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There are 16 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Problems Starting My D
From: "Paul Salsbury" <paul.salsbury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2. Re: Unusual request for help
From: Marc Levy <malevy_nj@xxxxxxxxx>
3. Re: Transmission-Clutch-Linkage Trouble?
From: Don Ekhoff <ekhoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
4. Squealing brakes, I need some help.
From: "Marc-OS" <marc-os@xxxxxxxxxxx>
5. Re: 10115 wreck pics uploaded
From: kKoncelik@xxxxxxx
6. Re: Trunk Latches
From: "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxxxxx>
From: "K. Creason" <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
8. fuel problems
From: John Podlewski <john_podlewski@xxxxxxxxx>
9. clutch safety switch?
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
10. Re: Problems Starting My D
From: "Dave Sontos" <dsontos@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
11. Re: How long is too long?
From: "Harold McElraft" <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>
12. Re: Problems Starting My D
From: "Harold McElraft" <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>
13. Re: Torsion bar jig
From: george caprita <dobedoc2000@xxxxxxxxx>
14. DeLorean Car Show Artwork
From: kKoncelik@xxxxxxx
15. Tires
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
16. Re: Problems Starting My D
From: "Tom Porter" <treehouse2000us@xxxxxxxxx>
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 19:56:00 +0100
From: "Paul Salsbury" <paul.salsbury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Problems Starting My D
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the car starts the starter will have turned
quite a few times , so rolling it back will not get it to exactly the same
----- Original Message -----
From: "Travis Goodwin" <tgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [DML] Problems Starting My D
> It sounds like you may have a dead spot in your starter.
> When it happens again, try pushing the car forward a little at a time
until you find a point where it starts. If you roll it backwards and it fails to
> start, you have a dead spot for sure.
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:58:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Marc Levy <malevy_nj@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Unusual request for help
I did this search a few years back...
Assuming you are in the USA, I was told NO 610's were
(legaly) imported. There were a handful of 310's that
did make it to the states and are still scattered
about. There is a active Renault club in North
America that could help you.
Your best bet is to look in Canada. There are a few
renault shops there, but most are only French
--- spaceace3113 <spaceace3113@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a source where i could find a
> Rnault A610? (any
> condition) I've got something in the works and this
> woult greatly be
> of help. thank you
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 13:42:05 -0700
From: Don Ekhoff <ekhoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Transmission-Clutch-Linkage Trouble?
Although it sounds like you might have a linkage problem, I thought I
would relate an experience I had. My 5 speed was difficult to shift for
years and I was frustrated at missing shifts occasionally and poping out
of gear occasionally. Turns out it was an air bubble traped in the
hydraulic line that was using up a significant portion of the clutch
petal motion. Simply bleeding the system was not sufficient. There is
a tubing service loop just above the slave cylinder that can hold a
bubble. I was able to easily purge it by applying pressure to the petal
and then opening the bleeder fitting on the slave cylinder. The fluid
then rushes with enough force to purge the bubble. Fluid velocity is
the key. Problem fixed and the gear change is sweet. Maybe you will
get lucky with this suggestion.
wmack wrote:
>A while back I noticed stiffness when shifting into 5th gear.
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 21:14:55 -0000
From: "Marc-OS" <marc-os@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Squealing brakes, I need some help.
Well, I don't know what happened, but today when I was drivin' my
Delorean around, I heard this squeaking/squealing and it sounded like
the brakes. Acceleration is normal, doesn't feel like it's bogging or
being held back. The thing is, it squeals more when you turn, either
direction, then just going straight where it only squeals off and on.
I was workin' on the rear brakes last night, adjusted the parking
brake, checked the pads, lots left, practically new. Anyway, it
didn't squeal before, except during normal braking, sometimes. Now it
squeals all the time, but more so when you turn, so it seems like the
front brakes are the problem. Anyway, I'm not the most experienced
mechanic, so I need advice on what the problem is. Any help is
greatly appreciated.
Message: 5
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 17:23:23 EDT
From: kKoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: 10115 wreck pics uploaded
In a message dated 9/17/03 8:54:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> I am sure that any of the delorean repair shops or people like Ken and
> Rich would buy it and sell the parts off to those who need to fix their
> deloreans.
Yes I am interested
Ken (trying to RE INCARNATE 5690)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 6
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22:27:48 -0000
From: "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Trunk Latches
I have just fixed my trunk about 2 weeks ago and this is my experience...
There is a spring, if you remove the black plastic cover, on the trunk
latch near the bottom. You can see it very easily. This is the
spring that is going to make your trunk pop open. The problem is that
the spring is too weak. Now, some vendors offer a 'stronger' spring
and will tell you that your struts need to be strong, too. I
purchased such a spring, and it worked to pop it open about 2 times
before it became too weak again. I then went to a hardware store, and
got a spring about 3x as large of a comparable length and installed
it. Now my trunk opens with the same kind of power that my 1998
Malibu trunk does, each and every time. That would be my
I haven't fixed my engine compartment yet so I'm not as familiar with
that procedure.
Message: 7
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 18:57:50 -0500
From: "K. Creason" <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Strange, but not unheard of. I would be really interested to know if there
are any other locations for the key code but I haven't been able to find
A few questions:
What is your vin number?
have your checked the passenger door, and other areas of the driver's door?
was your car wrecked and rebuilt?
what is above your headliner? there could be something else informative.
send me pics offlist.
I can try decoding the key-code from a copy if you want to mail me one, or
use a reliable micrometer and send me the cut depths. Note-- I said try....
I charge $15 to make a code-cut key. A bargain if I say so.
-----Original Message-----
From: ctdmc83 [mailto:nmastrocinque@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Hello- This is my first post. I am the new owner of an 83
(Finally!). I was given one key, in poor condition. I'd like to
have another "code cut" rather than have my one key copied.
Message: 8
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 17:02:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Podlewski <john_podlewski@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: fuel problems
My Delorean will only start sometimes and shut off sometimes but always shut down when the fuel pressure is below 40 psi at the cold start valve prior to the fuel distributor. Suspect accumulator or the pump both are less then 1 1/2 years old but the car did sit for about 3 plus months without running any suggestions please help????? Mechanic says it is a fuel problem not electric or relay problem!
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 9
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 20:09:03 EDT
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: clutch safety switch?
I am curious to know if the D is supposed to have a safety switch to prevent
starting the vehicle without depressing the clutch? mine doesn't seem to have
that feature and i have always kind of wondered if it should?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 10
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 21:10:47 -0400
From: "Dave Sontos" <dsontos@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Problems Starting My D
Have your battery checked. There may be a shorted cell in the battery.
----- Original Message -----
From: <PRC1216@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [DML] Problems Starting My D
> Hey all,
> I have a strange question for you. Yesterday I took my D out and
left it in a parking lot for about 30 minutes. I came back out and tried to
start the car and nothing happened.
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 01:43:38 -0000
From: "Harold McElraft" <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: How long is too long?
Wow that's a long time. I am surprised since the trans work is
clearly pricy stuff and complete units are available. I've got a
fellow that is a Doc Brown type in Morristown NJ that rebuilt my
Trans. It works so well it is scary. Took about three weeks or so.
Harold McElraft - 3354
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Ralph Isenberg, III"
<delorean1981dmc@xxxx> wrote:
> This is by no means meant as a flame, but I'm curious. My 81 had
it's automatic tranny quit, so I had it shipped to PJ Grady's, and even
paid them a large amount up front for replacement plus a few other odds and
ends. Rob told me there were about 40 cars ahead of me so it would be a
while. This is understandable, but it has now been over two years since the car
was sent.
Message: 12
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 02:02:10 -0000
From: "Harold McElraft" <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Problems Starting My D
Did you hear the relays in the relay compartment working? This could
be the starter relay in the relay compartment or the ignition switch
(106679). Did you take the key out of the ignition and then reinsert
and try to start. The wire assembly or so called "ignition switch"
(Parts Manual 3/4/1) that attaches to the key lock assembly causes
this symptom when it starts to fail. Also, if the retainer screw for
that part comes loose it can cause this symptom.
Harold McElraft - 3354
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, PRC1216@xxxx wrote:
> I have a strange question for you. Yesterday I took my D
out and left it in a parking lot for about 30 minutes. I came back out and
tried to start the car and nothing happened.
Message: 13
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 19:21:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: george caprita <dobedoc2000@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Torsion bar jig
made one about 12 years ago,can take pics.,measure it and send to you works for me!,george
Paul Salsbury <paul.salsbury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I still can't find the plans to make a torsion bar jig, an no one seems to want to point me in the right direction...Please help
Message: 14
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 23:09:51 EDT
From: kKoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: DeLorean Car Show Artwork
>From the response I got it appears the artwork is a hit.
Please feel free to use this on your websites if you wish.
It is copyright protected under DeLorean Car Show but any of you that wish to
use it on your web pages you may do so.
This will be the artwork theme and colors of the show and will be on the
T-shirts that will be sold at the car show.
For those of you not registered with the car show or Magazine (PLUG) It will
be on the web page in a bit. This is oficially the kickoff for Pigeon Forge
2004. We expect about 500 people and over 125 DeLoreans.
One question is on rooms.
This year rooms are plentiful. Room is plentiful and no events have any size
limitations unlike some of the previous years so hope to see you there.
We will have many special guests at the show.
I also agreed today to purchase a car for the Raffle. It is at one of the
Dealers now. The one I listed earlier as a potential was not for real. And the
other two I bought needed more work than I could afford to raffle off. This car
will be picked up in October and will be refurbished to be in good operating
condition. The raffle will be held on Saturday at Pigeon Forge.
Tickets will be made available in Jan and through to the day of the raffle.
The winner does not need to be present to win and the car does not need to be
picked up at the show. It will be drivable and with plates (temporary) if you
so desire to take it with you. We plan to drive it down to the show. Winner
will need to pay for taxes and shipping.
The car also will be made available for viewing at some of the spring events
if I can find the time and pictures will be on the net.
The cost of a ticket will be $50 with a minimum of 150 tickets needing to be
sold for the raffle to be held. Money will be returned if it does not go to
raffle. Profits from the raffle will go to the DeLorean Car Show for future
I believe this is the first time that a car is raffled at a DeLorean event so
help make it a success.
DeLorean Car Show Inc
DeLorean Car Show Magazine
<A HREF="" href="">"></A>
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 15
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 03:18:30 -0000
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Tires
I finally removed the origional NCT's and put on Michelin Pilot XGT's.
The difference is amazing. I have driven other Deloreans and they
always rode smoother but I thought it was my old origional shocks. The
steering wheel doesn't shake or shimmy at any speed. Bumps are much
softer and the doors don't bang up and down on rough roads. The
handling seems about the same, GREAT. I guess the origional tires
hardened with age. I should have done this long ago. No one should be
driving on NCT's anymore, they are way past thier prime. They are only
good for Concours now. So, if anyone is looking for a set of NCT's I
am offering them first to the members of the DML before they wind up
on E-bay. They are cosmetically in excellant condition with NO tiny
dry rot cracks in the sidewalls. They have 7,400 origional miles on
them. None of them were ever even patched. All they are good for now
is concours judging, I wouldn't recommend driving on them anymore.
They are each evenly worn and would pass a State inspection since
there is plenty of tread left. Anyone interested contact me off-list.
BTW ALWAYS check the tire pressure and lug nuts after going to a tire
place. They NEVER fill to correct pressure and they put the lugs on
with that damm impact so hard you would NEVER get them loose without
using an air impact wrench. I also had to have them rebalance 2 of the
tires because they didn't see some of the wheel weights were glued
inside the rim and didn't remove them before trying to balance the
tires the first time.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
Message: 16
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 00:40:09 -0000
From: "Tom Porter" <treehouse2000us@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Problems Starting My D
Hello List,
Its been months since I last posted, just checking in, I got my
DeLorean spirit back after being depressed for quite some time...
very soon to be activly looking for a vin of my own.
I dont have anything useful to say about this problem, but it sounds
kinda like the Back To The Future car to me with its starting
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, PRC1216@xxxx wrote:
> I came back out and tried to start the car and nothing happened.
The engine didn't even try to turn over.
I went out to the garage this afternoon and tried to start the D
again, nothing happpened. The radio worked, the horn, the
headlights, etc but the car wouldn't even try to turn over.
> Patrick
> 1880
Thats kind of interesting, I work at a newspaper place and this ad
for BTTF showed up this morning, I wass originaly going to post my
disgust, the person who wrote this must also know about the cocain
mix up (as I call it) for when the factory was still operating, or
theres (thens) abouts...
"Teen goes to 1955 in crackpot's DeLorean time machine (PG)."
I dont know if I am over reacting, but I really love the BTTF
trilogy, but this is the first time I ever really thought the movie
could hurt my beloved "dream" car.
Anyway, just checking in, and my condolances to the owner of 10115.
Its a real shame :+(, glad your safe.
Tom Porter
Maine, USA
Vin: End of 2003
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