To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see To search the archives or view files, log in at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 12 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: LockZilla & FanZilla From: kayoong@xxxxxxx 2. Re: Delorean Interior Clean From: "outatym2001" <markman660@xxxxxxxxxxx> 3. Re: "When all else fails, get a bigger hammer?" From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4. Re: Any DeLorean owners in the Beaverton, OR area??? From: "outatym2001" <markman660@xxxxxxxxxxx> 5. Weird Clock From: Watkins Family <watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 6. Fred Dellis to attend Mid-Atlantic Spring Social! From: "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxxxxxxx> 7. Aftermarket car stereos From: "Aaron PETERSON" <mrroboto1@xxxxxxx> 8. Re: Aftermarket car stereos From: "Dave Sontos" <dsontos@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 9. Auto trans slipping From: RJRavalli@xxxxxxx 10. Re: Aftermarket car stereos From: "Adam" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx> 11. Re: Auto trans slipping From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx> 12. Oil plug tool. From: "Adam" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 00:29:42 EST From: kayoong@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: LockZilla & FanZilla I have a LockZilla and a FanZilla for sale. These units are used and they are in excellent shape and they are in perfect working condition. They are from my DeLorean. If you are interested in either one or both, please e-mail me privately at: kayoong(at) Kayo Ong #5508 Lic 9D NY [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 2 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 06:10:57 -0000 From: "outatym2001" <markman660@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Delorean Interior Clean Barry, Here's my input. In the empty box next to the button that says, "Search Archive" input the word, "cleaner". Here's what I found recommended for taking care of your leather and vinyl. By the way the only leather in a DeLorean is the boot surrounding the manual gear selector and the part of the seat you sit on and lean back against. Message post # 15850 and 15751 recommend Lexol and Vinylex made by Lexol. Message post # 28154 and 11986 recommend Saddle Soap. Message post # 27288 and 25978 recommend Liquid Glass. Message post # 25980, 22541 and 26093 recommend Auto Glym. Message post # 21247 and 22547 recommend Leatherique. Message post # 22646 recommend Gliptone. As for carpet cleaning ChemDry carbonated Stain Extingusher, Shout (non-foaming), Resolve (non-foaming), Spot Shot and Spray & Wash. I personally use Meguiars Natural Shine on black exterior pieces only!!! I tried it on everything vinyl inside the 'D' and it evaporated in the heat of the sun and left a film on the inside of the glass. Diffilcult to clean up. I now use Leatherique on the interior vinyl and leather. My interior is black. It did a good job of cleaning as can be shown by the dirt lifted from the surfaces onto my white rags. Leatherique requires you to buy Rejunenator Oil and their Prestine Clean. And follow the directions!!! Mark R. Vanyo Woodinville, WA, next who knows? Don't have a job. VIN # 02261 Shoot, almost forgot... People don't seem to like Armorall. Seems that it will leave a film on glass when evaporating. --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <condoluci@xxxx> wrote: Hi People, I am restoring my Delorean and will be cleaning the Interior tomorrow. Do any of you guys have any tips on cleaning the interior - what to use and what not to use? Appreciate any input Regards Barry ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 3 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 23:08:14 +0000 From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: "When all else fails, get a bigger hammer?" Dave, I spent hours trying to avoid taking BOTH my fans off to work out why both of them seemed to have spontaneously failed. In the end I thought "well, seeing as I'm looking at new motors anyway, I may as well try this..." and lamped them both with a hammer. Both now spin fine. I think based on other people's experience, it's due to getting water in them - Mine do not have a drain hole so at some point in the near future I'll be taking them apart and checking them. My car has 6000 miles on it. Martin #1458 #4426 doctordhd@xxxxxxx wrote: >I'm not a guy who likes to use a hammer to fix things but after the advice on >the list I tried it. One of my cooling fans wasn't running so I jacked up >the "D" and slid under it to take a look. I unplugged the fan motor wires >and connected them to a 12 volt power supply. Then I tapped the back of the >motor housing ever so gently. The fan turned a couple of degrees. I thought >it was mearly from the vibration of the tapping but each time I tapped it >turned more and more until it ran by itself! Now it seems to work properly >when reconected. I'm not sure how long this "fix" will work but I can't seem >to figure out how to remove the motor without taking the entire front of the >car off. Any ideas and comment would be appreciated. > >Dave >6530 > > > ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 4 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 06:29:57 -0000 From: "outatym2001" <markman660@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Any DeLorean owners in the Beaverton, OR area??? To The List. Below is a prime example of why people should input your info. in the DeLorean Owners Dirctory at DMCNEWS.COM. Listed there are 14 people in Oregon. Yeah, I know it's only updated about twice a year. But, hey you can't mess with perfection. My info's in there. Albeit it's 7 months old. Mark R. Vanyo + job = home. Anyone got a job? I need one. Woodinville, WA VIN # 02261 markman660'at' --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Dan RC30" <danrc30@xxxx> wrote: I'm looking for a DeLorean owner in the Beaverton, OR area. If you're near there, please contact me ASAP at Danrc30@xxxx Thank you very much!!! ---Dan ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 5 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 06:51:07 -0500 From: Watkins Family <watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Weird Clock I tired to set my clock but the hours button only runs it through 0-23....military time. Do our clocks have this type of mode? If so, how do you switch it back to regular time mode. If not, is my clock just weird or broken? Thanks Tom #005732 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 6 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 09:11:20 -0500 From: "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: Fred Dellis to attend Mid-Atlantic Spring Social! It is confirmed! Our guest speaker at the Delorean Mid-Atlantic spring social will be Fred Dellis! Fred is (was) the owner of Legend Industries, the company that did all of the development work on the Delorean for the turbo engines. There is also rumors that he claims to be in recent contact with JZD on his new projects! This is an event not to be missed! More details can be found on our club website! Hope to see you there! Kevin Abato Vin# 16680 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 7 Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 23:08:27 -0600 From: "Aaron PETERSON" <mrroboto1@xxxxxxx> Subject: Aftermarket car stereos Greetings, I have a question to all of you owners that have had after market car steroes installed. My DeLorean has the original DMC stereo still in and it is starting to go to pot. My question is that when any other stereo was installed, was there any re-wiring that was re-done to the car and/or the having of new speakers installled in association with the new stereo. I am not looking for a custom sound system; just one that has an operational radio and cassette deck. I want to ask now before I go and pull everything out and make a complete mess of my stereo system. Thanks a lot! Aaron Peterson mrroboto1@xxxxxxx [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 8 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 20:19:28 -0500 From: "Dave Sontos" <dsontos@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Aftermarket car stereos Aaron Since you will have to remove the center console to replace the radio and then either replace the bracket or dremmel the old one to get the new radio in you may as well replace all four speakers, and wiring, at the same time. Your speakers are over twenty years old and probably have dry rot. I found my rear speaker wiring was just a twisted splice (no solder) under the console. The second reason is that new radios have individual grounds on each speaker, not the common ground in the original DeLorean. Make sure you buy a new radio connector harness from special- t-auto before you disassemble the radio, its worth it. Dave Sontos vin 02573 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Aaron PETERSON" <mrroboto1@xxxxxxx> To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 12:08 AM Subject: [DML] Aftermarket car stereos > Greetings, > > I have a question to all of you owners that have had after market car steroes installed. My DeLorean has the original DMC stereo still in and it is starting to go to pot. My question is that when any other stereo was installed, was there any re-wiring that was re-done to the car and/or the having of new speakers installled in association with the new stereo. I am not looking for a custom sound system; just one that has an operational radio and cassette deck. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 9 Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 19:21:21 -0500 From: RJRavalli@xxxxxxx Subject: Auto trans slipping I've noticed recently that my AT is slipping from time to time, particularly after the car has been sitting cold for a few hours after having been driven. It upshifts but it's a little jerky; this happens maybe once or twice a day when I drive it. Now I am leaking some AT fluid (I believe I know the reason why) but the dip stick seems to be telling me that there is fluid in there. Most of the stick appears (at least to me) "thick" with AT fluid when I check it. I just replaced my computer/governor two years ago, and put about 4-5k miles on the car per year. Could it be going bad on me again or is this more of a mechanical problem? Any help would be greatly appreicated. Thank you! Spreading the word in central CA, Richard ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 10 Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 03:49:36 -0000 From: "Adam" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Aftermarket car stereos Hey I am also dealing with this right now. You should be able to wire up the radio without cutting wires in the car, but the radio connector harness will definatley help out, I guess special T has them, and also the midstate delorean club. I also cannot decide if I want to cut the original radio bracket, or order a DIN style bracket from DMCH. If someone wants to buy my original then i will preserve it. Adam 16683 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Aaron PETERSON" <mrroboto1@xxxx> wrote: > Greetings, > > I have a question to all of you owners that have had after market car steroes installed. My DeLorean has the original DMC stereo still in and it is starting to go to pot. My question is that when any other stereo was installed, was there any re-wiring that was re-done to the car and/or the having of new speakers installled in association with the new stereo. I am not looking for a custom sound system; just one that has an operational radio and cassette deck. I want to ask now before I go and pull everything out and make a complete mess of my stereo system. Thanks a lot! > > Aaron Peterson > mrroboto1@xxxx > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 11 Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 04:03:15 -0000 From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Auto trans slipping Slipping in an automatic transmission is BAD NEWS. It means either low line pressure or worn frictions or both. Drop the pan and see how much friction materiel is there. Take the filter apart with the directions in DMCNEWS.COM tech section auto trans filter. Reassemble with some clean fluid and check the line pressure as per Workshop Manual. If it is still slipping the trans will have to come out to replace the frictions and seals. This could be the after effects of driving too long on a malfunctioning shift computer. Also check the fluid level as per the Workshop Manual, there is a right way to do it (a low level could cause the slipping). While you are at it check the final drive, it has a separate oil level. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, RJRavalli@xxxx wrote: > I've noticed recently that my AT is slipping from time to time, particularly after the car has been sitting cold for a few hours after having been driven. It upshifts but it's a little jerky; this happens maybe once or twice a day when I drive it. Now I am leaking some AT fluid (I believe I know the reason why) but the dip stick seems to be telling me that there is fluid in there. Most of the stick appears (at least to me) "thick" with AT fluid when I check it. > > I just replaced my computer/governor two years ago, and put about 4-5k miles on the car per year. Could it be going bad on me again or is this more of a mechanical problem? > > Any help would be greatly appreicated. Thank you! > > Spreading the word in central CA, > > Richard ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 12 Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 03:25:37 -0000 From: "Adam" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Oil plug tool. Are all the fluid plugs on the car (oil, transmission, final drive) the same, and can the oil drain plug tool be used for all of them? thanks, Adam 16683 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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