[DML] Digest Number 249
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[DML] Digest Number 249

Title: [DML] Digest Number 249

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There are 20 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re: Re: Sunroof?? Hood Scoop???
           From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
      2. Re: alternator and tire questions
           From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
      3. 81 DMC For Sale
           From: "Brad Fudge" <bfudge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      4. Re: Re: Installing ignition dist
           From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
      5. Re: The 1 millon dollar Delorean/convertible Delorean...WOW
           From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      6. Right Turn Sqeek
           From: Jim <starbuck@xxxxxxxx>
      7. Re: The 1 millon dollar Delorean/convertible Delorean...WOW
           From: "William F. Lane" <blane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      8. Actual Production Numbers (was: DeLoreans made)
           From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
      9. Coolant Fans
           From: "John Hervey" <dherv10@xxxxxxx>
     10. Central Ohio DeLorean get-together
           From: Mike Substelny <msubstel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     11. I broke my own speed-o-meter :-(
           From: "Sacha Prins" <sprins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     12. Centre Air Vents
           From: "And Withers" <and.withers@xxxxxxxxxx>
     13. Re: Lotus Esprit windshield
           From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
     14. Re: Alternate Transmission 97 Delorean Time  Machine
           From: Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxxxxxxx>
     15. Delorean inspection
           From: "W.D.SEARLS, JR." <Buckeye99@xxxxxxxxxx>
     16. Re: The 1 millon dollar Delorean/convertible Delorean...WOW
           From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
     17. Re: I broke my own speed-o-meter :-(
           From: "Jim Reeve" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
     18. Re: Delorean inspection
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
     19. Re: Lotus Esprit windshield
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
     20. RE: I broke my own speed-o-meter :-(
           From: "Doc" <doctor280@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Message: 1
   Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 16:48:06 -0400
   From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: Sunroof?? Hood Scoop???

I don't think a small window in the top of the door would take much strength
out of it.  In conversation with the legendary Rob Grady, he told me that
the exterior stainless that frames the window is made out of a heavier gauge
metal than the rest of the body panels.

Considering how badly I've seen Deloreans hacked up before, I would be
surprised if no one has done it.  I would assume that a nice job (if that
were possible) would be to make the window the size of the bottom of the
'dish' that makes the head liner.  If the window opened, it might almost be
worth the trouble, but then my D has enough roof leaks as it is.  Every time
the car gets rained on, the dome light fills up with water.

Well, I'm expecting a note from the moderator stating that this thread is
dead unless someone produces a photo.  I don't think a hood scoop would look
half as ridiculous as all that useless time machine crap!

Moderator, quick!  Kill this threa<snip>


Message: 2
   Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 09:02:45 -0400
   From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: alternator and tire questions


The Delco alternator has no label, so unless the label was removed from a
Motorola or Ducellier my guess is its a Delco. If you can send a picture I
can probably identify it.

Concerning your NCT's, I'm not sure when they were discontinued, but I can
say that they don't compliment the DeLorean suspension very well. The
Yokohama's will allow your DeLorean suspension to perform like the Lotus
engineers intended.

"We're here to help you"

DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxxxxx>
Web Site: <www.deloreanservices.com>

----- Original Message -----
From: David Cox <dmcox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <dmcox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 1:50 PM
Subject: [DML] alternator and tire questions

> I hope this isn't to silly, but is there any way to tell which alternator
I have?  I've looked it over as closely as possible (without actually
removing it) and can't find any identifying marks or labels.
> I've just had the car long enough to start to get used to driving it, but
I have found that 20+ years of motorcycling has been unexpectedly helpful.
>  You don't survive 20k+ miles/year on a bike unless you learn some good
habits, and being accustomed to doing a quick head check before changing
lanes is one of them.  I'm actually feeling comfortable about changing lanes
in the D, now that I've figured out where to look through those side windows
;)  Beyond that though, the car is still a blast to drive, and I'm enjoying
it immensely.
> One other question: it still has NCTs on it.  I don't know if these are
the original tires or not.  How long were these tires available?  With only
45k miles, I suppose it is possible that they are the original tires - can
you get that kind of mileage from them?  When did they stop making them?
They are  still in good shape, but the tread is starting to get a bit thin.
I've considered the Yokohamas, but was wondering about any other
possibilities?  Anyone got any something else that they like?  I know that
there has been a lot of discussion of this in the past (yes, I've checked
the archives - just wanted to see if there was anything more current), so
feel free to email me privately at DMCox@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Thanks,
> Dave
> vin #16367


Message: 3
   Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 14:02:52 -0700
   From: "Brad Fudge" <bfudge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: 81 DMC For Sale

81' - stick, grey leather.  I purchased this car 3 years ago for $12,000.  I have had the car completely gone through (engine, transmission, cooling system) to the tune of another $12,000.  A new set of Yokohomas are on the car with a brand new reserve set in my garage.  This car is in excellant condition (needs a new speedometer cable).  65K miles, only 6,000 miles since I had the car gone through  I have five cars and am moving so this is one I am selling.  Asking $21,000.  Thought I would let the list have the first shot at the car.  I will advertise it to the public within 2 weeks. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 4
   Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 17:26:02 -0400
   From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: Installing ignition dist


One notch is for cylinder #1 the other is for #6. We will send you a diagram
in a separate email.

"We're here to help you"

DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxxxxx>
Web Site: <www.deloreanservices.com>

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Rubano <srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 11:01 AM
Subject: [DML] Re: Installing ignition dist

> Ok, one more question on this. I have done the timing thing on
> multiple cars, I know how to set the engine to TDC, I've even rebuilt
> engines too, BUT...(I am a beginner/novice at this so bare with me
> here) on the 6 cars I've done (not including the Delorean) they all
> had one notch on the crank pulley for the timing. The D has 2? can
> someone explain to me why? which notch is for TDC? You can describe
> which notch it is to me by saying "set the keyway of the pulley
> facing up and the notch that lands...is the notch for TDC". Sorry if
> this is a stupid question and if it's in the repair manual. I just
> need to know this since I am in the process of rebuilding my engine
> and I am up to the part of reinstalling the distributer and setting
> all the valves. Thanks in advance.
> Steve
> --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Dave Swingle" <dswingle@xxxx> wrote:
> > --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxx> wrote:
> > > To position the #1 cylinder at TDC, with the aid of an assistant,
> > bump the
> > > starter via the ignition switch or put the car in gear and push
> the
> > car
> > > until the crankshaft pulley #1 cylinder notch is lined up with
> the
> > #1
> > > cylinder plate notch. Reinstall the distributor by positioning
> the
> > rotor
> > > approximately 30 degrees clockwise of the #1 reference notch in
> the
> > rim of
> > > the distributor.
> >
> > ---- there's one more detail. You have to make sure that you are on
> > the compression stroke (both valves closed) - it's a 4-cycle
> engine.
> >
> > Dave
> Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at:
> www.dmcnews.com/Admin/rules.html
> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx


Message: 5
   Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 23:10:35 -0000
   From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: The 1 millon dollar Delorean/convertible Delorean...WOW

> DeLorean said in a rare interview that he plans to build a limited-
> production 1,250-horsepower sports car...

Not to be a heavy here, but with all these new articles now, it seems
that an interview with JZD doesn't exactly seem to be that "rare"

vin 6585


Message: 6
   Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 21:13:36 -0700
   From: Jim <starbuck@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Right Turn Sqeek

Some times when I make  a right hand turn I have a squeak/chirping sound
coming from my right tire area.. Any Idea on what it could be?



Message: 7
   Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 21:43:56 -0400
   From: "William F. Lane" <blane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: The 1 millon dollar Delorean/convertible Delorean...WOW

There has been a lot of discussion about these two new cars in our
Delorean E-Group.  Some claim to know first hand that JZD is working on
them.  There is a web site DMC2.com but they are advertising a very
pricey watch supposedly to help finance this project.  No body knows for
sure what's real and what's not.

There was a big Delorean rally in Cleveland in July.  I think there were
over 200 Deloreans there.  One of My buddies went.  I almost did but My
Car was not in roadworthy condition then.  Kathryn Delorean, John's
daughter persuaded him to attend this gathering.  This is the first
Delorean meet that JZD has ever attended.  I don't think he mentioned his
new venture but he did speak, sign a lot of autographs and get his
picture made with many of the attendees.  I really would like to have met
him.  It may have been my only chance.

At any rate,  I don't believe That I would buy one of the new (cheap)
ones anyway!

On October 20, 21 and 22nd, a Delorean owner friend and I plan to attend
a big affair at the BMW plant in Greeneville, SC.  It is open to the
public and I think many makes of exotic and sports cars will be there.
There were about four Deloreans there last year.  There will probably be
ten or twelve there this year.  Many, Many activities are
planned-including a Porche test drive around the test track.  I'll tell
you all about it when I get back.


Claude wrote:

> Subject: The 1 millon dollar Delorean/convertible Delorean...WOW
> (gleemed from the Chicago Sun Times)
> Flamboyant John DeLorean, the former top General Motors executive who
> built the sexy 1980s DeLorean sports car with flip-up doors, says he
> wants to get back in the car business.


Message: 8
   Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 22:51:24 -0600
   From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Actual Production Numbers (was: DeLoreans made)

For years the commonly accepted number of DeLoreans made has been
8583. The DOA uses this figure, but does not say what it is based on
or where they got it. They break it down as follows:

1981 - 6539
1982 - 1126
1983 - 918

Assuming that there were no VIN's skipped during the 1981 production
run (00500 - 07199), that would indicate that 6699 were built as 1981
models. The assumption that no numbers were skipped, particularly
early in production is a a very large assumption.

However, one would think that there would be no reason to skips VIN's
in the 1982 model run (010000 - ?). The count of 1126 appears to have
come from a service bulletin showing the VIN range of 10000-11126. A
quick check of the VIN chronology shows that there VINs as high as
11784 for the 1982 model run.

Knut Grimsrud's statistical analysis of the DeLorean Owners Directory
data, in the form of the "DeLorean Production Chronology" indicates
that the exact number is somewhere in the low-9000's and can be found


Interestingly enough, a recent phone conversation I had with Barrie
Wills, the original DeLorean Motor Company Director of Manufacturing,
also recollected that the actual production was somewhere around 9100.

Unless documentation/information surfaces from a former Belfast
employee or Consolidated in Ohio, the exact number will probably
never be known.

James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
Houston, Texas


>Is the exact number of DeLoreans made 8,583? More or less??
>John Feldman
>VIN 4275

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 9
   Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 04:57:20 -0000
   From: "John Hervey" <dherv10@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Coolant Fans

Dear Group, I will keep this short and sweet. Today I took apart the 
coolant fans and rebuilt them. The rotors were ok. I replaced the
brushes, cleaned them, lubricated the bearings, fixed a wire that had
the insulation rubbed off, adjusted the slack out of the shaft and
replaced the roller pin. Watch my web site for more info coming on
( COA ) Clean, oil and adjust. Once I get more brushes and washers in
stock, the COA will be about $49.95 per motor.
John Hervey


Message: 10
   Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 08:28:35 -0400
   From: Mike Substelny <msubstel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Central Ohio DeLorean get-together

The DeLorean club of Ohio is having its annual Fall Tour, along with a
tech session, on Saturday, October 14, 2000 (one week from today).  It
will be in Central Ohio, featuring the technical expertise of Dave
Bauerle at his own shop.  Dave has a dozen or more DeLoreans in his shop
right now in various stages of repair.

The day runs from lunch to dinner, with driving in between.  To find out
more, or reserve you place in the activities, call Dave Bauerle
(pronounced bow-ur-lee) at      Bauerle Automotive Inc. in Radnor, Ohio:

Phone: (740) 595-3348

- Mike Substelny


Message: 11
   Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 18:06:11 +0200 (DST)
   From: "Sacha Prins" <sprins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: I broke my own speed-o-meter :-(


Well, it happended to me too. Whilst replacing a broken metal wire that
opens the bonnet/hood of my DeLorean I decided to unscrew the top part
of the speed-o-meter cable (connected to that little yellow box) to see
if it was lubricated enough and screwed it back (I generally enjoy
unscrewing things and then screwing them back). However now my
speed-o-meter is dead, *sigh*. Apparently I broke something (or wrongly
assembled it). Anyone have an idea what I could do to fix a previously
perfectly working speed-o-meter?

Thanks in advance,


P.S. the hood opens correctly again


Message: 12
   Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 17:33:01 +0100
   From: "And Withers" <and.withers@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Centre Air Vents


What’s the best way to remove the centre console air vents, as I am
concerned about breaking the clips that seem to hold it in place.

Any ideas appreciated

Andy Withers, Vin # 12175 UK

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 13
   Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 14:49:44 -0600
   From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Lotus Esprit windshield

I'm dying to know how much an Esprit windshield costs...it HAS to be
more than the less than $400 NOS  and aftermarket windshields cost.
If we can prove that the Esprit windshield costs more, can we please
kill this thread forever?  :-)


>Maybe we can settle this.  Has anyone actually replaced their windshield
>with the Lotus one? (not stories - you actually doing it)  If we get no
>replies, then it is a myth.  (not that I don't trust James, but sometimes
>slight alterations can make things fit.)


Message: 14
   Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 18:48:37 -0500
   From: Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Alternate Transmission 97 Delorean Time  Machine

At the time I built this car only Felpro made a computer for Indy cars
and top fuel funny car dragsters  that would work.

Today there are a number of makers out there.  including TSI

However, you will have to rewire the trans to make it like the GM set

Again, when I was building this car.  Only the 3.9  belt drive engine
was readily available.  Today I would go with the 4.2 liter get the 4.6
crank for $350  . and get the engine with the surpentine belt.  Use an
aftermarket HP cam shaft and after market computer to control fuel
delivery and timing.

There is one other possibility, th at if it work would make this very
simple.  as long as go with the stock engine.
The Rover uses the same transmission electronics.  You could in theory
get  a ROver engine and including the engine and trans computer.   If
you are lucky it might plug into the trans and work just find.

Again this is recent stuff, after I built the car.  I an comtemplating
building another one with this updated stuff.
But i would have to sell my stock 81 automatic to afford it.

Let me know what you are going to do.



Message: 15
   Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 22:18:23 -0400
   From: "W.D.SEARLS, JR." <Buckeye99@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Delorean inspection

I am sorta close to buying a Delorean. I have looked at the checklist(what
to examine on the Delorean before you buy) and found the car to be in good
conditon. The only problem was when I was driving the car stalled. The man
who owns it left the lights on the night before, consequently the battery
was dead. We jumped the car and got it started. I was just around the block
and it stalled. The only thing I could think of was the orginal
alternator(Duciella, correct me if I am wrong) was bad. The car only has
23000 miles on it and is in good to excellent condition but no updates and
some parts need replaced. He is asking around 16000. I offered 12000. He
wasn't insulted yet he said he would sleep on it. If anyone has any tips
please let me know.



Message: 16
   Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 23:42:58 EDT
   From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: The 1 millon dollar Delorean/convertible Delorean...WOW


I was at the Cleveland Show and John spoke extensively on the new cars.
Tapes of the show are available with the complete speach and have been
advertised on the DML.  Cheryl Wester had the best copy so far that I have

If John stays in good health I think you may get to see him again.

The car count was 101 covering all events.

Plus John himself



Message: 17
   Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 04:15:58 -0000
   From: "Jim Reeve" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: I broke my own speed-o-meter :-(

When my speedometer started acting funky, I also removed this cable. 
However, you shouldn't ever need to worry about this cable breaking
because it has no possible exposure to weather, plus you dont want to
gunk up the speedometer itself.  When I removed my upper cable from
the Yellow Box thingy (acually the LAMBDA counter), I noticed that
when I put it back, the square end of the drive cable had moved a
little, so it didn't match up with the square hole in the counter,
despite the end being fully screwed in, (it just bowed inside the
sleeve).  What I would recommend doing is parking the car on a slight
slope in neutral.  Get in a posistion where you can access the
cable-end in one hand, and control the parking brake in the other. 
While lining up the square end of the drive cable with the square
in the LAMBDA counter, slowly release the parking brake so the car
rolls ever so slightly.  When the front wheel turns, so will the hole
in the counter, so the square will eventually line up, and when they
do so, push it all the way in, stop the car, and completely screw the
cable into the counter.  If it worked, your speedometer should be
working just fine now.

Jim Reeve

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Sacha Prins" <sprins@xxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Well, it happended to me too. Whilst replacing a broken metal wire
> opens the bonnet/hood of my DeLorean I decided to unscrew the top
> of the speed-o-meter cable (connected to that little yellow box) to
> if it was lubricated enough and screwed it back (I generally enjoy
> unscrewing things and then screwing them back). However now my
> speed-o-meter is dead, *sigh*. Apparently I broke something (or
> assembled it). Anyone have an idea what I could do to fix a
> perfectly working speed-o-meter?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sacha
> #17115
> P.S. the hood opens correctly again


Message: 18
   Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 00:22:03 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Delorean inspection

Joel, Hang in there at $12,000.00 if you can.  Try to make a list of things
you know or see that need repair. Look for signs of rust. Any signs of damage
to farme or under carriage. How much of the wiring has been tampered with.
Even though it may need a lot of updates doesn't mean you can't enjoy the De
Lorean as your doing some of them. There is a lot of good help out here on E
Groups so enjoy. I work with the electrical primarily, so if I can't help you
with the alternator, relay update to cooling fan problems. Let me know. You
may want to post to the net the vin #. That will tell a lot.
John Hervey, Dallas, Texas


Message: 19
   Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 00:30:46 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Lotus Esprit windshield

James, I'll put in my 2cents worth. The turbo car I have needs a windshield,
Thats the one the motor job was done on it 10 years ago. No one in Dallas
even stocks the Lotus, Then I called your warehouse and warren told me it was
a little over $350.00. I think that is very reasonable. I put that problem to
John Hervey 


Message: 20
   Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 01:06:37 -0400
   From: "Doc" <doctor280@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: I broke my own speed-o-meter :-(

Sacha wrote,

 I decided to unscrew the top part of the speed-o-meter cable (connected to
that little yellow box) to see if it was lubricated enough and screwed it
back (I generally enjoy unscrewing things and then screwing them back).
However now my speed-o-meter is dead, *sigh*. Apparently I broke something
(or wrongly assembled it). Anyone have an idea what I could do to fix a
previously perfectly working speed-o meter?
This is quite a simple fix and could happen to anyone. What you have done
is, missed the hole. Unscrew it again and disconnect the cable. Now put it
back together, making sure that the cable is centered when putting it back
together. Your speed-o should be working once again.

Robert Starling,


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