I don't have a DMC yet but I have been accessorizing. I got an aluminum/stainless looking daytime planner for $ .25 (thats right cents) at a garage sale. For an additional .50 cents I picked up a sunglasses case for my glove box. It is stainless looking, more on the crome side but it will go beautifully w/ the D.
My latest find others may be interested in as they are readily available. Checking out items at Meyer's (kinda like Wal-Mart and K-mart if Meyer's is just a regional chain) I saw some real nice stainless steel thermos'. The top and bottoms are black plastic. 2 differentmugs come in a pack of two. 4 different designs in all. They run about $14. For those who have rigged up a cup holder they will fit right into them nicely.
Just thought I'd spread the find to others.
VIN# Not Yet!