Re: [DML] Disappointing DMC Representation
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Re: [DML] Disappointing DMC Representation

Okay, before everyone starts calling up Universal Studios to go in and help 
the BTTF DeLoreans, don't waste your time.  I haven't been to the Florida 
theme park in
over 10 years, but remember then, that car wasn't properly cared for.  I've 
seen current
pictures, and agree, it needs some restoration.  And as far as the Hollywood 
park is
concerned, a number of those DeLoreans are in pretty poor shape as well.

But here's the deal; Universal Studios will not allow non-studio personal to 
come onto the
lot and start cleaning and repairing their vehicles.  No matter how good 
your intentions are;
even if you're willing to donate both your time and parts for free.  The 
studio has its own
transportation department, and do their own repair work.  Universal knows 
damn well that
DeLorean Motor Company, DeLorean One, DeLorean Motor Center and PJ Grady 
exist; they
just never use them.  Perhaps they have ordered parts from one of these 
service facilities,
but to my knowledge, have never taken the cars to them for restoration.

Having dealt with the studio (and others as well), both in the realm of BTTF 
and work-related
issues, I can tell you now, that thinking that the good intentioned DeLorean 
want clean-up these cars, is probably a pipe dream.  Sorry to sound so 
negative on the subject,
but trust me, there's a good chance it won't happen.

As far as Back to the Future... The Ride is concerned, the rumors of its 
demise has been
floating around the internet for the past couple of years.  According to all 
our sources at, the ride isn't planning on going anywhere, for the time being 
anyway.  In-fact,
it's more likely to go the way of the dinosaurs at the Hollywood park, 
before the Orlando
site.  The E.T. Adventure in Hollywood was taken apart to make way for the 
new Mummy
roller coaster last year.  And since the Hollywood studio has limited space, 
it would only
make sense for it to be replaced there.

Randy Atamaniuk | Randy@xxxxxxxx
Vin #16353 

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