Dateline June 12, 1999 Fairfield California - The Court House on Main street appeared once again, this time on Friday June 11 as part of the Armlio Grad Nite '99 festivities. The Graduating glass selected BACK TO THE FUTURE as their theme. The High School Gym was dressed inside and out with Themes from all three BTTF films replete with a Delorean provided by the NCDMC Association. Posed in a dramatic setting in front of the Courthouse set an NCDMC DeLorean (owned by Lee Seiler) was the center piece of the nights big doings. All grad night kids posed with the DeLorean for professional Still and Video pictures along with Sacramento TV News coverage. At 10PM the Court house doors were locked and all 389 grads' were hosted to a night of partying with games, food and dancing and a 5am raffle for prized which included a Limited Edition DeLorean Kit donated by the members of the NCDMC. The NCDMC DeLorean was moved inside for grad to get their own pictures, after rides in the DeLorean. The Delorean rides and strobe-lit court house drew such a large crown that the street was closed and the DeLorean rides had to start down the side walk to the street for the trip "Moving on through time" (around the block)! The NCDMC DeLorean was the center of interest through out the night, open for inspection by all. News Paper clippings of JZD's life and times were displayed along with Clips from all three BTTF films. -30- NCDMC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications