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There are 20 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. If you think you have seen it all!
From: "Rustproof" <Rustproof@xxxxxxxxxxx>
2. Re: Engine Performance.
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
3. Re: Sunstar model questions & remarks( LK meaning on box)
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
4. Re: logos & copyrights
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
5. Spirit of America
From: tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx
6. Firing Order
From: shain@xxxxxxxxxxxx
7. RE: logos & copyrights
From: "Murray Fisher" <murrayf@xxxxxxxxx>
8. Toby's bolts
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
9. Happy Thanksgiving!
From: "Ralph Isenberg" <yugoman50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
10. Re: Spirit of America
From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
11. Re: logos & copyrights
From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
12. Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
From: Horseman of PA <the_horseman_pa@xxxxxxxxx>
13. Re: Firing Order
From: "Adam Price" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
14. Re: Firing Order
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
15. Re: logos & copyrights
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
16. Website
From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
17. Two-tone interiors.
From: "Jeff" <Gr8old1@xxxxxxx>
18. Re: Toby's bolts
From: tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx
19. Re: Two-tone interiors.
From: William T Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
20. Re: Two-tone interiors.
From: theshovel1224@xxxxxxxxx
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 23:53:40 -0500
From: "Rustproof" <Rustproof@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: If you think you have seen it all!
You guys want to see some Sun Star Delorean acuracy and realism? Click on this ebay link!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 00:00:05 EST
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Engine Performance.
Robert and Group, I have said for the time I have been on the list which is
about a year about how performance can be lifted when a tired old coil is
replaced. In the last 3 months I have sold several of the new 18,000 volt
coils and resistors. Also, getting the electrical system up to par will also
lift the sprits of the car. You will know it's all working together when you
get the feeling the car is pulling you instead of the feeling your having to
push or force the car to go.I know this may sound crazy, but sometimes just
feel the way a car responds to you and this isn't just the De lorean but any
John hervey
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 06:10:40 -0000
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Sunstar model questions & remarks( LK meaning on box)
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Walter" <Whalt@xxxx> wrote:
> So has anyone figured out what the "LK" stands for? I noticed it
printed on
> the bottom of the cars as well as the package.
> Walt Tampa, FL
As far as I can tell,that is a mistake in information/printing by
Sunstar,that "LK" should have been "UK"(United Kingdom)representing
the Delorean as a British made/produced/financed car.(Northern
Ireland) So now its going to be known as the De Lorean LK instead of
the DMC-12?
Windsor CT.
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 06:31:20 -0000
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: logos & copyrights
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxx> wrote:
> Houston does not own the "DeLorean" logo, they only own "DMC" logo.
Soo...What about the more important "DMC-12" Logo who owns that? Is
that one up for grabs?
000570 <--(my logo)
Windsor Ct.
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 07:06:23 -0000
From: tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Spirit of America
Hello List. Happy Thanksgiving. Some people have contacted me to
say that they don't know how to access the "photo" section of the
DML. I guess that they are people who read the 'digest' version of
the list without actually logging in. As a service to those folks,
the photo section can be accessed by the following link -
Click on to the album folder entitled "Spirit of America" to see what
Winged1 looks like, right now. It was a great deal of fun, and has
blessed many people who have seen it "out and about", and also in a
large Veteran's Day parade that I was invited to participate in.
Don't panic, you purists out there ... it's not permanent!
Toby Peterson VIN 2248
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 13:42:40 -0000
From: shain@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Firing Order
After cleaning my fuel system about and replacing all the boots and
hoses my DeLorean runs. But is idleing very rough. I belive that the
firing order is off. Can someone give me the diagram on the firing
order? ALso what are the three brass screws on the maifold right
after the idle control. I would liek to thank you all for helping me
with my car, and hope you guys have a nice thanksgiving.
- Shain
Message: 7
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 06:59:38 -0800
From: "Murray Fisher" <murrayf@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: logos & copyrights
A man after my own heart....before I got my D (5 years ago) I wanted the
DeLorean name in SS on both the door sills and bumper.....the day I got the
car I talked to a D owner who said he liked to keep it "dark and mysterious"
and NOT have the name stand out. I feel the same way and would also like to
get rid of the name on the rear bumper...not that I am ashamed of it of
course, but it would tend to "heighten" the mystery as to what it is. I
have been wanting to remove that DML logo on the front grille but have been
a little afraid to try it and also wonderin if it will leave holes that are
unsightly? I like the so called "blackout" covers for both the front and
rear lights too.
On lots of my cars in the past I have removed chrome lettering and had it
leaded in and repainted in that area...I have done that with brand new cars
and horrified the particular one Lincoln Continental! Ho Ho.
Hate those signs that want to tell everyone how many valves you have etc!
VIN: 05962
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 07:30:38 +0000
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Toby's bolts
I don't think I'll get the first ones, I'm going to wait for the new and
improved version.
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 08:17:56 -0500
From: "Ralph Isenberg" <yugoman50@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving!
Best wishe to all the great DeLorean people! May God continue to bless us in
these troubled times, as well as look out for our men and women in uniform.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
Message: 10
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 13:15:59 -0500
From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Spirit of America
> Don't panic, you purists out there ... it's not permanent!
> Toby Peterson VIN 2248
> Winged1
Darn it Toby! You have the writing style of Paul Harvey. Always leave them
wanting more; never explain everything until a commercial break. Okay,
so... what is that red, white & blue stuff on your car? Is it sheets of
bumper sticker decal stock? When I first saw the photos, I thought that you
had done a great job of digitally mapping a flag onto your car. But then
one shot showed the driver's side mirror reflecting the stripes, so that got
me wondering. Did you fake that with photo editing too?
Good luck if anyone dents a body panel with that stuff on your car. If you
pull that stuff off, then people will say that it is a different car. If
you leave it on, then the insurance adjusters will only want to 'repaint'
and fill the dents with body filler. One guy on the DML had to take an
insurance company to court to stop them from fixing his car with 'stainless
steel paint'. Imagine how much harder it would have been for him if he had
his car covered with Old Glory.
Walt Tampa, FL
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 13:34:14 -0500
From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: logos & copyrights
Removing the DMC logo from the grille is pretty easy. It comes off without
leaving any noticeable holes because the holes are in the deep recesses.
The logo is held on with 3 pins that penetrate the grille and are held on
with one-time-use spring washers. By this I mean that you have to destroy
the washers to get them off. (I'm not sure what the proper name for them
are, but it is a common item in auto parts stores.)
Once removed, there was a slight weather print where the logo had protected
the area of the grille beneath it. That is strange because it is the only
part of my exterior that shows any weather damage, so I'm pretty sure this
came from a different car and that mine had been wreaked on the front by a
previous owner. (My fascia had been repainted, too.) I have since bought a
NOS grille on eBay that came without the logo and is also conveniently
missing the 3 mounting holes. So when I put that on, the mystery will be
complete (at least on the front).
I watched (through a restaurant window) as 3 old ladies walk around my car
several times trying to figure out what kind of car it was. After a few
passes, one of them saw the dark name on the bumper. Even then they were
not sure. The last one of them shrugged as she walked away.
It is these finer things in life that I enjoy. One day I'm going to hide a
microphone on my car and record what people say. I'll put the better
comments on a list and post them for everyone to see. It never ceases to
amuse me what the common expert has to say about my car.
Walt Tampa, FL
Message: 12
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 10:29:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Horseman of PA <the_horseman_pa@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to take this time to say I've been a
member of this great club for a year today! and since
joining I not only have learned so mutch but I have
realized the dream! something I never thought was
possible. Love the club!
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.
Message: 13
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 10:46:14 -0800
From: "Adam Price" <acprice1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Firing Order
Hello. The firing order is: 1-6-3-5-2-4
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 14
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 14:04:41 EST
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Firing Order
In a message dated 11/22/01 10:36:25 AM Central Standard Time,
shain@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> Hello,
> After cleaning my fuel system about and replacing all the boots and
> hoses my DeLorean runs. But is idleing very rough. I belive that the
> firing order is off. Can someone give me the diagram on the firing
> order? ALso what are the three brass screws on the maifold right
> after the idle control. I would liek to thank you all for helping me
> with my car, and hope you guys have a nice thanksgiving.
> - Shain
those three brass screws are air flow/idle adjustments for OTHER applications
of the PRV engine. i believe the air meter plate and idle motor replaces
them or something like that. anyway, they should all be lightly seated all
the way down. use your fingers to turn them closed, but don't use any tools
unless they are frozen in place.
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 15
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 15:55:53 EST
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: logos & copyrights
In a message dated 11/22/01 1:11:47 PM Central Standard Time, Whalt@xxxxxxx
> It is these finer things in life that I enjoy. One day I'm going to hide a
> microphone on my car and record what people say. I'll put the better
> comments on a list and post them for everyone to see. It never ceases to
> amuse me what the common expert has to say about my car.
> Walt Tampa, FL
one of my favorites is to have my car in a local car show and walk away from
my car and check out the other cars. when i come back to my car i pretend
i'm one of the crowd - it's awesome hearing what people say about my car when
they don't know the owner is right next to them!!!
this fall, someone who was supposedly an 'expert' started answering people's
questions - some guy wondered out loud to his wife, 'i wonder what kind of
engine that has in it?' and the the expert, who was looking at my car near
him, piped up and said, 'oh, it's a got a windsor 351! these are pretty much
all ford parts, you know", then he started talking to other people about it.
then someone noticed my specs display and that put everyone's theories aside.
the 'expert' still said 'i swear, my friend's brother had one of these and
'some of them' came with a windsor 351!!!'
i just chuckled!
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 16
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 22:48:21 -0000
From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Website
Hello everyone,
Some of you may have allready noticed me leaving my URL out
of my sign off, but now I would like to make it official: per
February 2002 my URL will cease to work.
As of that time you can still acces my site, but you have to use
another address. Since I'm also changing providers my
emailaddress and PERSONAL URL will also change.
So in short: and
will BOTH be replaced by
In all URL's I posted in the past using this can
just be replaced by
I'd like to ask all site-owners with a link to my site to either
remove the link (I'm not doing anything real with the site anyway)
or update it to the new address.
JAN van de Wouw
Thinking Different... Using a Mac...
Living the Dream... Driving a DeLorean...
#05141 "Dagger" since Sept. 2000
Message: 17
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 23:03:44 -0000
From: "Jeff" <Gr8old1@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Two-tone interiors.
I was browsing the Excite page earlier today and came across an ad
for a D for sale featuring "The rare two-tone interior". Supposedly
this is as the owner says "one of 25 known to exist". I had never
heard of this before and was wondering about the validity of such
-Jeff Chabotte
Norwich, CT
Striving for the dream
Message: 18
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 23:07:43 -0000
From: tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Toby's bolts
Les - Happy Thanksgiving! By the way, to what are you referring here
in your post? The bolts that are being manufactured are the very
best that can be purchased, for the application that we are
discussing. There can be no further improvements on what is already
the best. Please advise on what is written between your lines.
Toby Peterson VIN 2248
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxx> wrote:
> I don't think I'll get the first ones, I'm going to wait for the
new and
> improved version.
Message: 19
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 19:49:16 -0500 (EST)
From: William T Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Two-tone interiors.
On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Jeff wrote:
> I was browsing the Excite page earlier today and came across an ad for
> a D for sale featuring "The rare two-tone interior". Supposedly this
> is as the owner says "one of 25 known to exist". I had never heard of
> this before and was wondering about the validity of such claims.
Many 1983's were built like this once they ran out of some of the black
interior parts. Instead they made them half black and half gray. I
personally think this looks better than either the all-black or all-gray.
I don't know exactly how many there are but I suspect there are at least a
couple hundred done this way.
Message: 20
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 01:39:49 -0000
From: theshovel1224@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Two-tone interiors.
At vin 10580, all the carpets were changed to a medium/light grey in
order to "brighten up" the interior of the black cars. This made the
black interior cars look two-tone. There were probably at least 500
more '82's that left the factory as well as around 918 '83's built
after this. How many of these were black, (two tone) I don't know.
But it was probably a lot more than 25. My car, vin 16822, has this
two tone black interior.
John Yeoman
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jeff" <Gr8old1@xxxx> wrote:
> I was browsing the Excite page earlier today and came across an ad
> for a D for sale featuring "The rare two-tone interior". Supposedly
> this is as the owner says "one of 25 known to exist". I had never
> heard of this before and was wondering about the validity of such
> claims.
> -Jeff Chabotte
> Norwich, CT
> Striving for the dream
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