To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see To search the archives or view files, log in at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 10 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: toll booth window solenoids From: "dmc_driver <dmc_driver@xxxxxxxx>" <dmc_driver@xxxxxxxx> 2. DeLorean Video Games From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxx> 3. Parade Stance From: "Murray Fisher" <murrayf@xxxxxxxxxxx> 4. Re: Re: Ignition Upgrades From: Raine Moreno <raine-moreno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 5. My cardomain website From: Soma576@xxxxxxx 6. DeLorean Ultrasound From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx 7. Re: grey interiors From: "Donald Ekhoff" <ekhoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 8. Re: Digest Number 1388 From: dqauto@xxxxxxx 9. Re: Re: yeah right! From: Louie G <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 10. Re: yeah right! From: "Chris D'Urso" <dursman@xxxxxxxxxxx> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 06:23:07 -0000 From: "dmc_driver <dmc_driver@xxxxxxxx>" <dmc_driver@xxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: toll booth window solenoids --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxx>" <jtrealty@xxxx> wrote: > It is not too technically difficult to replace the window regulators. > When you buy them from one of the "D" venders they can walk you > through the procedure. One thing to be careful about, the inside of > the door has many SHARP edges of stainless steel. The best thing you > can do is to put duct tape over all the sharp edges before you begin > after removing the panels. (You did buy all that duct tape that the > government told you to didn't you?) Well now you have a good use for it! > David Teitelbaum > vin 10757 Everyone should definitely heed David's "duct tape" advice. My left-side window went off it's track and jammed in the down postion, plus the door handle rods inside the door needed adjusting, so I had my arm down through those cut-out holes. After I was done I went inside the house to wash up and saw blood all over my arm and several cuts. Funny thing is, I never felt a thing while working on the car. Sure stung like heck afterwards though. Richard vin#5853 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 2 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 07:22:03 -0600 From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: DeLorean Video Games My son has an xbox game system and wants the game that has the DeLorean in it. Can someone tell me the name of the xbox game. Please e-mail me directly. Thanks Scott Mueller 002981 RNDOLA [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 3 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 05:39:27 -0800 From: "Murray Fisher" <murrayf@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Parade Stance I call having the gull wings open, the "Parade Stance". Pop them open during a parade. I will never forget at Memphis seeing about 20 D's coming in to the entrance street to Elvis's "Heartbreak Hotel" with ALL the doors up. What a beautiful sight. That was a group carvanning from somewhere, I think Dick Ryan was in that group! Murray Vin: 05962 Lic: DMC-XII ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 4 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 05:48:04 -0800 (PST) From: Raine Moreno <raine-moreno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Re: Ignition Upgrades that combo sounds great...Could We get some part numbers on those items? I have been wanting to upgrade as well but keep running into problems locating the correct parts for the D. The parts people say that nothing matches for numbers i gave them cross reference for volvos, when looking up +4 bosch plugs...or anything else for that matter. Was also trying to locate part numbers for Rotor and distributor cap. any help will be appreciated! thanks! -Raine Vin-1096 "Toby Peterson <tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>" <tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Jay - At the risk of stepping outside of "keeping her stock", I am running MSW wires, Bosch +4 plugs, and MSD Blaster 2 coil. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 5 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 09:51:43 -0500 From: Soma576@xxxxxxx Subject: My cardomain website Hey List, I have put up a page on CarDomain about my car and the stereo I installed where I go into detail on the setup. You should all check it out, and make sure you sign the guestbook and vote!! Http:// Thanks! Andy ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 6 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 12:24:07 EST From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx Subject: DeLorean Ultrasound Shannon said: > 20 years of wanting . . . > 5 years of saving . . . > We finally adopted a 20yr old! > And like a proud dad I have to tell everyone and show the original ultrasound > scan from back in 1983. So go here to see it! > Congrads Shannon on your new Baby. Looking at the Ultrasound I can't see the "Stick". Is it a Boy or a Girl DeLorean ? Bob Zilla [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 7 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 12:00:08 -0800 From: "Donald Ekhoff" <ekhoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: grey interiors I could be completely out to lunch here but I recently removed the carpeted panels that cover the rear bulkhead on four different DeLoreans. The purpose was to make modifications to mount speakers on these panels. They were absolutely four different colors. One came from a black interior car and was closer to a charcoal color. The other three ranged from a silvery gray to a rather yellowish gray. The silverish was from a very low mileage car while the yellowish had seen considerably more sun. I suspect the history of the car accounts for the most variation at this time. Things like smoking/non-smoking, battery fumes from leaving a battery charger on too long, sun exposure as well as possible different batch lots of original material. There was a surprising amount of differences as well in the other materials used so they were obviously struggling with vendors and getting the production problems ironed out. I kept carpet samples from spots not exposed (back side wrapover) over the years and there was still conciderable variation, so I know it was not all sun induced color change. Hope this helps. Don Ekhoff ----- Original Message ----- From: "Louie G" <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [DML] grey interiors > I've heard that there are two slightly different shades of grey interiors on our cars. Is this true? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 8 Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 14:56:51 EST From: dqauto@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: Digest Number 1388 Hi DML: I don't have a D yet...but still dreaming and drooling. I do have the Impulses, Conquests, ZX's, and SVX's and the parts getting Pathfinder. I have been here reading the list for a long while hoping that some interesting info might be useful in my Impulses.. Anyway, there was a post about the headliner falling down. :) Well, of all of my babies that I have pulled from the yard or bought severely neglected had the same headliner problems... I just wanted to point out that Joann's fabrics (craft/sewing chain) has 5 different colors of headliner material (fabric with the foam backing) for about $10/yard. They are always willing to order for you! :) At least my local ones love me to death! LOL! I emailed them a while ago about finding other colors so that I can put one of my Impulses back stock for the Carlisle car show 5/2/03. Here are the sku's that way they can order them for you. It takes less than 2yards. Black: 3496072 Dark Blue:3496056 Grey: 3496064 Maroon: 3496080 Royal Blue: 3496106 Tan: 3496098 Also, I have used a product for dying carpets on the headliner material since the Dark Blue isn't really the Dolphin blue of my Impulse interior. I took this product and sprayed it on a piece of scrap headliner material... You know, just to see what would happen and if I could use it! :) It is made by Dye Pro International. You can buy the 400$ kit to do every color of the rainbow or you can buy individual bottles from for about $10/bottle (and you have to buy the color chart for $20?) that makes about 1/2gal of color. You use a spray bottle like for killing weeds from Lowes for about 8$ and LIGHTLY SPRAY THE HEADLINER MATERIAL. I didn't soak it and so far it looks decent! I might just use it for my car! :) Hey! You never know unless you try it! I remember the time 9 years ago when I used Rit Dye to dye the carpets of my 85.5 Impulse --cut in half and soak in a baby pool for 3 weeks! And crochet hooks can be found in my tool box! LOL! I buy individual bottles of this dye from the auction that I go to every Tuesday... MAG(formerly MasonDixon Auto Auction), Greencastle, PA. if you are in the neighborhood! :) They don't have you buy the color charts since you can look at theirs and pick your color. I hope this is of some use to you. ;) Anna Noe IZCC 2524 Isuzuweb 6610 DesignQuest Auto Enhancing. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 9 Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 20:39:37 -0800 (PST) From: Louie G <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Re: yeah right! I had a feeling the whole door-open-while-driving issue would come up. I was doing all of 15 mph... (that's even 5 mph under the campus speed limit). I'm not complaining or bragging... just thought it was a funny story and wanted to share it with people who could relate to/appreciate it :-). -Louie --- "Harold McElraft <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>" <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx> wrote: >Louie >Are you complaining or bragging? Sounds like you loved it - didn't >you? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 10 Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 23:20:44 +0000 From: "Chris D'Urso" <dursman@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: yeah right! Except driving around with your door open IS a safety hazard. >From: Louie G <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxx> >Subject: [DML] yeah right! > >Well it finally happened... I got pulled over in my DeLorean! .... >He >then preceded to tell me "not to drive around with my door open... >it was >a safety hazard." ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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