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There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Steering Column Play
From: Mark Noeltner <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2. Lights on...(white) delay in the fuse/relay area
From: Senatorpack@xxxxxx
3. Re: Steering Column Play
From: fjk143@xxxxxxx
4. Not so hot start problem
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
5. Re: Lights Staying on...
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
6. Re: Re: Hot start
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
7. Re: Diodes I think.....
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
8. Re: Hot start
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
9. Legend Turbo...Fiat Spyder
From: Senatorpack@xxxxxx
10. Re: Replacing spark plug leads
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
11. AC Blower strength
From: Travis Goodwin <tgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
12. Re: lowered front end and jacking?
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
13. Interior Light woes...
From: "Digital Devices" <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
14. Re: Memphis - Delorean Car Show
From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
15. Re: Steering Column Play
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
16. RE: Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, East Coast, DeLorean social was Bowie British Day
From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
17. Re: Gauges
From: "dmc6960" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
18. antenna woes
From: "dmc812001" <dmc812001@xxxxxxxxx>
19. Re: Memphis - Delorean Car Show
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "jason3625" <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
21. Re: Not so hot start problem
From: "jtrealtywebspannet" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
22. Re: AC Blower strength
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
23. Re: Re: Gauges
From: wingd2@xxxxxxx
24. Re: Gauges
From: "dmc812001" <dmc812001@xxxxxxxxx>
25. Re: AC Blower strength
From: "Walter Coe" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 19:51:15 -0700
From: Mark Noeltner <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Steering Column Play
There is normally a nylon bushing around the steering column at the
firewall. They do occasionally go bad and sometimes break and come out in
pieces resulting in a missing bushing. The best replacement is the one that
Darryl Tinnerstet sells: about the 3rd item
down on the page at $16.
But, the cost is minor. It's taking things apart to install it that is the
fun part!!
Mark N
VIN 6820
At 01:39 AM 3/11/02 -0000, you wrote:
>I am a Proud new owner of an August 81.... The steering column, I
>noticed while Driving it home the first time, has about an Inch play
>up and down and going over bumps it rattles. The problem is not the
>adjustment with the Wing Nut (Near the Front) it appears to be
>hitting the "Fire Wall" where is leaves the passenger compartment. I
>would think that it there is some kind of Rubber or Silicon bushing
>that the Steering column rests on to prevent the column from touching
>the "FireWall" I looked at the parts manual but I don't see anything
>there. Any Ideas?
>Dayton, Ohio
>To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
>To search the archives or view files, log in at
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 22:25:55 EST
From: Senatorpack@xxxxxx
Subject: Lights on...(white) delay in the fuse/relay area
In a message dated 03/10/2002 9:01:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,
jvdwouw@xxxxxxx writes:
<< (white) delay in the fuse/relay area >>
This relay is unreliable. The best method is to leave the two interior dome
lights in the middle position.
There is a method of upgrading the interior light relay, available in
DeLorean World Magazine from the DeLorean Owners Association.
Best Wishes,
Michael Pack
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 08:16:34 EST
From: fjk143@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Steering Column Play
Go to and get the steering column bushing that locates in the firewall. Material looks like nylon.
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 22:41:18 EST
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
Subject: Not so hot start problem
I have found that when I have the idle mixture screw adjusted
properly, I have a "hot soak" starting problem. It states fine cold, runs
smoothly, but never "hunts" as I am told they should. She starts fine after
driving 20 mins. and sitting for an hour. But let her sit, (hot soak) 3
hours and she's the devil to start. Before, when the idle setting was set
too rich I NEVER had a starting concern. The fuel accumulator is 3 months
old, as is the pump and everything else in the fuel system except the
distributor and injectors. Any help would sincerely earn my gratitude.
Thanks, Don VIN 6860
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:54:16 EST
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Lights Staying on...
You do know that it has a 12 sec. delay after it is turned on, right?
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:44:49 EST
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Hot start
Scot, Just a note to let everyone know, I have fuel distributors in stock
which can be seen on the web site. If you think your having trouble in that
area, We can pressure test and flow test If you send it to me for under
$100.00. Some of the new injector chemicals can eat up the o rings inside and
then it's rebuild time.
Do not leave chemicals in the gas overnight, If your going to use chemicals,
then put it in the tank and drive it out. Then before you set the car up for
the night, Fill the tank up again to dilute the chemicals, start it up and
let it run for a while to
re circulate the system with new gas.
John hervey
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 22:18:33 EST
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Diodes I think.....
Yes, these diodes are in the interior/ door lamp circuits and should be
connected, then check for proper operation. The do go bad sometimes.
Don VIN 6860
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:34:36 EST
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Hot start
Paul, Did you replace the acumulator. If so, then if you have a the old fuel
pump with built in check valve that may be the problem. The new Fuel Pump has
an external check valve which can be changed if the problem comes from that
in the future. If you want to try something before you go buy the parts, try
adjusting the air flow meter 1/4 turn clock and try it again.
John hervey
Message: 9
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 23:03:36 EST
From: Senatorpack@xxxxxx
Subject: Legend Turbo...Fiat Spyder
The company that was engineering the DeLorean Twin Turbo was Legend
Industries. There is a rare 1981 Fiat Turbo from Legend with 124 miles on
The Legend Industries logo is on the engine.
Best Wishes,
Message: 10
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 22:04:47 EST
From: DHughes030@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Replacing spark plug leads
You don't have to remove the fuel distributor to replace the spark plug
wires. Try this. Find a cushion from an old discarded couch and lay on it,
over the engine until you can position your head over the distributor.
You'll need to prop the engine cover open farther with a stick. The cushion
reduces the agony a bit while your feet are kicking wildly to position
Don vin 6860
Message: 11
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:09:40 -0500
From: Travis Goodwin <tgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: AC Blower strength
I've replaced my AC blower and I have to say that even set at 4 it is fairly
weak. Is this true in general or is it just me?
Message: 12
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 11:05:09 -0500
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: lowered front end and jacking?
> Support on jack stands at the tow hooks.
Can someone else confirm that this is an acceptable method to support the
front of the car while working on it? I have not heard of using the tow
hooks - I would have used the two jacking points behind the front wheel
Also, does anyone have a handy link detailing fuel tank removal?
-Hank #1619
Message: 13
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2029 11:51:02 -0500
From: "Digital Devices" <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Interior Light woes...
I am aware that the interior lights are supposed to dim
I have checked this relay ..
With it out .. It DOES turn the lights off RIGHT AWAY
So I guess it's the relay
Thanks guys!
Message: 14
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 23:04:57 EST
From: kkoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Memphis - Delorean Car Show
Thanks for the plug Marty
I have had an increase in event registrations over the past few weeks but the
Hotel registrations have gone flat.
A lot of you are playing musical Hotels and trying to get into the Hollywood.
There have been cancellations but as of today its full again. Good luck
Since 911 the hotel registrations have slowed down and its just now that the
event registrations are picking up.
As Marty stated based on the 150 rooms sold so far and averaging a bit below
2.5 per room as we have been doing thats about 350 people but everyone
doesn't do every event. Based on the past two shows I am going to get a run
near the deadline.
This is going to be a great show and I have added a few more things to it.
Since we are all car lovers and like cars a local Thunderbird group contacted
me and wanted to come for the Saturday show as well. They plan to bring 12
mint condition 55-57 Thunderbirds for us to look at.
Any Bricklin, Lotus or GTO people out there???????
Marty is right that the Saturday and Sunday events I have no control over the
max people. I have opened up the Thursday and Saturday events so they are no
problem at all.
My thanks to David Knudson for the article in the DeLorean World. I know its
been a subject here lately but at the same time I appreciate being able to
advertise in it for this show.
I understand Davis is stepping down from the magazine after a long time at
the helm.
It takes a lot to put together a magazine no matter whom it is. So David
from me to you Thanks.
A lot of work has gone into Memphis and a lot of memories will be rekindled
and made here. Last time I spent a lot of time working on getting the cars to
the show and we had many specialty cars. This time I have worked on getting
different materials for the show. Much of what I have found has never been
seen before at a show or published so it will be new and I hope educational
and entertaining, George Crane will give you insights to things you would
never have imagined. Many of you still don't know George but after Memphis
you will.
This show has been a collection of bits and pieces from many people and its
there for you. We have three newscenters from Ireland planning on coming so
it will truely be international. I think we are up to 18 to 20 coming from
I also want to say Aaron Posey put on another spectacular event in Gatlinberg
TN today and I just got home. The Dragon run is an amazing road that really
puts the DeLorean in its home environment ( a challenging road for both car
and driver)
If you missed it this year maybe he will do it again. This group is becoming
very active and supportive of the car show as well.
Take care and see you in Memphis
<A HREF="" href="">"></A>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 15
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:55:05 +0000
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Steering Column Play
You are precisely correct - there is a urethane bush that snugs the
column shaft through the firewall. I can speak with complete experience
because I finally got around to doing mine yesterday!!! Boy am I glad I
did. Tell me, are you having the same problem I was, with the steering
wheel obscuring the top of the instrument cluster? Changing the bush
made the steering wheel go higher than before (I can't work out why).
Anyway, driving the car's a lot more pleasurable now.
Some notes for you:
The service manual states that to remove the steering column, you need
to take out the driver's knee-pads. Although it might not look like it,
it IS necessary.
I only took out the uppermost bolt in the upper steering universal
joint. NB you MUST remove the bolt, not just loosen it.
The column itself is fixed by two bolts (17mm heads IIRC).
For getting the column back in, I had a bit of trouble with pushing the
shaft back into the UJ - it just kept telescoping back into the
crumple-zone. Then I hit on a solution. (the following will make sense
when it's in front of you!) The bottom end of the shaft makes up the
outer tube when telescoping. If you pull it out far enough, the end of
the tube clears the upper end of the crumple tube. I then used a pait of
long-nosed pliers through the holes in the crumple tube - right at the
upper neck, to avoid damaging the crumple tube - so the lower shaft had
something to push against.
With a friend's help, and the service manual, I had mine finished in
one-and-a-half hours.
Darryl sells replacement bushes (3rd item down)
jason3625 wrote:
>I am a Proud new owner of an August 81.... The steering column, I
>noticed while Driving it home the first time, has about an Inch play
>up and down and going over bumps it rattles. The problem is not the
>adjustment with the Wing Nut (Near the Front) it appears to be
>hitting the "Fire Wall" where is leaves the passenger compartment. I
>would think that it there is some kind of Rubber or Silicon bushing
>that the Steering column rests on to prevent the column from touching
>the "FireWall" I looked at the parts manual but I don't see anything
>there. Any Ideas?
>Dayton, Ohio
Message: 16
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 08:22:46 -0500
From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, East Coast, DeLorean social was Bowie British Day
June 16?? That's one way of getting rid of the DeLoreans at this show... :)
See you in Memphis!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Senatorpack@xxxxxx [mailto:Senatorpack@xxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 1:31 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, East Coast, DeLorean
social was Bowie British Day
The Chesapeake Chapter of the New England MGT Register announces that The
Original British Car Day, normally held in Bowie, Maryland, will move to a
new location: Smokey Glen Farm in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and a new date:
June 16, 2002. This event will be open to up to 1000 cars and held in an
attractive country setting. Quality barbeque food and drinks will be
available for sale at reasonable prices, and family activities will also be
provided. For more information please contact BCD Chairman, John Tokar by
telephone at 301-831-5300, or by e-mail at tokarj@xxxxxxxxxx
Message: 17
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 05:36:26 -0000
From: "dmc6960" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Gauges
Trevor, I'm not to sure if you even read my post or not, but I am
already working on backlit illuminated gauges. I dont know if you
have ever taken a DeLorean gauge cluser apart before or not, but if
you have you'll find it to be very different than a normal, modern,
backlit gauge. A simple indiglo overlay cannot be done on these
Here is a simple description of a DeLorean guage. They consist of
silk-sceened decals printed directly onto solid black plastic faces,
attached directly to the gauge actuators. Also, unlike most other
gauge faces, there is no single plastic overlay that covers the edge
of all the gauges. This way, each gauge can be semi-individually
removed. The faces interlock into eachother in this manner...
Tachometer on top, speedometer on left interlocking below it, and
oil/fuel below it on the right. Further to the right below the
oil/fuel gauge is the right side dummy-light pod. To the left below
the speedometer, is the volt/temp gauge with attached left-side dummy
lights (not on a separate piece).
Now, I've seen this type of gauge faces before. What this company
does, is produce self-illuminated decals to put in place of a stock
backlit decal. With the DeLorean's cluster not already being backlit,
you raise the question of powering these decals. You would need to
drill unsightly holes in the cluster to supply this. Also, standard
backlit decals are attached to a gauge by means of screws. The
DeLorean's gauges do not have frontside screws to do this with. Then
the edges would look unfinished because of that lack of a single
plastic overlay covering the edges of all the gauges. One more
complication comes in the form of illuminating the needles. Since
this conversion relys heavy upon there already being a backlit
cluster, they usually dont take into account changing the needles
around, plus the odometer on the speedometer would have no means of
illumination. All of these issues, I have addressed with my
backlighting conversion.
More complication comes in the form of printing the decal faces. The
lettering on the stock gauges certainly isn't anything found today.
People who have looked into this before can back me on that. If you
look at the popular 170mph conversion, you'll notice it really does
not exactly match the rest of the cluster despite claims that it does.
I have been painstakingly working on recreating each gauge face by
hand in high resolution digital images since simple scanning does not
produce desirable results. I've been at it on and off for over a year
now, and I'm still not done.
With all of these specialty difficulties about the DeLorean's cluster,
I question if Speedhut will even want to take on our car. Plus, they
will also need a doner cluster to base thier work off of if they do go
ahead with it. I will personally continue my work on the backlit
dash, to reach my goal of a working prototype to be displayed at the
DeLorean Car Show/Memphis this June. For anybody who cannot attend
the show, pictures of the prototype will be posted online after
official unvailing.
Again, if anybody has any questions about my backlighting conversion,
please feel free to email me at ultra(at)
Jim Reeve
MNDMC - Minnesota DeLorean Club
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Trevor Johnson <comet4055@xxxx> wrote:
> Okay, Despite no useful responses, I have located a place that can
> gauges, if you have 15 orders, they will go ahead and manufacture
> Price depends on what options you get but it looks to be around
> which is not bad at all. If you are at all interested check out
their web
> site,
Message: 18
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 18:29:20 -0000
From: "dmc812001" <dmc812001@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: antenna woes
Hi All,
my antenna is front fender mounted and is a little bent. I tried
fixing it myself, but it's still a bit bent. Are there any
replacements for the antenna available? If so, are there any that are
smaller yet better at recieveing signals than the original one?? Let
me know if anyone can help me.
Steve T.
Message: 19
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 13:45:43 -0500
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Memphis - Delorean Car Show
The Cleveland show was just awesome.. and it sounds like to me that the
Memphis show is going to be a least 10 times better (hard to imagine)... How
is Ken possibly going to top Memphis for the 2004 show?? ;)
-Hank #1619
Message: 20
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 17:35:44 -0000
From: "jason3625" <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: E-CHECK
Great Wise ones.... I just purchsed my D over the weekend and went
to get the paperwork done and since there is a Title change in Ohio I
have to get an E-Check (Emissions check) done..... and to my horror
it Failed.. has any one got any pointers out there. I do not want
to have to drive it to any ole mechanic and I am very apt on working
on my own cars but have never had an emission issue ever.... the tech
said that it was not burning all the fuel. Any suggestions
Thanks All
Jason Jones
Message: 21
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 21:10:32 -0000
From: "jtrealtywebspannet" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Not so hot start problem
What do you mean by "adjusting the idle screws"? The 3 brass screws
are supposed to be lightly closed period. Any other position means
something either isn't set-up correctly or something is
malfunctioning. If you have a hard hot start the most obvious places
to start is the fuel accumulater and the fuel pump check valve. Make
sure there are no vacuum leaks as that can affect idle quality.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, DHughes030@xxxx wrote:
> I have found that when I have the idle mixture screw adjusted
> properly, I have a "hot soak" starting problem. It states fine
cold, runs
> smoothly, but never "hunts" as I am told they should. She starts
fine after
> driving 20 mins. and sitting for an hour. But let her sit, (hot
soak) 3
> hours and she's the devil to start. Before, when the idle setting
was set
> too rich I NEVER had a starting concern. The fuel accumulator is 3
> old, as is the pump and everything else in the fuel system except
> distributor and injectors. Any help would sincerely earn my
> Thanks, Don VIN 6860
Message: 22
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 13:09:38 -0600
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: AC Blower strength
The AC blower does increase in strength and does blow very well.
However, if the blower motor rotates the wrong way it will result in
very little air output.
You may want to change your polarity (using jumpers) to see what
difference it makes.
Message: 23
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 16:01:32 EST
From: wingd2@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Gauges
In a message dated 3/11/02 Jim writes:
> More complication comes in the form of printing the decal faces. The
> lettering on the stock gauges certainly isn't anything found today.
> People who have looked into this before can back me on that. If you
> look at the popular 170mph conversion, you'll notice it really does
> not exactly match the rest of the cluster despite claims that it does.
You are correct about this. When I did the 140MPH face decals I ran into
the exact same thing. The lettering and numbering does not match any standard
font style that I was able to find either. In order to match the other gauges
in the cluster, many of the numbers I used on my faces were actually
re-created from scratch by hand. This all takes quite a bit of time and
effort to get right. Good Luck with your project.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 24
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 21:30:37 -0000
From: "dmc812001" <dmc812001@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Gauges
--- Jim,
Well, it's great to hear that people are developing custom parts for
the Delorean. I would love to see your backlit dash when completed
and if it looks good,I would definately buy one. I feel that although
the car is a classic, it never achieved the level of sucess that it
deserves. The car today looks just as fresh as it did then, but some
upgrades i feel would make the car even better and more up to date. A
backlit dash with a 170mph speedometer would be a great start.
Send me pics when you are done. Thanks.
Steve T. #2801
Message: 25
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 16:22:04 -0500
From: "Walter Coe" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: AC Blower strength
> I've replaced my AC blower and I have to say that even set at 4 it is
> weak. Is this true in general or is it just me?
You might have replaced your blower motor with the wrong type. The more
common blower motor looks identical to what the DeLorean uses, but it spins
the wrong direction. Take your motor out and with the wires still connected
check the direction it spins. There is a little arrow in the center of the
squirel cage that shows the direction it is supposed to spin. If yours is
spinning the wrong direciton, it will still blow air but not quite as well
as it should.
To fix this you have 3 choices:
1) Get a different blower motor that already spins the right direction.
2) Reverse the polarity on the blower so that it now has a positive ground
(not the most elegant way but probably the most popular.)
3) disassemble the blower, remove the two shell magnets and replace them
upside down from where they were originally.
Walt Tampa, FL
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