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There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Rear ended and insurance
From: "Harold McElraft <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>" <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>
2. Re: Rear ended and insurance
From: "robert parker" <roberthparker@xxxxxxxxxxx>
3. "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump
From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
4. Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
From: "therealdmcvegas <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>" <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>
5. Re: Re: "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump or "THE TOLL BOOTH"
From: kayoong@xxxxxxx
6. Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
From: "beatlesra1 <beatlesra1@xxxxxxx>" <beatlesra1@xxxxxxx>
7. Re: Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
From: "Joseph Molino" <foxmul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
8. RE: Re: Rear ended and insurance
From: "Jerry Condray" <genghis@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
9. Re: Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
From: Noah <sitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
10. A DML thank you to David Teitelbaum
From: "dmcmike2002 <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>" <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>
11. Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
From: "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
12. RE: "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump
From: "Murray Fisher" <murrayf@xxxxxxxxxxx>
13. Re: Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
From: Mark Noeltner <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
14. New to the list (alittle OT)
From: "Eric Kinzie <ekinzie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <ekinzie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
15. Re: Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
From: John Gedeon <johne_g@xxxxxxxxx>
16. delorganization
From: "dmcmike2002 <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>" <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>
17. Sunstar Delorean
From: "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
18. Change of addy
From: "murrayempire" <murrayempire@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
19. Poll results for dmcnews
From: dmcnews
20. Re: Sunstar Delorean
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
21. Re: "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
22. delorean tee shirt (KoolArt)
From: id <ionicdesign@xxxxxxxxxx>
23. DMC Original Poster...I'm so lucky
From: "supremeadmiralsenn <StadnickAd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <StadnickAd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
24. RE: delorean tee shirt (KoolArt)
From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxx>
25. Re: Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 04:32:25 -0000
From: "Harold McElraft <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>" <hmcelraft@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Rear ended and insurance
This is excellent advice even if the car is not a daily driver.
Thanks, David.
Harold McElraft - 3354
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxx>"
<jtrealty@xxxx> wrote:
> This accident brings up a very important issue for anyone using a
> Delorean as a "daily driver". If you are using "ordinary"
> and you get hit the insurance company will compare the cost of
> with the "value" of the car. ........
David Teitelbaum
> vin 10757
> --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "therealdmcvegas <DMCVegas@xxxx>"
> <DMCVegas@xxxx> wrote:
> > This might also be a good time to consider installing a CHMSL,
> 3rd brake
> > light. I can't speak for every other drivetr out there, but in
> traffic I focus on other
> > people's 3rd brake light, and
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 04:53:11 +0000
From: "robert parker" <roberthparker@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Rear ended and insurance
Indeed, a lot of insurances have "approved" repair facilities. However,
when I had to deal with my co., Allstate, I told them I approved the
facilities, the shop's job was to do the repairs, their job was to pay the
bill, & my job was to take care of MY car! Do you have a problem with that?
They said "uh, no." They paid the bill. You are NOT obligated to go to
any particular shop in Okla. YOU choose, THEY pay. I've also learned not
to accept a check before the work is done. When the job is complete (there
may be hidden damage), the shop notifies the insurance, & a check is then
cut. I do not tolerate being jerked around any more than I have to be.
(And we all know how much we get jerked around with coverage/premiums!)
Just a bit of what I have learned & how I deal with this type of problem,
FWIW. Drive Stainless Robert VIN 6924
From: "Mike" <mquinto@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DML] Rear ended and insurance
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 12:33:11 -0800
Hello List,
I posted a couple weeks go about my DeLorean being rear ended. I want to
give insurance info updates.
I have been in constant contact by the other guys insurance, Superior
Insurance group.
I have AAA And when this first happened they were most helpful and gave me
the agents name and # who would be handling my DeLorean.
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 00:12:33 EST
From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump
Adding to Chucks Gas pump story I had one this evening. (although its hard to
beat so I don't claim that)
I was at the Cavalcade of Customs in Cincinnati (Got best of class I might
add) and this guy walks up to me and asks if this is the 6 or the 8 cylinder.
Humoring him of course I said a 6.
He told me how horible and unreliable they were so I just said I guess Volvos
are unreliable of which he said they were one of the greatest motors ever but
the D had a different one because DeLorean didn't want to spend the money.
Ok now the charmer
He says did you replace the cam for more power
I asked why
He said all you gotta do is drill a hole in the back from the inside of the
car and it will slide right in.
Dumbfounded at this I asked him if it may be a bit easier to just do it the
normal way.
He says no we do it all the time
I aks him if he has a DeLorean and he says not any more. I asked him how
long he had it. He said Oh I sold it about 1980 or so.
I could not say another word I was trying not to laugh too hard,
He then read my blurb on the sign for the car saying they were made 81 -83
I figured he would get it by then but he came back and told me my sign was
wrong and they were made in the 70's
I couldn't help it I busted up
he got pissed
and left
I would have died if he had continued.
On a serious note most people at the show were actually well informed on the
car and I always had a nice crowd around it.
The guy across from me noticed and was a bit jealous as the crowd always
turned towards the D not his car and he had a very nice Chevy with custom
Well thats my 2 cents worth
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 06:24:46 -0000
From: "therealdmcvegas <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>" <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
Nope, only purchased the car in California, I live in Las Vegas, NV. So yeah,
Air Conditioning here is a moral imperative. My A/C worked ok the last
summer, but I have driven without it. In my most embarassing D moment,
Chris Spratt from the UK came into town, and while driving around, the
drivebelt came loose (my falut on that one), IN THE DEAD OF SUMMER! So
yes, driving around in 110+ weather with no cool air is hardley a barrel of
I'm really not too keen on switching over to R-134a. My system wasn't
designed for it, and I've read more cons about the conversion, than the main
benefit, beeing simply that R-134a is cheaper. Although that's not to say I
want to buy all the components from D vendors. Not as a price consideration,
but because they're made out of 20+ year old rubber, I'd just as soon order
custom barrier hoses for my car. Aside from that, just how hard is it to seperate
the body from the chassis for this, and how exactly will I be able to slide the
hosese thru? What else should I inspect on the system? I've read that R-12
when mixed with water can form acid, so I am worried about possible damage
to the evaporator.
In the mean time, I've got a 5-month deadline to save up and get my A/C fixed.
I can't physicly handle driving around with no A/C this summer. Just thinking
about it makes me dizzy. If anyone has any ideas, or parts sources for the
hoses, let me know. I'm starting to shop around for everything in preperation
vin 6585 "X"
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxx>" <
jtrealty@xxxx> wrote:
> With all of the repair history on the A/C the best thing would be to
> start all over again. Replace any questionable (field repaired) hoses,
> all of the seals and "O" rings, flush, purge, and pressure test, send
> the compressor out for rebuild or just replace. With contamination
> known to be in the system the safe thing is to replace the
> accumulater. At this time it is good to consider converting from R-12.
> I suggest you find yourself a well equipped shop that can handle this
> and do it right. It might get expensive but it is more expensive to do
> it cheaply and often. Fortunatly the A/C system in the Delorean isn't
> too unfamiliar to most A/C shops. Just lend them the Workshop Manual
> and tell them which Delorean vender you want them to get the parts
> from. Once properly fixed the system is pretty reliable. As far as
> replacing parts you could proabably do it yourself but any shop would
> just go over your work to clean the system and check for leaks. Unless
> you have the manifold gauge set, vacuum pump and gasses you will have
> to go to a shop anyway. Since you seem to be in California you really
> can't enjoy the Delorean without A/C so to use the car you really need
> to have a functional A/C system.
> David Teitelbaum
> vin 10757
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 02:21:15 EST
From: kayoong@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump or "THE TOLL BOOTH"
I had pulled up to the Yonkers toll booth on the New York State I-87 last
night and the woman toll collector ask me what kind of car it was. I told
her is was a DeLorean and it is the car that was used in the movie "Back to
The Future." The second question was "did they use it during the war?" I
didn't know what war she was referring to and I said "no" and drove off.
What does she think the DeLorean is to be used in a war?
Kayo Ong
Lic 9D NY
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 09:33:52 -0000
From: "beatlesra1 <beatlesra1@xxxxxxx>" <beatlesra1@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
( Moderators Note: Maybe a poll would be a good idea. This subject keeps reappearing and never seems to end until a moderator finaly kills the subject. The archives are full of comments. Anyone want to start a poll? )
We really should have a poll on what eveyone is paying for Insurance!
I think I have a great deal (So Far ) I pay $440.00 a year for full
coverage with a $500.00 deductable. When I called my agent , he never
blinked an eye when I said Delorean. Is this a good rate?
Chuck Darling
Vin# 6125
Message: 7
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 07:15:57 -0500
From: "Joseph Molino" <foxmul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
I have heard so many times about separating the body from the frame while
changing those hoses and I am here to tell you, you don't need to. Take
your car to a shop that knows what it is doing and just hand them the
replacement hoses. That's what I did and they "snaked" the hoses through.
They attached the new hoses to the old hoses and pulled them through. The
mechanic said it was tough but not impossible. he also lubed up the hoses
to make them slide better. I definitely replaced my drier as it had
probably soaked up alot of contaminants and wasn't going to operate
efficiently. I replaced my whole system except the compressor and the unit
which resides in the passenger compartment ( evaporator)? I don't know what
it is called. My shop only did ac's so he only played around for a short
time with it. Also I think the Freon charge is mislabeled. I think in the
manual it says one thing and then on a label kit it says something else. I
think it differs by .2 pounds or something. Can any body else shed some
light on this?
Joseph M
----- Original Message -----
From: <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 1:24 AM
Subject: [DML] Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
> Nope, only purchased the car in California, I live in Las Vegas, NV. So
> Air Conditioning here is a moral imperative. My A/C worked ok the last
> summer, but I have driven without it. In my most embarassing D moment,
> Chris Spratt from the UK came into town, and while driving around, the
> drivebelt came loose (my falut on that one), IN THE DEAD OF SUMMER! So
> yes, driving around in 110+ weather with no cool air is hardley a barrel
> monkeys...
> I'm really not too keen on switching over to R-134a. My system wasn't
> designed for it, and I've read more cons about the conversion, than the
> benefit, beeing simply that R-134a is cheaper. Although that's not to say
> want to buy all the components from D vendors. Not as a price
> but because they're made out of 20+ year old rubber, I'd just as soon
> custom barrier hoses for my car. Aside from that, just how hard is it to
> the body from the chassis for this, and how exactly will I be able to
slide the
> hosese thru? What else should I inspect on the system? I've read that R-12
> when mixed with water can form acid, so I am worried about possible damage
> to the evaporator.
> In the mean time, I've got a 5-month deadline to save up and get my A/C
> I can't physicly handle driving around with no A/C this summer. Just
> about it makes me dizzy. If anyone has any ideas, or parts sources for the
> hoses, let me know. I'm starting to shop around for everything in
> now.
> -Robert
> vin 6585 "X"
> --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxx>" <
> jtrealty@xxxx> wrote:
> > With all of the repair history on the A/C the best thing would be to
> > start all over again. Replace any questionable (field repaired) hoses,
> > all of the seals and "O" rings, flush, purge, and pressure test, send
> > the compressor out for rebuild or just replace. With contamination
> > known to be in the system the safe thing is to replace the
> > accumulater. At this time it is good to consider converting from R-12.
> > I suggest you find yourself a well equipped shop that can handle this
> > and do it right. It might get expensive but it is more expensive to do
> > it cheaply and often. Fortunatly the A/C system in the Delorean isn't
> > too unfamiliar to most A/C shops. Just lend them the Workshop Manual
> > and tell them which Delorean vender you want them to get the parts
> > from. Once properly fixed the system is pretty reliable. As far as
> > replacing parts you could proabably do it yourself but any shop would
> > just go over your work to clean the system and check for leaks. Unless
> > you have the manifold gauge set, vacuum pump and gasses you will have
> > to go to a shop anyway. Since you seem to be in California you really
> > can't enjoy the Delorean without A/C so to use the car you really need
> > to have a functional A/C system.
> > David Teitelbaum
> > vin 10757
> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To search the archives or view files, log in at
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 09:20:16 -0600
From: "Jerry Condray" <genghis@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Re: Rear ended and insurance
Bob & others!
I installed a 3rd brake light of a bar of LEDs from a recent Chevy Suburban
on the top louver. It is below the roofline and looks factory. Costly at
about $ 110 but I think worth it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Brandys [mailto:BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 9:22 AM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [DML] Re: Rear ended and insurance
Your suggestion of installing a third brake light was brillant! The
safety studies originally conducted in Sweden and then on Torandos in
the US with third brake lights showed that they reduce rear end crashes
by almost 20%.
The Corvette brake light looks really nice. The only improvement I would
suggest is changing the light over to high intensity LEDs. The LEDs
illuminate at little faster than incandescent bulbs and consequently,
provide a little faster reaction time to the driver behind you.
At 60 mph., this time difference can mean a shorter breaking distance of
at least 5 feet.
To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
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Message: 9
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 10:56:45 -0500
From: Noah <sitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 09:33:52AM -0000, beatlesra1 <beatlesra1@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> ( Moderators Note: Maybe a poll would be a good idea. This subject keeps reappearing and never seems to end until a moderator finaly kills the subject. The archives are full of comments. Anyone want to start a poll? )
> We really should have a poll on what eveyone is paying for Insurance!
A good idea, but in order to be at all useful, the poll (or polls, I'm
not sure which would be easier) need(s) to take into account everything
that keeps popping up. If you're paying $350/yr for insurance, that's
fine, but how many miles are you aloud to drive? Is that for an
agreed-upon value of the car? What state are you in? How much coverage
do you have? How old are you? I'm sure there must be a statistics geek
on this list somewhere who could do something useful with all the data
and generate a pretty graph which will tell us not only which insurance
company we should be using, but how old we should be when we buy, and
where we should be living. =)
"Look, Clark! I made you an ashtray!"
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 15:58:14 -0000
From: "dmcmike2002 <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>" <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>
Subject: A DML thank you to David Teitelbaum
Just wanted to let everyone know that I had a fellow DML'er give me a
ton of help with my car last weekend....I read the list a couple
times a week. I know whenever David Teitelbaum gives advice it is
honest, to the point and very informative...After exchanging a few
emails he agreed that I could drive up and have him go over my car in
person! Having watched him do the door adjustments at the spring
social you know that David has an amazing array of tools and really
knows the car well...On top of his technical knowledge he truly
enjoys working on the Delorean.
I was having a slight rough idle and just wanted the reasusurance of
someone like David to go over the car. It was a bout a 4 hour drive
and was the longestg I had taken in teh car..that alone makes you a
little nervous...The car drove flawlessly. The first thing David did
was check just about every operation of the car. Diagnosing any
problem on this car and requires skill and knowing that each part is
doing its job...We took out injectors, cleaned them. We reset them
with new seals. We took out all 6 spark plugs, cleaned and regapped
them. David checked just about every electrical connection in the
engine. From time to time he would find a broken piece of plastic or
missing clip. He would then go down and magically produce the exact
piece you needed! Once he was comfortable that everything was correct
he then began diagnosing the problem.
After scoping the car and checking relays and other operations of the
lambda system he was confident the problem is a faulty 02 sensor and
then a slight adjustment of the air/fuel mixture. I also need to have
a valve adjustment to bring the car up to top running condition.
After about 5 hours of work David still wanted to check other things
under the car to make sure everything was okay for my drive
home....An oil leak here, a coolant hose that needed a slight
tightening, checking the operation of all lights...He wrote down a
few odd parts I should pick up. I could have stayed all night but had
a 4 hour night drive and I had to get back on the road.... (David and
his wife even offered to let me swim in their beautiful outdoor pool
but it was 30 degrees, 5 inches of snow on the ground and I forgot to
bring my swimsuit :-)
As all of you know after doing alot of work on this car sometimes you
can cause a problem or get stuck doing something without a spare part
and leave the car undrivable. It can also make you a little nervous
taking a long drive after working on the engine. I drove home with no
problems and the car again drove perfect....
Also, I recently bought a BTTF pinball and David took the time to go
over his machine with me and gave me trouble areas to watch out for
and other advice....
In all I owe a great deal of thanks to David for all his help with my
car. He offers advice on the DML for the love of the car and expects
nothing in return and because of people like him owning the Delorean
is possible and the DML is a better place...
Mike C
Message: 11
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 16:13:46 -0000
From: "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
I can't speak for ALL of the Delorean venders but P. J. Grady is
having the hoses made up new. They can be replaced without removing
the body, it requires bending the flange of the frame, not too bad.
You can also go to Classic Air in Florida, they can make up anything
A/C related. For the compressor you can send it to Classic Air or buy
a new one, they aren't that expensive. The accumulater is also
available. I have seen Sanyo compressors for the Delorean on E-Bay as
low as $50. I don't recomend R-134a, the system wasn't designed for
the pressures and the coils aren't sized right. I am using R-414A and
it seems colder then R-12! The problem with moisture isn't the
refrigerent, it is the mess it makes with the oil, turning it into a
soupy gunk that hardens and can clog the system and corrode the
internal parts. Best to completly disasemble the system, clean, flush,
purge, rod out, brush, or whatever you have to do to get the insides
clean. The mechanical parts need to be rebuilt like the compressor,
the accumulater should be replaced, and the orifice tube removed and
cleaned. Now you can put fresh refrigerent oil in, all new seals and
if you want this would be the time to convert. You should also make
sure that the bearings in the idler pulleys are good and maybe a new
belt. A complete overhaul of the A/C would include cleaning the
exterior of the evaparator coil and the condensor coil and the plenum
containing the evap coil. When you are all finished a GOOD shop will
do a performance test checking the temp drop over the coils and system
pressures to verify performance. You can also ask them to put in leak
detector so if you have any future leaks you can spot them easily. A
reputable shop should also give some kind of warranty if they have any
confidence in their work. In the area you are in you should be able to
find a good shop. See where the local car dealers send their cars. See
where the municipalities send their work, places like these usually
only go to places where they do good work and don't have callbacks. It
may seem more expensive then the local guy that shoots in a little
Freon but it won't leak right out 2 weeks later either. It is a case
of "You can pay me now or you can pay me later" only the later is over
many times because it is never fixed, just kept running. By not fixing
the leaks the oil comes out of the system and then you burn up the
compressor. The less you fuss with the A/C the longer it will last.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "therealdmcvegas <DMCVegas@xxxx>"
<DMCVegas@xxxx> wrote:
> Nope, only purchased the car in California, I live in Las Vegas, NV.
So yeah,
> Air Conditioning here is a moral imperative. My A/C worked ok the
> summer, but I have driven without it. In my most embarassing D
Message: 12
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 08:16:16 -0800
From: "Murray Fisher" <murrayf@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump
We have had our share of crazy stories like I see on here too.....and also
some fun ones.....we take the D to some local and near by shows for
kicks....Sit in our lawn chairs back a ways and just WATCH. Bettye says it
blows her mind, the attention it gets. I usually start out with everything
closed for an hour or so....THEN I pop the doors and sometimes the trunk and
engine lid. She got a kick out of counting the people looking directly AT
the car...not with their backs to it!! One time she counted a max of 21
and almost always there would be 8 to 10. One time, next to us was a Vette
that was a dream....even had mirrors underneath for you to see how great it
was ....usually at the same time he had 2 or 3 looking at it. Almost made
me feel bad, as obviously he had put a TON of work into his, and all I did
was wash mine and drive it there! Then I usually get 1st place Unrestored
Original. Ho Ho. These are car shows that bring around 350 cars. There
were 82 entered in MY class at this particular show. There is nothing quite
like gull wings and stainless steel to attract attention!!
People seem to always be courteous and respect the car, although there are
always those who need to be sure it will leave fingerprints if they touch
it! Many times we ask the kids, (or parents) if they would like to sit in
it and have their picture taken. Several times I have taken pictures
myself, got their address and mailed them a copy of the picture. Fun Fun.
Vin: 05962
6 years
Message: 13
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 09:38:08 -0700
From: Mark Noeltner <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
Personally I don't think a Poll would do much for this subject. Insurance
rates vary so much state by state that you can't tell if you're getting a
good deal just from seeing what someone else in a different state is
paying. Like Chuck's rate below. $440/yr sounds fine, but I don't know
where he lives. It might be high for his area for all I know. I pay about
$500 myself here in Utah, but someone from New Jersey (noted for high
rates) would think both those rates are spectacular as they're probably
paying a couple of thousand for a year.
If you want to know if your insurance rates are good, then talk to people
who live near you, in the same state. Also call around and get quotes.
Comparing rates with people in other states is pretty much a waste of time
Mark N
VIN 6820
At 09:33 AM 1/6/2003 -0000, you wrote:
>( Moderators Note: Maybe a poll would be a good idea. This subject keeps
reappearing and never seems to end until a moderator finaly kills the
subject. The archives are full of comments. Anyone want to start a poll? )
>We really should have a poll on what eveyone is paying for Insurance!
>I think I have a great deal (So Far ) I pay $440.00 a year for full
>coverage with a $500.00 deductable. When I called my agent , he never
>blinked an eye when I said Delorean. Is this a good rate?
>Chuck Darling
>Vin# 6125
Message: 14
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 18:49:19 -0000
From: "Eric Kinzie <ekinzie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <ekinzie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: New to the list (alittle OT)
Hey ya'll,
I stumbled onto this list while doing some searches on Yahoo for
Delorean. I've browsed many of the previous posts and thought I'd
drop one of my own.
I do not own a D but am planning for the future. With a young
family, the money is spend on other things but I'm sure that will
change one of these days. I've been interested in D's since I was
about 16. I rememeber shopping for my first car...saw a D on a lot
here in town. Only wanted $12,500 for it. Still don't know why my
dad didn't jump on that one!
Anywhoo, I'm just looking right now but if anyone happens to come
across one that needs work, I'm not opposed to getting my fingers
dirty. Besides, the time spent fixing one up a piece at a time may
be my best for years to come!
Message: 15
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 11:15:24 -0800 (PST)
From: John Gedeon <johne_g@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: GEICO Insurance Co.
I created two polls at
--- "beatlesra1 <beatlesra1@xxxxxxx>"
<beatlesra1@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> ( Moderators Note: Maybe a poll would be a good
> idea. This subject keeps reappearing and never seems
> to end until a moderator finaly kills the subject.
> The archives are full of comments. Anyone want to
> start a poll? )
> We really should have a poll on what eveyone is
> paying for Insurance!
> I think I have a great deal (So Far ) I pay $440.00
> a year for full
> coverage with a $500.00 deductable. When I called my
> agent , he never
> blinked an eye when I said Delorean. Is this a good
> rate?
> Chuck Darling
> Vin# 6125
> To address comments privately to the moderating
> team, please address:
> moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To search the archives or view files, log in at
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
<>< Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;"
Message: 16
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 19:15:21 -0000
From: "dmcmike2002 <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>" <billsfanmd@xxxxxxx>
Subject: delorganization
Just was hoping to get some responces on how people organize all of
their Delorean related car items/paperwork/gargage/work area/parts.
With 3 little kiddies etc I dont have the time or the space to
organize everything. I am lucky to have nice 2 car garage whcih I get
the hole left side (the minvan hogs the right side) I have a
workbench with a few of my basic tools. I have a couple rows of wire
sheleves with all the normal garage clutter. I keep the few old parts
in am old milk crate (you know the ones that say $500 fine if stolen)
I have a little office in the basement where I keep all the odd shape
boxes for future parts mailing/returns. I use a small 3 ring binder
that I have all my notes, technical articles, phone numbers and
repair to do lists.....
There are so many things you can buy/keep on hand from the vendors or
parts stores etc. Between the cleaners, oils, paints and other things
it just gets clutterd and can looks. I love when people come over and
see the Delorean in the garage....But would love to have all the
space around the car look as nice as the car....I have painted my
garage walls white and am doing the floor in the Dark grey which will
look nice....Anyone want to share the nicest "delorean" garage they
have seen or best way to organize all there D stuff...
Mike C
Message: 17
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 19:21:36 -0000
From: "David Teitelbaum <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Sunstar Delorean
I was shopping this past weekend and I wondered into Spencer Gifts.
They were selling the Delorean Sunstar model for $14.99. If you still
want one this is a great price. Spencer gifts is in most large malls,
at least here in the Northeast. It isn't the gold model, just the S/s
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
Message: 18
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 21:11:56 -0000
From: "murrayempire" <murrayempire@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Change of addy
As from 8 January 2003 murrayempire@xxxxxxxxxxxx
will be changed to murraymotors@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Joe Murray
Thank you
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 19
Date: 6 Jan 2003 23:51:04 -0000
From: dmcnews
Subject: Poll results for dmcnews
The following dmcnews poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:
POLL QUESTION: What alternator have you had the best
luck with on your Delorean?
- Original Ducellier 80amp, 6 votes, 10.17%
- Original Motorola 90amp, 24 votes, 40.68%
- Delorean 150, 11 votes, 18.64%
- Delco 105amp, 10 votes, 16.95%
- Other/Custom, 8 votes, 13.56%
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Message: 20
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 19:32:33 EST
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Sunstar Delorean
K B toys have both original and BTTF Deloreans (Sunstar) for $24.00 each.
Sounds like Spencers has a better price.
Bruce Battles
Vin # 06569
Message: 21
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 19:44:39 EST
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: "DUHHH!!!!" at the gas pump
I have told this story to a few of you so forgive my repeating it for the
I was traveling on I-40 a few years ago. Running about 83+ mph, I came over a
hill and saw the TN State trooper running radar. He flashed his lights and I
pulled over. I opened the door and looked up at a TN trooper that was 6'4".
His first statement was "So this is a Delorean, I have never seen one up
close". I took my time showing him the engine, trunk, and even told him it
was ok to sit in it and how to open the door. (I figured if he wasn't putting
ink to paper I was ok). He was amazed at the amount of headroom and the over
all feel of the car. Anyway, after about 10 min. talking about the car he
asked "Mr. Battles. I have one question when you go 88.5 mph do you go back
to the future?" I smiled and answered if I had reached that speed do you
think I would be talking to you now? He laughed and told me to drive safe. No
ticket, no warning, just a cop with a love of autombiles and a GREAT sense of
This is one case where the car itself talked me out of a ticket. You just got
to love living the dream!!!
Bruce Battles
Vin #06569
Message: 22
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 18:51:07 -0600
From: id <ionicdesign@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: delorean tee shirt (KoolArt)
with a little help from everybody i found the delorean tee shirt i was talking about.
here is the link to it if anybody is interested like i am in purchasing the tee shirt
with the delorean on it. the number is P1404 for the delorean print.
thanks to all of the people who helped me.
Message: 23
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 00:20:44 -0000
From: "supremeadmiralsenn <StadnickAd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <StadnickAd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DMC Original Poster...I'm so lucky
Well, I don't own a DeLorean yet..I'm 15 so it'll be a while :(. But
my brother got me one of the ORIGINAL DELOREAN POSTERS on ebay-like
$20! The one woth SNO BIRD on the license plate....and he got me the
book: DeLorean, by JZD. MY brother is awesome! How much are those
posters worth now anyways? I may be able to give out the address of
the person who had it (they have lots more someone got them at a
warehouse). See ya round!
Message: 24
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 19:56:28 -0600
From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: delorean tee shirt (KoolArt)
I traded email with the vendor,
9.99 pound shirt
7.00 pound shipping to US
That's $28 US for a t-shirt
Scott Mueller
-----Original Message-----
From: id [mailto:ionicdesign@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 6:51 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] delorean tee shirt (KoolArt)
with a little help from everybody i found the delorean tee shirt i was
talking about. here is the link to it if anybody is interested like i am in
purchasing the tee shirt with the delorean on it. the number is P1404 for
the delorean print.
thanks to all of the people who helped me.
Message: 25
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 21:50:18 EST
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: A/C Problem, Repairable?
As David T. said, it is entirely possible to replace the A/C hoses w/o
seperating the body from the chassis. the best way to do it is to either get
Rob Grady's hoses with removeable fittings (a novel idea) which you attach on
after you fish the hose thru, OR you can go to a good A/C shop where they can
make you custom lines out of any material and they can crimp new permanant
fittings on it by using an impact crimper thru the top of the engine bay for
the rear lines, and in the wheel wells or brake access panel for the front
ones. simple as cake. i was quoted approximately $75 per line plus labor on
installation with top-quality crimps and fittings, and with hose capable of
holding R-134A. my lines weren't too bad, only had a rub leak where the line
was hitting the steering U-joint, so i opted to just repair about 18 inches
of hose for around $30.
i pity anyone who attempts to bust their knuckles any other way. i can think
of a lot of other projects more difficult than this!
In a message dated 1/6/03 5:50:36 AM Central Standard Time, DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
> Aside from that, just how hard is it to seperate
> the body from the chassis for this, and how exactly will I be able to slide
> the
> hosese thru?
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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