I know a lot drive their D's in the snow, as they are daily
drivers. Personally we have little here (Northwest) but when we DO
have snow, I leave the D in the garage. (I am more afraid of the
other guy). However I often wondered how it would be, as I have had 46
cars in my life (age 78) and have had every configuration. Four
wheel drive, front wheel drive, rear engines...mid engine..you name
it. My old 36 Cord Front wheel drive was terrible in the
snow. I had a 3 cylinder DKW Front wheel drive that was pretty
light and it seemed to do fairly well. I had several little
Fiats...all rear engine and rear wheel drive.. They were excellent inthe
snow too. I still have a mint 65 Corvair, which incidentally is another
six cylinder rear engined car (but there the similarity ends). It is
the best car we have ever had for ice and snow....that rear engine over therear
wheels and with automatic just can't be beat. We keep it partly
because my wife says that is her winter car and she wont drive anything else in
snow or ice. I think the DeLorean with its wide tires might tend to skate
more.....I only have all season tires on the Corvair and never have needed
chains in the deepest snow.
For what its worth department.
Murray Vin: 05962 Lic: DMC-XII
Washington State