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There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. The *last* right hand DeLorean Door
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
2. RE: Difference between one-key, two-key
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
3. Re: Delorean For Sale on EBay --> Daily Driver, Needs Love...
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
4. RE: Delorean leather seat covers? Trimtech?
From: "Chris Parnham" <cp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
5. Adventures in tune-up land: The saga continues.
From: "Payne" <bpayne@xxxxxxxxxx>
6. Re: Ironic here- Practical no where else
From: john fredt <hecklerkochgmbh@xxxxxxxxx>
7. Re: In-glass antennnae
From: "roscsyl" <mike.griese@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
8. Re: In-glass antennnae
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
9. Fall Foilage Tour 2002 photos
From: "Hank Eskin" <henry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
10. Re: Luggage Rack Installation
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
11. Re: Re: In-glass antennnae
From: Jack The Stripper <motti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
12. RE: Difference between one-key, two-key
From: Elvis Nocita <elvisnocita@xxxxxx>
13. Can somone in Norwalk, CT give me a 2nd opinion on a D for sale?
From: "jamesrguk" <James_rg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
14. Bricklin leads a group of DeLoreans.
From: "Fedeli, Joe" <paa5072@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
15. Re: Re: In-glass antennnae
From: "mgutkowski@xxxxxxxxx" <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
16. RE: Delorean leather seat covers? Trimtech?
From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
17. Re: In-glass antennnae
From: "jtrealtywebspannet" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
18. Re: The *last* right hand DeLorean Door
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
19. door strut mount bending?!
From: "C. C. Cameron Putsch" <putsch.1@xxxxxxx>
20. the old new DMC pictures
From: "C. C. Cameron Putsch" <putsch.1@xxxxxxx>
21. JZD and a whole lot more
From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
22. one-key, two-key and VIN 5386
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
23. Re: Can somone in Norwalk, CT give me a 2nd opinion on a D for sale?
From: john fredt <hecklerkochgmbh@xxxxxxxxx>
24. Re: Can somone in Norwalk, CT give me a 2nd opinion on a D for sale?
From: john fredt <hecklerkochgmbh@xxxxxxxxx>
25. Re: UPDATE - World of Wheels Show, Evansville IN
From: "d_rex_2002" <rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 15:20:29 -0500
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: The *last* right hand DeLorean Door
Don't take it too literally, however. I discovered a small, but interesting,
find at the warehouse today during our "local owner" open house event. In
talking with some of the attendees about the things written in the insides
of the door, generally in the areas under the headliners, I quite by chance
saw a door with a LOT of writing on it. The text reads as follows:
This is the last right hand door to be made at DMC. It was made by
B Atkinson Brian Boyle Phil Gough Hugh Barrett RJ Cowden K Ferris Boatman
The end of a dream
or is it?
Note the name RJ Cowden above. A few minutes later we were looking at Jay
Steinberg's car, which already had the drivers headliner removed, and it was
marked with the VIN 11900 (his is 16900), the key code, and then the
initials "RJC".
Robert Lamrock or Joe Murray - recognize any of those names? Be interesting
to know exactly when that was written, as there was no date on there to be
See the photo in the Gallery at (
James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 13:38:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Difference between one-key, two-key
That is what I'm thinking too. I believe that this is
a one key system. There are some really strange things
about this car that don't click. certain numbers I'm
finding and other werid stuff. Who knows what was
replaced and what is original, theres no way of
telling. Theres like zip concrete history on my D.
These are the scribles on my doors. Passenger door:
130901/11R 12th Sept 14 KH
these are above the headliner
On the Drivers door:
these are above the headliner
the S is actually a 5 now that you point it out.
Any clue what all this means?
--- K Creason <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That's interesting, because according to your VIN,
> you should be a one-key
> car.
> That would mean no WRxxxx code, just a straight four
> digit number (7,000 -
> 9,999).
> The "S" is probably supposed to be a five, and the X
> doesn't mean a thing if
> it is a true door code.
> Do you know if those are your original doors? My
> doors also had my vin
> written in, dates, and some other scribbles that
> made no sense. No Elvis
> signature, though.
[long quote trimmed by moderator]
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 13:50:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Delorean For Sale on EBay --> Daily Driver, Needs Love...
WOW does this car looks familiar! Nice steering
Coloum. Looks like mine. I think I'm gonna start the
first Anti theft Delorean organization. I can't stand
seeing injured Ds like this one. I can see where this
is going with this poor D. Another victum of a theft
where she was stolen and striped and the owner dosen't
want to be bothered :( thats so sad!
THis car is an awesome project. Pop a battery in here
reassembly the coloum. and see what happens. In my
views definetly NOT a parts car. In my thinking a
parts D is something that looks like it got ran over
by D-REX, lol. No Rich dont do it!!!!! lol.
I hope someone will grab this beauty!!!
Save a Delorean, run over a car thief.
--- Dave Trenck <dtrenck@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1981 Delorean for sale. Just under 118,000 miles.
> This was a daily driver for a long time, but has
> been sitting for the last few months. It is
> currently not running (requires a battery steering
> work). Body is in excellent condition, with few
> dings. Needs work on the interior (leather seats
> cracked, minor dash cracks, etc, no stereo). Would
> be great either for parts or to restore.
> - Dave
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 22:50:15 +0100
From: "Chris Parnham" <cp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Delorean leather seat covers? Trimtech?
The main problem is matching up. The leather that is nearest in colour is
currently used in Jaguars, close but not perfect, and the identical vinyl is
completely unavailable, again "near matches" are possible.
We still have a few sets of new original Grey seat covers in the UK club. ,
cost about $900 plus shipping for both seats. Several people in the USA have
bought them last year. Any one want to comment?
Chris P DOC UK cp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-----Original Message-----
From: silverdelorean2002 [mailto:silvercrw646@xxxxxx]
Sent: 21 October 2002 07:34
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Delorean leather seat covers? Trimtech?
> Hey guys i was searching the archive because i need new leather seat
> covers for my D. I noticed the company Trimtech that was the
> original maker and noticed that some of you got some from them. Does
> any of you have their website or contact info. I would like to
> contact them.
> Thanks
> Jon
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:18:47 -0700
From: "Payne" <bpayne@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Adventures in tune-up land: The saga continues.
Many of you have read about my recent tune up adventure, and I really do
appreciate all of your suggestions. Now I only have one more thing to get
fixed before I can drive her again. I ordered a new idle speed motor
connector to replace my damaged one. I wondered why there was a fourth wire
going into it, and when I pulled the little rubber boot off I saw it was
bunched up inside against an exposed part of the black wire. The idle speed
motor won't run without this wire touching it. I can't tell where it comes
from, but it goes into the frame rail. Does anyone know if this is a common
modification? I can only figure the black wire is dead somewhere so another
power source was wired in, rather sketchily I might add.
Now I don't know what to do. Should I find the source of the problem,
restore the original wiring, and replace the connector as I planned? Or
should I continue using it like it is, but making the modification a little
more reliable? Keep in mind I'm a fool when it comes to electronics, and
many devices have caught fire by my hands. I want to keep it as reliable
and simple as possible.
Thank you!
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 17:07:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: john fredt <hecklerkochgmbh@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Ironic here- Practical no where else
I like the idea of people assuming the DeLorean is a 100,000 sports car.The more people think this the more DeLoreans remain out there for me! If everyone suddenly thought the DeLorean was the coolest car around think how hard it would be to get one.
Message: 7
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 00:10:11 -0000
From: "roscsyl" <mike.griese@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: In-glass antennnae
There is no record of a patent in John's name regarding
the windshield antenna.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, njp548@xxxx wrote:
> In a message dated 10/20/02 5:54:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> mike.griese@xxxx writes:
> << I don't think a windshield antenna is a DeLorean idea.
> I can remember cars in the '70's with this particular
> affliction...
> Mike >>
> I believe he meant that the idea itself was a JZD idea not an idea
> FOR the delorean car. And as you know JZD was employed by GM in
the early
> 70's.
> Later,
> Nick Pitello
> 1852
> 15914
> <A
HREF="" href="Http://">Http://">Http://</A>
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 22:08:53 EDT
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: In-glass antennnae
I would say the problem is not in the antenna, but in the sensitivity of the
radio. Meaning how sensitivity it is on picking up the signal. If the signal
input of the radio doesn't have low input sensitivity, then you will have to
have a better antenna to over come it. This is one reason you have a distance
and local button.
John Hervey
P.S. Note what Murray said below. Possible better radio's in later model
cars, or a different brand.
<< The Lincoln Continentals we have owned, from at least 1991 to the present
all have In-glass antennas.......they work fine both on AM and FM.
Murray >>
Message: 9
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 23:00:52 -0400
From: "Hank Eskin" <henry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fall Foilage Tour 2002 photos
Hello All,
The Fall Tour was a great time for all. Thanks to everyone who organized
the event.
Here are my photos from the tour:
Be sure to catch the last two panoramic shots, and feel free to leave
comments if you wish.
-Hank #1619
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 22:03:13 -0500
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Luggage Rack Installation
In the final issue of the 'zine, I wrote a piece on the install of the
luggage rack, and touched on the absence of the rivets. I think the solution
was to line up the rack visually, based on the factory photos and then
measure from side to side to ensure a match. There are also some spot welds
which can be used as a guide, too. Nevertheless, there's no substitute for
measuring, and then measuring again.
I also recall that when drilling the lower holes for the hinges, take care
that the when the drill bit goes through, it doesn't accidentally hit the
pontoon and mar, or worse, put a hole in it!
James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
> From: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Reply-To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: 21 Oct 2002 08:45:48 -0000
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [DML] Re: Luggage Rack Installation
> 1. My car is a Nov 81 build, and while I've not yet pulled the
> weatherstripping
> back, I have read that cars earlier than mine are missing the rivets to align
> the
> template with. Any tips here on lining things up?
Message: 11
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 00:55:52 -0400
From: Jack The Stripper <motti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: In-glass antennnae
Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned this in my original post, but I'm
not a DeLorean owner, as of yet! The in-glass antenna is just something
I was thinking about that I would want my DeLorean to have when I got
one. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up for getting a working power antenna.
Does anyone know what VIN's had the in-glass antenna, what VINs had the
front fender antenna, and what VINs had the rear quarter panel antenna
(ballpark #'s)?
I've seen the rear quarter panel antenna and it is the least conspicuous
next to the in-glass. I've heard of the front fender set up but have
never seen this (it sounds ugly!). Is it actually through the front
fender? It would be a shame for a number of the already limited number
of front fenders to be marred with a hole in them. Does anyone have a
clear picture of this set up?
Anyway, thanks to everyone who responded, very informative, as always.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Message: 10
> Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 23:26:26 -0000
> From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: In-glass antennnae
> Actually, di-pole antennas are notorious for BAD reception. Most
> people try to go the other way.
> DeLorean power antennas in the driver's Q panel are very accessible
> after you remove the charcoal canister. Operation through the driver's
> "vent" is wonderfully inconspicuous (I had no idea mine was there
> until I replaced a fuse and the thing popped out). Haven't studied too
> close, but makes sense any aftermarket antenna could be retrofitted.
> For first time installations wiring might be easiest run through the
> engine compartment rather than fishing around inside the pontoon.
> Re: failing power antennas, in the bad old days power antennas were
> often grounded through the case -> fender -> eventually to battery.
> Didn't take a lot of rust or corrosion to break the circuit (could be
> at a distant ground strap, not antenna mount). On my 1970's lincolns I
> usually sandwich a new wire between the antenna and fender, then run
> to a known good ground. Works every time. Our plastic DeLoreans of
> course need a dedicated ground.
> If your heart is set on a di-pole, quote me a price on your working
> power antenna. I might buy as a spare.
> Bill Robertson
> #5939
>>--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Jack The Stripper <motti@xxxx> wrote:
>>I haven't had a lot of time to read my messages lately, so forgive
> me if this has been covered, but has anyone here retrofitted their DeLorean
>>with an in-glass antenna or know someone who has?
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
Message: 12
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 07:32:45 +0200 (MEST)
From: Elvis Nocita <elvisnocita@xxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Difference between one-key, two-key
> That's interesting, because according to your VIN, you should be a one-key
> car. That would mean no WRxxxx code, just a straight four digit number
(7,000 -
> 9,999). The "S" is probably supposed to be a five, and the X doesn't mean
a thing
> if it is a true door code.
> Do you know if those are your original doors? My doors also had my vin
> written in, dates, and some other scribbles that made no sense.
> No Elvis signature, though.
Show me your car and I will sign it !
Elvis & 6548
+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!
Message: 13
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 10:03:09 -0000
From: "jamesrguk" <James_rg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Can somone in Norwalk, CT give me a 2nd opinion on a D for sale?
Hi all,
I was just wondering if there is anyone on the list from the Norwalk,
CT area.
I have been looking at the DeLorean on eBay as I am after a 5spd
project car and would like if possible for a delorean owner who knows
what he is looking at to have a scout around it for me.
This is not because I don't trust the seller, it's just that when
other friends in the UK have brought D's from the States they have
always had a DML'er check them out and give an informed opinion.
After all that's what this list is all about, helping each other :-)
Please e-mail me off list.
Kindest Regards
Message: 14
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 06:36:55 -0400
From: "Fedeli, Joe" <paa5072@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Bricklin leads a group of DeLoreans.
Sounded like fun...sorry work forced me to miss it!
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike D LI NY [mailto:mikedliny@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:25 PM
To: Bricklin
Subject: Bricklin leads a group of DeLoreans.
OK here is a funny Bricklin Vs DeLorean Story.
This weekend in NJ was the Fall Foliage Tour, we had a total of 23 DeLoreans
show up to this event.
It started at the former DeLorean mansion in Lamington NJ, caravan to
Princeton and the next day we caravan to New Hope PA.Well Sunday Morning I
look out into the hotel parking lot and I see one white Bricklin parked
all the DeLoreans with just about all the DeLorean owners taking a big look
It was Frank Alaimo and his daughter.
Frank was going to join the DeLorean caravan from Princeton NJ to New Hope
Well to make a long story short, the directions the DeLorean group had were
slightly flawed to say the least. It went from the Fall Foliage tour to the
Fall U-turn tour. After about 20 minutes of driving and U-turns we ended up
about 1000 Yds from the hotel we started at.
Frank came to our rescue, he said I know how to get you guys there just
follow me.
I told the whiny DeLorean owners Frank is road captain and were going to
follow him unless one of you other people want to step up and do it.
Well Frank did a great Job leading us to our destination!
A white Bricklin followed by a dozen or more DeLoreans, quite a sight!
Proof that the Bricklin was the #1 car that day.
Thank youFrank! For helping us out, your car was a hit at the Fall Tour!
I hope this vindicates me for bringing my DeLorean to the Wildwood Bricklin
(and yes I do own a Bricklin too)
Mike D.
WHT 75 1557
Vin 3113 NY Lic. DLORIANN
Message: 15
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:46:33 -0400
From: "mgutkowski@xxxxxxxxx" <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: In-glass antennnae
Hi Jack
This is a right-hand drive car with the aerial in the fender. The original
telescopic has been replaced with an 18" rubber whip. Its vin is 6986
Best Wishes
#1458 (in-windscreen)
#4426 (not sure.... but it's not in the fender nor the windscreen - but it
may have simply had a new windscreen at some point)
Original Message:
From: Jack The Stripper motti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 00:55:52 -0400
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [DML] Re: In-glass antennnae
I've heard of the front fender set up but have
never seen this (it sounds ugly!). Is it actually through the front
fender? It would be a shame for a number of the already limited number
of front fenders to be marred with a hole in them. Does anyone have a
clear picture of this set up?
mail2web - Check your email from the web at .
Message: 16
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:55:15 -0400
From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Delorean leather seat covers? Trimtech?
I got a set of the black ones a few months back.. They are great. I was amazed at how much more comfortable the seat is with the new soft leather. Not to mention the look and smell!
If I had a spare $900, I'd buy a set of grey for my other DMC. The seats are in good shape (minimal fading and wear), but they are stiffer than the new covers.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Parnham [mailto:cp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 5:50 PM
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [DML] Delorean leather seat covers? Trimtech?
> The main problem is matching up. The leather that is nearest
> in colour is
> currently used in Jaguars, close but not perfect, and the
> identical vinyl is
> completely unavailable, again "near matches" are possible.
> We still have a few sets of new original Grey seat covers in
> the UK club. ,
> cost about $900 plus shipping for both seats. Several people
> in the USA have
> bought them last year. Any one want to comment?
> Chris P DOC UK cp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message: 17
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 14:23:20 -0000
From: "jtrealtywebspannet" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: In-glass antennnae
It's more complicated then that. The signal is "polarized" roughly
meaning the antennae is more efficient if it is vertical to the ground
rather than horizontal. Of course having a more modern radio which is
much more sensitive can overcome this to a point.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, dherv10@xxxx wrote:
> I would say the problem is not in the antenna, but in the
sensitivity of the
> radio. Meaning how sensitivity it is on picking up the signal. If
the signal
> input of the radio doesn't have low input sensitivity, then you will
have to
> have a better antenna to over come it. This is one reason you have a
> and local button.
> John Hervey
Message: 18
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 14:24:24 -0000
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: The *last* right hand DeLorean Door
Call me weird. Call me a sissy. But that kind of brought a small
tear to my eyes. I'm imagining what they were going through at that
time. Knowing they were going to be out of a job. its sad.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, James Espey <james@xxxx> wrote:
> Don't take it too literally, however. I discovered a small, but
> find at the warehouse today during our "local owner" open house
event. In
> talking with some of the attendees about the things written in the
> of the door, generally in the areas under the headliners, I quite
by chance
> saw a door with a LOT of writing on it. The text reads as follows:
> --------------------
> This is the last right hand door to be made at DMC. It was made by
> B Atkinson Brian Boyle Phil Gough Hugh Barrett RJ Cowden K Ferris
> The end of a dream
> or is it?
> --------------------
> Note the name RJ Cowden above. A few minutes later we were looking
at Jay
> Steinberg's car, which already had the drivers headliner removed,
and it was
> marked with the VIN 11900 (his is 16900), the key code, and then
> initials "RJC".
> Robert Lamrock or Joe Murray - recognize any of those names? Be
> to know exactly when that was written, as there was no date on
there to be
> found.
> See the photo in the Gallery at (
> James Espey
> DeLorean Motor Company
Message: 19
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:51:18 -0400
From: "C. C. Cameron Putsch" <putsch.1@xxxxxxx>
Subject: door strut mount bending?!
I was wondering if anyone of you have noticed that the ball mount for your door strut that mounts to the roof is bending away from the strut under pressure. Is this a very bad thing, meaning it will break in the future. Should I replace something or modify it?
Casey at putsch.1@xxxxxxx
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 20
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:53:30 -0400
From: "C. C. Cameron Putsch" <putsch.1@xxxxxxx>
Subject: the old new DMC pictures
Does anyone have or know where there are decent picutres of the OLD new DMC that JZD wanted to build back in the 80's? It is the one that looks similar to our cars only red I think and with an F40 type wing, etc.
Casey at putsch.1@xxxxxxx
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 21
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 12:01:57 -0400
From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: JZD and a whole lot more
I have had numerous e-mails requesting more information on JZD and our meeting.
My schedule has had me from west coast to east coast and now back to Phoenix for the week so please give me a week or so to get back home and prepare a decent report so to speak on our meeting.
John told us some funny stories that we will share along with this trivia question (How many DeLoreans did John Own) He gave us that answer at dinner.
I promise not to keep you hanging too long but my schedule is kind of tough right now.
The web page will begin a major updating in a few weeks. We will be moving the Memphis material around but will leave links to allow you to still view the pictures along with expanding the vendors page.
We have a message from John and Fred Dellis plus many others that will be posted on the next upgrade. Again this is still about a month off but if you want to download from the web page feel free to do so.
Remember that Graceland and Elvis are Copyright items and while I do not care if you take things from the web page please respect the rights of Graceland.
The recent rumor that Graceland is closing is just that a Rumor.
If you want an article in the magazine for the first issue I would need it in by November 9th. We would like one article from each group if we could and it can be the articles you used in your local paper. There will be a section for local groups and the Memphis Show. Articles on the specialty or custom DeLoreans seen at the show are also being sought.
There will also be a section dedicated to owners so we can all get to know each other so if you send me your picture and a brief description we will include that in the Owners at the Car Show section and for you wanna go's that couldn't make it we will have a section for newcomers so everyone is invited to participate in this magazine. As with the show this is your magazine.
That goes for advertisements as well. The first issue will no charge for advertisements and we will be experimenting with a format for the vendors. Please include a small history of your business since we want to get Close and Personal with you in this magazine. For the first issue we will have a section devoted to vendors and it will include your adds. Again no charge to advertise in this first issue.
We are ahead of my schedule in putting the magazine together. This is not something I wanted to do but in light of recent events it is something that needs to be done.
I hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoy doing it for you.
As soon as we have a copy in hand we will begin taking orders.
Its still weeks away but we will not promise you a delivery and keep pushing it out. When we say we are ready the magazine will already be in hand no waiting.
The first issue will give you a glimpse of Pigoen Forge and as it appears now there will be a lot of technical information available at the show.
We'll see you all in Pigoeon Forge.
A very tired and over traveled
Message: 22
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 12:11:47 -0500
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: one-key, two-key and VIN 5386
Here's an educated guess...
Vin 5386 has an October 1981 build plate on it, but the doors say 12th
September (but no VIN like most cars) and has a two-key system. Two-key
systems supposedly went away at VIN 4200. A look at the VIN Chronology
maintained by Knut Grimsrud shows that September VINs were from about 3673
through at least 4202, at most 4213. So 4200 would have been at the very end
of September. Again, the doors on 5386 say 12th September. According to SSI,
the doors were assembled on a separate line from the car. For one reason or
another the doors were assembled but not used right away, and then they were
later installed on 5386 in the month of October.
There are also instances of cars being completed, but with VINs that are out
of sync with known build dates. So, it's also possible that the entire car
was assembled in mid-September, and then a problem arose and it was set
aside until later when the VIN was assigned after it was straightened out.
Some memo's allude to cars with emissions issues after assembly. But since
there are no markings on the doors regarding the VIN, I think the former is
more likely.
James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
> That is what I'm thinking too. I believe that this is
> a one key system. There are some really strange things
> about this car that don't click. certain numbers I'm
> finding and other werid stuff. Who knows what was
> replaced and what is original, theres no way of
> telling. Theres like zip concrete history on my D.
> These are the scribles on my doors. Passenger door:
> 130901/11R 12th Sept 14 KH
> these are above the headliner
> On the Drivers door:
> 130901/11L
> WR5085X
> these are above the headliner
> the S is actually a 5 now that you point it out.
> Any clue what all this means?
Message: 23
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:19:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: john fredt <hecklerkochgmbh@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Can somone in Norwalk, CT give me a 2nd opinion on a D for sale?
If you want a car that has been stored inside dont go for that one on e-bay in ct.It has been outside.Not really anything wrong with outside storage but some people think its bad.
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Message: 24
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:40:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: john fredt <hecklerkochgmbh@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Can somone in Norwalk, CT give me a 2nd opinion on a D for sale?
I think we should ban the export of DeLoreans under the pretense that they are a national treasure.
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Message: 25
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 19:34:13 -0000
From: "d_rex_2002" <rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: UPDATE - World of Wheels Show, Evansville IN
Looks like there is a bit of "sibling rivalry" in Evansville, IN,
and therefore, the Evansville World of Wheels show will not be an
option on my schedule this year (and maybe not in the future too).
Just received an email from the show chairman, Mark Pryor.
Let me know if this situation sounds vaguely familiar to anyone.
Exact quote from Mark's email:
"I also am not allowing anyone to enter a car in my show who was at
the Evansville Autofest.? I cannot charge $10 admission to see cars
that people just saw a couple of weeks ago for free.? I hope you
Part of me understands the logical argument (for the admission fee)
but the other part sees it as competition between shows, in which
we will now have to choose whether to be a part of the Autofest or
the World of Wheels in Evansville, but not both.
So, for those of you who did not have their cars at the Autofest
this year, feel free to enter the World of Wheels show this year.
My decision has been already been made for me.
Rich W.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "d_rex_2002" <rich@xxxx> wrote:
> Evansville again this year?
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