Below is a brief outline of an upcoming show here in NJ. I contacted one of the organizers of the show. She informed me that DeLoreans are welcome and that if there is enough of any one make or model they will be given their own class. It is a first annual show I believe and it sounds from the description I was given that it should be a great show to attend. I know myself and some other members of DeLorean Mid Atlantic are making plans to attend. Hope to see some other DeLorean owners and enthusiasts from the area there. Gary Gore Activities Directior DeLorean Mid Atlantic Car Show May 23 1999 British Motor Classics Hosted by British Motor Club of Southern NJ Location: Wharton State Forest, Atison Recreation Area between Rt. 70 and Hammonton on Rt 206 in S. Jersey Contact Information: Steve Poset (609) 767-9551 or Sue Salsburg (609) 476-2353 email: old_cat@prodigy .net ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eGroup home: - Simplifying group communications
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