see the issue "resolved" and not just get on with
business as usual. From where I sit, the new moderators are also doing
a good job considering the work involved with the maintenance of such a
list, and with time they will improve and become more consistent. I was
happy to see the clarification message eairlier this week, now time will
tell how fairly it is executed. 

I would propose we try to limit the bickering in order to wait and see
the results of this new (or clarified) policy. The list is much more
productive without it. Yes, with the above message I am also guilty of
bickering.. I guess that makes me a bickerer (Is that a word? My spell
check says NO!).

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