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There are 18 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. (unknown)
From: "katie allie" <sarcasmgirl16@xxxxxxxxx>
2. Re: Squeeking from right front wheel
From: "Adam" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
3. Project Delorean Site Updated
From: Steve Stankiewicz <protodelorean@xxxxxxxxx>
4. Thermostat cover
From: id <ionicdesign@xxxxxxxxxx>
5. AW: Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
From: "Elvis Nocita" <elvisnocita@xxxxxx>
6. Re: Gas Flap.
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
7. Re: Project Delorean Site Updated
From: Pete Berveiler <zamphyr2000@xxxxxxxxx>
8. Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
9. Re: Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
From: "B Benson" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
10. Re: Gas Flap.
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
11. Re: Need Tire Recommendations
From: "captain_hydrogen" <captainhydrogen@xxxxxxx>
12. Need a good laugh?
From: "Ryan" <boy1der18@xxxxxxx>
13. Diamond headlights
From: "M. P. Olans" <mpolans@xxxxxxxxxxx>
14. Delorean Limo model?
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
15. Delorean Limo model
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
16. Re: Gas Flap.
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
17. Burt Rutan news
From: Josh Haldeman <jhaldeman@xxxxxxxx>
18. Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 01:40:51 -0000
From: "katie allie" <sarcasmgirl16@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: (unknown)
hey everyone. so yeah im not too great at posting these things, but
im just looking for other people who are obsessed like me and who
wouldnt mind putting up with me and talking about Ds. pointless
stories are always appreciated, as are pictures. sadly it will
probably be a while before i have a D of my own, so until then id love
anything to fuel my obsession with. you can email me at
sarcasmgirl16@xxxxxxxxxx thanks.
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 02:23:51 -0000
From: "Adam" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Squeeking from right front wheel
My car did this too until I installed brake pad shims. Whenever I
turned the brakes would squeek.
Adam Price
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "dmcorlando2003" <SundeQuick@xxxx>
> Hey guys....I have a squeek from my right front wheel when I make a
> right turn. The squeek is literally that a squeek that is
> just like a squeeky wheel on a kid's tricycle. Any ideas as to
> to check?
> As usual..thanks in advance for the help..
> Michael
> Vin# 2944
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 19:24:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steve Stankiewicz <protodelorean@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Project Delorean Site Updated
"I've got all the hoses connected, coolant and oil is
in, and battery is connected. So far so good. I flip
the switch and push the ignition button and ...."
...Check the site for the thrilling conclusion. : )
VIN 2650 ("Project Delorean")
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 21:30:45 -0500
From: id <ionicdesign@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Thermostat cover
I am looking for a cheap used Thermostat cover #102140. It doesnt need to look pretty
but the bleeder screw must be able to come out of it. It can have the hose barb bleeder
on it because that is what i intend on doing to it.
I started to install my air bleeder kit and cant get the bleeder screw out at this time.
I will remove the bleeder screw out of my original Thermostat cover at a later time. I
need to fix this quick and the Thermostat cover is on my car at this time and i just
want to swap it for another cover.
Reply to Ionicdesign@xxxxxxxxxx if you have one available cheap and will take paypal.
Message: 5
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 11:10:02 +0200
From: "Elvis Nocita" <elvisnocita@xxxxxx>
Subject: AW: Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
why would you take off the muffler to rotate the crankshaft ?
Remember - there's a transmission and some wheels mounted to the
motor, too ! Simply move the car an leave the muffler where it belongs.
To make it easier you can take out the spark plugs and replace them
while there.
just my 2 cents....
4) Have never adjusted PRV valves (actually tappets that push on
them), but don't look any different from other adjustable valve
trains. Time consumed isn't going to be actual adjusting -- is going
to be digging down to valve covers, then putting everything back.
You'll also lose time removing/replacing muffler to access big nut on
crankshaft to turn engine.
See now why I recommend doing your own mechanic work?
Bill Robertson
Message: 6
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 08:24:20 -0500
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Gas Flap.
Pictures of the gas flap door that I added to my "lined" hood as in the
photo section of the DML site.
They are labeled gas flap 1,2,3,4.
Message: 7
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 06:51:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Pete Berveiler <zamphyr2000@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Project Delorean Site Updated
I feel your pain, Steve. Let me know how the TEC3 is
for the engine to replace the ECU. I wanted to do
this in the past for my Stock (not for long) PRV6, but
had not heard any "good" stories.
Good luck and keep us involved! 2 months is too long
for the site updates
--- Steve Stankiewicz <protodelorean@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> "I've got all the hoses connected, coolant and oil
> is
> in, and battery is connected. So far so good. I flip
> the switch and push the ignition button and ...."
> ...Check the site for the thrilling conclusion. : )
> =====
> Steve
> VIN 2650 ("Project Delorean")
> __________________________________________________
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Do you Yahoo!?
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Message: 8
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 14:29:43 -0000
From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
Most people rotate the engine.
On DeLorean is not enough clearance between crankshaft pulley and
muffler to fit socket & wrench. Can't use a flat wrench because nut is
You're suggesting moving car in gear -- easier said than done. Imagine
stress on fascias. Plus is somewhat precise measurement. If alone,
you'd spend more time pushing & looking than simply removing muffler.
Guarantee your method would never work on a 5,000 lbs Lincoln. How
long is your garage anyway?
Isn't that difficult to remove muffler. Because is stainless, won't
rust to catalytic converter. Have replaced my 6mm bushing bolts with
stainless for same reason.
Bill Robertson
>--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Elvis Nocita" <elvisnocita@xxxx> wrote:
> Bill,
> why would you take off the muffler to rotate the crankshaft ?
> Remember - there's a transmission and some wheels mounted to the
> motor, too ! Simply move the car an leave the muffler where it belongs.
> To make it easier you can take out the spark plugs and replace them
> while there.
> just my 2 cents....
> Elvis
> 4) Have never adjusted PRV valves (actually tappets that push on
> them), but don't look any different from other adjustable valve
> trains. Time consumed isn't going to be actual adjusting -- is going
> to be digging down to valve covers, then putting everything back.
> You'll also lose time removing/replacing muffler to access big nut on
> crankshaft to turn engine.
> See now why I recommend doing your own mechanic work?
> Bill Robertson
> #5939
Message: 9
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 10:40:31 -0500
From: "B Benson" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
This might sound too simple and maybe it is but, have you verified all the
injectors are securely in their seals with the hold down clips snapped in
place? I wipe down my engine every time I wash the car. I polish several
areas with armorall to keep it looking good. In the process hoses get pushed
around a bit and I have a couple of injector clips that are a bit weak. When
I notice the engine idling a bit rough I push the injectors down and
invariably feel one of the weaker clipped ones go back into place. The idle
smooths right out. The other area that occasionaly gets disrupted while I'm
dusting things off is the electrical plug at the vacuum advance solenoid.
With that unplugged the idle is noticbly rougher and I'd think either of
these things could effect the emission testing.
Bruce Benson
Message: 10
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 09:16:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Gas Flap.
How did you manage the bent radius on the corners of
the hood? bending on a radius is the hardest bend to
make, any special technique you used to get it
Vin 5386
--- Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Pictures of the gas flap door that I added to my
> "lined" hood as in the
> photo section of the DML site.
> They are labeled gas flap 1,2,3,4.
> To address comments privately to the moderating
> team, please address:
> moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx
> For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for
> sale see
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> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
For up to the minute details on the restoration of Vin5386 point your browser to,
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo
Message: 11
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 16:25:16 -0000
From: "captain_hydrogen" <captainhydrogen@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Need Tire Recommendations
Another tire alternative that has not yet been mentioned is the Big O
Tires Euro SXP Super Sport. It comes in the both front and rear
sizes and has the following details:
Euro SXP Super Sport
Tread Design - Performance
Treadwear - 440
Temperature Rating - B
Traction Rating - A
Performance Rating - S
Replacement Warranty - 4 Year
Sure, it isn't H rated, but as long as you don't exceed 112 m.p.h.,
you should be fine.
The 60 series (aspect ratio of 60) versions of these tires are black
wall tire and do not have the white lettering of the 65 or 70
series. One of the Arizona DeLorean Club members has put them on his
car because he lives on a rural road and wanted a tire with mulit-
surface capabilities.
To see more go to
P195/60R14 - $72.95 each
P235/60R15 - $91.95 each
Ben Ferguson
Member of the Board of Directors - American Hydrogen Association
Member - Arizona DeLorean Club (
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "funkstuf" <funkstuf@xxxx> wrote:
> I'm preparing to replace my old original NCT tires.
> I would like some recommendations for replacement tires.
> I am hoping to find a type that I can put the same type & model on
> front and back. When I looked at GoodYear I couldn't find this.
> What do you all recommend?
> Thanks
> Dale Funk
> #4984
Message: 12
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 20:14:51 -0000
From: "Ryan" <boy1der18@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Need a good laugh?
Hey all,
There's a DeLorean for sale on ebay..
It's a 1987 model. HMMM....
1987 Deleoren Coupe - Volvo V6 engine with fuel injection, five
speed standard transmission,power steering and brakes and dual
exhaust. It has removable roof wings. Vinyl seats. Magnesium
wheels and like new tires.
DeLorean Motor Company must have come out with some options that we
were never told about!
Personally, I'd like to find out what "removable roof wings" are!
Any ideas anyone?!
Maybe someone should report this one as fraud!
#2930 & 4547
Message: 13
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 23:04:44 -0000
From: "M. P. Olans" <mpolans@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Diamond headlights
Greetings all,
Did anyone see the auction on ebay that just ended for the
DeLorean diamond H4 headlight conversion? This user had wire pigtails
that would allow the low/high beams to work correctly. I emailed the
user "trendracing" but the user would not respond and banned me from
bidding on the item. Does anyone have access to these pigtails or
know where i could ge a set for my car?
VINs 10365 annd 16816
Message: 14
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 23:26:13 -0000
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Delorean Limo model?
Check out this ebay number
looks like a diecast delorean limo. what do you think?
Message: 15
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 23:31:37 -0000
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Delorean Limo model
check out this picture
scroll down a bit and you will see a better picture of this car.
Kind of looks like a delorean, but its not.
Message: 16
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 18:50:45 -0500
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Gas Flap.
I used sheet metal pliers (a vise grip type tool) to start the bends,
after I cut out the center area. Don't forget to cut the corners at a
45 degree angle to the edge of the openning.
Once you get the bend near 90 degrees around each edge, you need to
square up the edges. I good strong hand with sheet metal pliers can get
real close. Squaring the edges is also necessary to make the fit look
good to the new door.
Before final squaring, place the door in the hole to make sure your
edges are square. It won't fit until you are almost done but it should
be close.
I used a 4 inch brick cutting chisel and heavy hammer as a weight to
tap the metal against for a square edge. A small ball peen hammer works
best. Just don't hurry the process.
All you are trying to do is get the radius on the bend to a little less
than 1/8 in. not a perfectly sharp square edge.
Message: 17
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 22:29:45 -0400
From: Josh Haldeman <jhaldeman@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Burt Rutan news
For those of you who attended the Cleveland show, you know that John
DeLorean mentioned he was working on a project with Burt Rutan. I saw
this article today while scanning the news, and I thought it might be of
interest to the group. John isn't mentioned, but there is an "anonymous
backer", that sounds very intriguing!
Check it out!
VIN 5102
VIN 15964
Message: 18
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 02:42:28 -0000
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Update#2. Re: Failed Emissions Inspection. AGAIN!!!!!
If the injectors are that loose you should consider replacing the
injector seals. I see on most cars they are rock hard and loose
fitting into the sleeve. Even when you finally get the injector back
in and clipped the seal will leak. The term is "false air" which is a
fancy term for air that is getting into the engine and not being
measured by the air sensor. As for the clips they can be bent a little
to keep from poping off but if any are missing or broken they should
be replaced.
I would go easy on the Armor-all around the motor. Armor-all contains
silicones and if they find their way into the engine by way of the air
intake you will contaminate the O2 sensor. Use something like windex
which is safer or find another cleaner that doesn't contain silicones.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "B Benson" <delornut@xxxx> wrote:
> This might sound too simple and maybe it is but, have you verified
all the
> injectors are securely in their seals with the hold down clips
snapped in
> place? I wipe down my engine every time I wash the car. I polish several
> areas with armorall to keep it looking good. In the process hoses
get pushed
> around a bit and I have a couple of injector clips that are a bit
weak. When
> I notice the engine idling a bit rough I push the injectors down and
> invariably feel one of the weaker clipped ones go back into place.
The idle
> smooths right out. The other area that occasionaly gets disrupted
while I'm
> dusting things off is the electrical plug at the vacuum advance
> With that unplugged the idle is noticbly rougher and I'd think either of
> these things could effect the emission testing.
> Bruce Benson
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