[DML] Digest Number 796
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[DML] Digest Number 796

Title: [DML] Digest Number 796

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There are 22 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Re:  Sunstar model questions & remarks
           From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
      2. Re: Bosch Fuel Injection Systems Reference books
           From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
      3. Re:NJ Owners
           From: Dmc3360@xxxxxxx
      4. Re: Headlight Switch Follow Up.
           From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      5. Re: Comments & Suggestions from Marc re: deloreans magazine
           From: Lee <immerse@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      6. Re: Re: NJ owners?
           From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      7. Door Headliner Panels
           From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      8. Re: Re: NJ owners?
           From: Ebe5173@xxxxxxx
      9. Re: NJ owners?
           From: deloreanernst@xxxxxxx
     10. logos & copyrights
           From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
     11. Re: Headlight Switch Follow Up.
           From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
     12. Re: Headlight Switch Follow Up.
           From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
     13. Hazard Signal Switch.
           From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
     14. RE: logos & copyrights
           From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     15. Re: Hazard Signal Switch.
           From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
     16. Re: Hazard Signal Switch.
           From: "Jim Reeve" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
     17. Re: (DMC warehouse move news)
           From: Dee Moats <Dee-Moats@xxxxxxxxxx>
     18. Re: Lee Seiler, models and trademark usage
           From: "James" <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
     19. Re: Re: NJ owners?
           From: "Joseph Molino" <foxmul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     20. Houston's HiPo car vs. Rob's Green D
           From: Aaron Posey <cadysrme@xxxxxxxxx>
     21. Engine Performance.
           From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
     22. TIMEX watch
           From: mpolans@xxxxxxxxxxx


Message: 1
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 01:23:38 -0500
   From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  Sunstar model questions & remarks

I now own 3 of the Sunstar models and have noticed some interesting
differences between each model.

The first model I got was from a toy model salesman at a local car show.  It
cost me $35.  I bought it because the other two that I bought through the
internet hadn't arrived yet, and I just couldn't resist having one in my
hands immediately upon seeing one for the first time.  :)  Besides, my 1:1
scale toy has been on jack stands for 2 weeks while I fix things. :-(

The second one I bought was through eBay for $27.99.  I was disappointed
with this one because it was missing the plastic band that held the doors
closed.  When I carried the box from the post office, I could hear the doors
banging around.  When I unscrewed it from the base, I also noticed that the
rear plastic strap was secured in a double square knot, and the front strap
was taped on the bottom.  Since my first model had 3 straps and they were
all heat-sealed tight, I figured that the seller of my second model must
have taken the car out of the box and played with it.

The 3rd model is a real piece of crap compared to the other two.  It came
from Exoticar for $36.94.  Seeing it convinced me that the second car wasn't
tampered with after all.  This 3rd model had 3 straps that were also either
tied or taped -- not heat-sealed like the 1st one.

Then I noticed some unusual differences unique to the 3rd car:

The headlights & front turn signal lights have a vertical ribbed pattern on
them.  The other two cars have smooth lights.

The rear lights also have a ribbed pattern all over except for the running
light portions in the centers.  The other two cars are smooth on the
exterior and appear ribbed on the backsides that face the car.

The windows appear fogged up in places that is characteristic of
cyanoacrylic glue (Super Glue) vapors.  For those of you who aren't familiar
with its properties, a similar substance is used in police work to make
finger prints visible.  Well, it did this very well on the inside of the
passenger door window.  There is a white fingerprint in the top rear corner
and white opaque vapor stains all across the top and back of the window.
They look like they will clean off with a little rubbing.

The driver's side door sill is warped, and the door doesn't close properly.
It looks like it didn't 'latch' on the rear.  The combined effect yields a
2.5mm gap on the bottom rear with no gap on the bottom front.  The front
spoiler is attached crooked and sticks out farther than the bumper.  The
stainless finish has some dings in addition to some gray specks.  I tried
scraping some off with my fingernail, and that removes the grain leaving a
glossy silver finish underneath.  It appears that the stainless finish is a
combination of a matte clear/silver paint over a shinier silver base.  There
is gray paint flaking off the dash revealing black underneath, and the seam
across the binnacle is more obvious than the other cars.

But hey, we are talking about toys here.  If I had the cars to unpack again,
I would have saved the 1st one to keep original it the box.  The other two
that were shipped via UPS & snail mail had the plastic windows in the boxes

If any of you are trying to save some of these cars original-in-the-box,
don't bother unless you have one with the 'tamper proof' plastic straps.
The others are just held on with tape or tied and look unprofessional in
comparison.  These can be removed and put back together without any evidence
of tampering.

So has anyone figured out what the "LK" stands for?  I noticed it printed on
the bottom of the cars as well as the package.

Walt    Tampa, FL


Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 06:01:12 -0000
   From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Bosch Fuel Injection Systems Reference books

Another good reference source is "Bosch Fuel Injection Management &
Engine Management" written by Charles O. Probst. Published by Robert
Bently. It covers many of the Bosch injection systems and also gives
some tips on troubleshooting and performance tuning. If you can get
one you should also have the DMC Technical Information Manual. Besides
a complete source of info on the fuel system it also expands on other
systems in the Delorean. It was meant as a source of reference for the
Delorean service techs but it is great for owners too.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Dave Sontos" <dsontos@xxxx> wrote:
> I found a book called "How to Tune and Modify Bosch Fuel Injection"
written by Ben Watson, published by MBI Publishing Company, ISBN
number 0-87938-570-7 price $19.95 USD. The book contains information
on several Bosch systems including two chapters on K-Jetronic and
K-Jetronic with Lambda. It is very well written and has lots of
illustrations and clever trouble shooting tips.
> I highly recommend this book for all DeLorean owners who work on
their own cars.
> Dave Sontos
> vin 02573
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 3
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 02:04:22 EST
   From: Dmc3360@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re:NJ Owners

  We have a regional club.  DeLorean Mid Atlantic.  Covering the mid atlantic
states.  Myself and many other members are from NJ as well as other states. 
We are very active and are always happy to welcome new owners as well as
enthusiasts.  If you would like more information contact myself or check out
our website below.

DeLorean Mid Atlantic<A HREF="" href="http://clubs.hemmings.com/deloreanmidatlantic/">http://clubs.hemmings.com/deloreanmidatlantic/">

Gary Gore
Activities Director
DeLorean Mid Atlantic

> Hey guys, Any NJ Listers out there?
> Looking for local guys in my area for a look & See and advice.....
> Frank
> 93 Sport 300 Lotus Esprit

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 4
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 09:22:57 -0000
   From: "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Headlight Switch Follow Up.

--- In dmcnews Robert wrote:
> Ok, My new headlight switch from DMC Houston arrived yeterday,
> so i installed it last night. So since I had a replacement, I
> cracked open the old one to see how it worked.

Nice description; I have disected my old switch too when I replaced
it, so I know exactly what you are talking about, but I'm afraid that
people that are not familiar with the switch still won't understand.
I still have to make some pictures of my relay upgrade posted at
when I get around to that I'll also make a picture of the inner
workings of the switch.

> Now for comments :)
> On my switch, the the plastic on the 12V track had started to melt
> from the heat. Of all the power flowing thru it.

That's what had happened to mine too; I'll include that pic too...

> the relay upgrade is a nessisary one for this circuit.

I totally agree, especially since it isn't that hard to do.
Since I DID this modification I know tis for a fact...

> There are only two downsides to this switch"
> 1. It's a little more difficult to flash your lights
> in a hurry when you're on the highway. (i.e. to  let trucks
> know it's ok to pass).

I can't see why this is a problem; if you want to flash your
lights all you have to do is pull the left stalk towards the
steering wheel. This even works with the ignition off
(and even with my other relay upgrade installed)...

> 2. When driving @ dawn, you have to go thru the entire cycle when
you want to turn you lights  off as the day gets brighter.

I agree this can be annoying, but I ALLWAYS drive with my
low beams on; IMHO the clearance lights aren't bright enoug
to really be noticed in daylight.

> You can try to repair it if you like, but I would recommend
> that you buy a new one.
> It has the nice texture, and solid clicking sound. :)

And let's not forget the undamaged symbol on the button!
It's been said befor, but I'll repeat it anyway; allways puch
the button with TWO fingers on the edge/rim, not the center!
This will stop you from wearing out the symbol AND it will
distribute the forces better...

Best regards,

Jan van de Wouw
Thinking Different...   Using a Mac...
Living the Dream...   Driving a DeLorean...

#05141 "Dagger" since Sept. 2000



Message: 5
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 02:04:53 -0800
   From: Lee <immerse@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Comments & Suggestions from Marc re: deloreans magazine

*****  Moderator's Note  *****
Despite the subject line, this post replies specifically to
the question of the use of the DMC logo.

note: To the moderator

Please post this reply to part of Marc’s last post, regarding copyrights. Any
questions directly relating to the kits should be forwarded to Ken Montgomery or my
private e-mail. I do not think it would be helpful to post kit questions
on the DML.

"Marc A. Levy" wrote:
James (and anyone else who is still interested in this thread),

[I cut out all of the original text to save space on the archives and
digests] - Marc

[I also cut out all of the original text and most of Marc’s letter  to save space in
the archives and digests] - Lee


"No one needs to own the name "DeLorean Motor Company" or the DMC logo in
order to improve the image of the marquee (did I get the spelling right
this time Les?) I don't see how securing the logo protects the
investment Houston has made.  Is someone misusing the logo?  Can you
elaborate on what the intentions are for the use of this trademark?
Will other vendors be restricted from using it?"   .....Snip


In response to the above question Marc, I can only speak about the DMC Key
blanks and model car kits I make. I met with Stephen Wynne and James several
time at the recent NCDMC Black Hawk Concorse in California. On every
occasion the conversation was amenable with no mentions of copyrights. Mr.
Wynne was informed that when all the paid for DMC-kits were delivered that
the FREE dealer kits would be shipped. I was a bit surprised when Mr. Wynne
told me that while they liked my DMC Logo keys much more then the ones being
supplied by some one else they (DMC Houston) would not be needing any more
keys from me.

The following evening the awards dinner was held and again I spoke with both Mr.
Wynne and James face to face. Nothing about Copyrights or trade marks was ever
raised before I left for home that evening.

A few days later I was informed by a third party that James (DMC Houston) had
approached demanding their FREE kit be shipped immediately or DMC Houston
would have to reconsider my use of their copyrights. DMC Houston considers my
offer of a FREE display kit to be a binding contract between DMC Houston and me
 to us their DMC logo, and my failure to comply would mean a breach of that agreement.
As I recall James (DMC Houston) was waving the reservation certificate around in
the air at the time he stated DMC Houston’s demands. (I was not present at the time)

The copy right laws are simple and clear - with out written agreements in place any
one other than the registered owner can not use the materials in question. This
includes both the standard DMC Logo Key and   Both designs for the light keys
and the model car kits.

Now There will never be any more keys available from me.   This means that I am out
of the DMC logo Key and DMC model Kit business. With out a written signed copy right
use agreement with DMC Houston I can do nothing. The last few kits I have
left to deliver are on my shelf but can not be packed and shipped. I no longer have a
legal right (according to James (DMC Houston) to use the Logo. Now that DMC
Houston (James) has noticed me that their view of a pre released certificate is a binding

contract  (There is not a single word on the certificate related to copyright usage) I
have no choice but to cease and desist all use of their logo and other unspecified
materials or face punitive damages should DMC decide to sue me for what they
consider a breach of contract.

So Mark, It is hard to tell what (James) DMC Houston may do in other cases of DMC
logo usage, but it is clear in my view that keeping past agreements and supporting
the DeLorean community is not very high on their list. I am not sure just what I can do
about the paid for kits remaining on my shelf at the moment.

Lee Seiler
(Just a regular owner and enthusiast)

To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:

To search the archives or view files, log in at

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 6
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 07:14:44 -0600
   From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: NJ owners?

Rob Grady
David T.
Marc Levy
Other NJ D owners

The 97™ DeLorean Time Machine is going to be at the NJ Meadowlands the last two week
ends in January.

Gail and myself will be there the weekend of the 24th.  Maybe we could get together with
the D owners for dinner or something.



Message: 7
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 08:33:36 -0600
   From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Door Headliner Panels

I was looking at my car this morning and noticed that both doors headliner
panels have become a cream color, rather than the normal gray.  I am baffled
as to why this would happen.

I think that I should make it clear that I'm talking about my Sunstar DMC

Scott Mueller
DMCNEWS 002981
DOA 5031


Message: 8
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 09:38:19 EST
   From: Ebe5173@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: NJ owners?

In a message dated 11/21/01 8:50:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,
BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< The 97TM DeLorean Time Machine is going to be at the NJ Meadowlands the
last two week
 ends in January.
 Gail and myself will be there the weekend of the 24th.  Maybe we could get
together with
 the D owners for dinner or something.
Cool,  i will follow in jan



Message: 9
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:54:56 EST
   From: deloreanernst@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: NJ owners?

In a message dated 11/20/01 12:42:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,
Ebe5173@xxxxxxx writes:

> Hey guys, Any NJ Listers out there?

Where in NJ are you, Frank?  I'm in South Jersey.... Bridgeton.  Most of the
other NJ guys are up north from here.

-Wayne A. Ernst
DMCTech Group

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 10
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 12:41:47 -0500
   From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: logos & copyrights

The previous message from Lee Seiler brings up some interesting questions.
This might be a question for Wayne Ernst to answer:  Since the second batch
of Colgan Custom nose bras have the "DeLorean" name embossed in the center
front, did they have permission to use this?

I also remember reading on the DML about a T-shirt design contest.  DMC
Houston's response was that as long as it was "done in good taste" that no
licensing was necessary.  Has this changed now?

This reminds me of a similar situation concerning Ford Motor Company.
Someone was making stainless steel reproduction hub caps for Model A Fords
that contained the cursive "Ford" logo.  Ford didn't like this and made them
stop.  They tried to get permission to use the logo, but Ford wasn't
cooperating.  Their answer to the problem was to change the spelling on
their reproduction hubcaps to "Food".  Seriously!  I'm not making this one

I'm not into logos anyway.  I removed the DMC logo from my front grille
because I think it looks better without it.  If there is going to be a name
on my grille, it will be MY name because it is MY car.  It no longer is
property of DeLorean Motor Company.  It is real funny to see people walk
around my car and ask, "What's that?"  Then they read the license plate,
WATSDAT and they get a good laugh.  I have been thinking of ways to remove
the DeLorean name from my rear bumper.  If I ever have to repaint it, the
recessed letters are going to be filled in.

Walt    Tampa, FL


Message: 11
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 16:49:15 -0000
   From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Headlight Switch Follow Up.

Hmm, that's odd. I was always told that flashing your lights was
aggressive, and blacking them out was passive.

For instance, if I'm driving and someone wants to turn in front of
me (lane change, or entering roadway), and it's unsafe, I will
flash my high beams to tell them 'no'. But, if someone needs to
get over, and it's safe to pass (like a truck changing lanes to get
to an off ramp, etc...) I've always killed my lights to let them know
there clear to move.

This also applies to a courtesy acknowlegement. If I'm going
down the highway and for instance a truck changes lanes to let
me pass, I'll flash my clearance lights off as a sign of thanks.
And I've recieved the same when I've let trucks over.

I guess it's just differant all over...

vin 6585 "X"


Message: 12
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:01:05 -0000
   From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Headlight Switch Follow Up.

I planed on taking a couple of photos to go along with it to help
with a visual aid. If you want to do that, that'll be fine (I'm still
waiting for my digital camera to arrive). I do have a flatbed
scanner, but I don't know how the picture of the switch would turn
out. I am working on a diagram to show how the switch functions
when I changes positions. Both for the pin and clip positions. I
should have it by tonight. That way there can be a "working
model" of sorts in the form of a sketch to accompany the photos
to help explain everything.

vin 6585 "X"

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jan van de Wouw" <Jan@xxxx> wrote:
> Nice description; I have disected my old switch too when I
> it, so I know exactly what you are talking about, but I'm afraid
> people that are not familiar with the switch still won't
> I still have to make some pictures of my relay upgrade posted
> http://www.dmcnews.com/Techsection/lightrelays.html


Message: 13
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:07:05 -0000
   From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Hazard Signal Switch.

Does anyone know where and if I can get a red coloured lense
for the Hazard Signal Switch? The DeLorean is the only car I've
ever owned that has this switch in green. I'd like for it to be red
like other vehicles. And that way it gives a nice contrast to the
headlight switch. While red tape (like the kind used on broken
tail lights) is tempting, I don't know if it would melt or not.


vin 6585 "X"


Message: 14
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 12:17:59 -0500
   From: "Marc A. Levy" <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: logos & copyrights

Houston does not own the "DeLorean" logo, they only own "DMC" logo.

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter [mailto:Whalt@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:42 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] logos & copyrights

The previous message from Lee Seiler brings up some interesting
This might be a question for Wayne Ernst to answer:  Since the second
of Colgan Custom nose bras have the "DeLorean" name embossed in the
front, did they have permission to use this?



Message: 15
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 13:30:24 -0500
   From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Hazard Signal Switch.

> Does anyone know where and if I can get a red coloured lense
> for the Hazard Signal Switch?

I have seen someone do a nice job using a piece of plastic cut out of a red
bottle cap.  It worked great.

Walt    Tampa, FL


Message: 16
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 18:06:49 -0000
   From: "Jim Reeve" <ultra@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Hazard Signal Switch.

Remove the blue plastic filter between the switch and the button. 
Then put the red tape inside the button, butting against the back of
the symbol.  Should work fine, and should be far enough away from the
light not to worry about any heat.  (I have not done this, but after
you mention it, it does sound interesting.  Should be reversable too!)

Jim Reeve
MNDMC - Minnesota DeLorean Club

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, DMCVegas@xxxx wrote:
> Does anyone know where and if I can get a red coloured lense
> for the Hazard Signal Switch? The DeLorean is the only car I've
> ever owned that has this switch in green. I'd like for it to be red
> like other vehicles. And that way it gives a nice contrast to the
> headlight switch. While red tape (like the kind used on broken
> tail lights) is tempting, I don't know if it would melt or not.
> Ideas?
> -Robert
> vin 6585 "X"


Message: 17
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:41:23 -0800 (PST)
   From: Dee Moats <Dee-Moats@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: (DMC warehouse move news)

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:21:52 -0600, James Espey wrote:

  "As of this past weekend, we had unloaded a total of 22 semi-trailer loads
  DeLorean parts from Ohio into our new warehouse."
I stopped by the warehouse today on my way back to my office.  The DMC
warehouse is huge and is starting to fill up.  The offices are being built
but there is a lot to do before move in day.  I can hardly wait.  I still
have things to do to my new D that I have put off until DMC is 3 miles from
my office rather than 33 miles. 

James and Stephen hurry the contractor.   Dee


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Message: 18
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 21:49:59 -0000
   From: "James" <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Lee Seiler, models and trademark usage

*****  Moderator's Note  *****
This ends the trademark and logo discussion.


This is absolutely, unequivocally incorrect on SEVERAL POINTS.
The only 'unnamed third party' that I can even think that Lee might
be referring to is Ken Montgomery, Lee's 'point man' on the
model project. I *never* told Ken that we would withdraw
approval of the logo usage or attempt to block the completion of
the models in any way. Never.

I have teased Ken about the entire model project, and I know
both he and Lee feel bad that the project has drawn out for so
many years now. It's my understanding that personal events in
Lee's and Ken's live have pushed back the timeframe. That's life,
things happen and I don't think for an instant that either of them
have put anything less than their best efforts into this.

At the time Lee started this project, back in 1997 or 1998,
DeLorean Motor Company did not have the rights to use the logo
(apparently no one did). Lee's model project started before I was
working for DeLorean Motor Company, and nothing was ever
written as we had no rights to the logo. Nevertheless, after a
quick phone conversation with Lee this afternoon, we've gone
ahead and begun proceedings to give him whatever he feels he
needs to finish the models.

There was never any conversations with Lee or Ken about the
trademark usage on the model or keys at the NCDMC event
because we never considered there to be any problem with
Lee's use of it. Both the keys and models are very high quality

I don't recall the conversation with Lee about his keys and
neither does Stephen. We have every intention of continuing to
use him as a supplier for the molded head keys for the
foreseeable future.

For everyone's reference, if you ever have a question about
anything relating to DeLorean Motor Company, I invite you to give
me a call. All of this misunderstanding could have been avoided
with a phone call.

James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
Houston, Texas



Message: 19
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:27:11 -0500
   From: "Joseph Molino" <foxmul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: NJ owners?

Let's set something up.  You can count me in.

Joseph Molino
vin 2850
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Brandys" <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [DML] Re: NJ owners?

> Frank.
> Rob Grady
> David T.
> Marc Levy
> DanRC30
> Other NJ D owners
> The 97T DeLorean Time Machine is going to be at the NJ Meadowlands the
last two week
> ends in January.
> Gail and myself will be there the weekend of the 24th.  Maybe we could get
together with
> the D owners for dinner or something.
> Bob
> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To search the archives or view files, log in at
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/


Message: 20
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:56:04 -0800 (PST)
   From: Aaron Posey <cadysrme@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Houston's HiPo car vs. Rob's Green D

This is just a response I felt I needed to make for the
comparison between Rob Grady's car and Houston's car at the
SEDOC cruise-in back in September. 

James Espey said-

Once, when driving our car with John Jordan earlier
Saturday at the Rowing Complex, Rob's green car was behind
me and we played a little game of "race and run" through
the curves. For one reason or another, he didn't keep up
with me, and I attributed that more to his respect for the
law than any inability of his car.....

Well...I was the driver of Rob's car.  The only reason I
didn't "keep up" was because I would fall back in order to
punch it again, since I legally coudln't pass on a
double-yellow lined road. Which I was almost prepared to
do, but didn't want to risk wrecking Rob's car.  Through
the curves I was pushing the Houston car..but then again,
maybe the driver of the Houston car was not driving it to
its full potential. I do have to say that I have driven
both Houston cars, and Rob's car, I would have to say that
they are close in power.

Aaron Posey

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Message: 21
   Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 19:02:30 -0000
   From: DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Engine Performance.

With the addition of a new Ignition Coil, the only 2 remaining
parts of my ignition system are the ballast resistors, and the
pickup coil inside the distributor. Even the Ignition ECU is new.

All I can say is WOW! What an improvement to the engine's
power! While I still have the slight bucking on hills, I'll be working
on that this weekend. I took the car out for a test run, and I can
tell you that performance is MUCH better! Haven't gotton it out
onto the highway yet to open open up the throttle all the way.
Holiday weekend, and too many troopers & DUI checkpoints out
to risk it. So far my highest speed has been 112mph, we'll see if
I can beat that.

I want to say that it was mentioned a couple of years back on the
DML here. And I also want to say that it was quoted by DMC Joe,
but I'm not sure. Nor can I find it anywhere in the archives. The
quote was about how ignition components, including the ECU
can wear out, and hurt engine performance. I can tell you now
that this is definately true! I've also noticed an improvement in
gas milage. I'm not even @ half a tank yet, and I've already
clocked on about 110 miles.

Just wanted to pass this along. I read an article a while back
about x-drilled rotors. I was interesting in as it stated the reason
that most people see such improvements in the brakes are not
from the new rotors, but because they usually do a full brake job
@ the same time. Perhaps this is also why people who do
engine swaps see such improvements in performance. They're
also installing new ECU's & electronic components as well...

vin 6585 "X"


Message: 22
   Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 03:31:45 -0000
   From: mpolans@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: TIMEX watch

     This certainly has been an interesting run of posts....:)  I paid
particular interest to the tradmarks and ownership of the DMC logo
posts.  I remember not too long ago John Schwab had done some hard
work and partnership with TIMEX and was ready to have them produce
some very nice watches with the DMC logo.  Perfect for the holidays. 
So ok, we've missed the timing for the holidays, but it could be done
before Memphis.  Nice door prizes too....:)  Now since we all have an
understanding and a warm fuzzy feeling about everyone's intentions,
can we PLEASE make this watch?
     John, if you still have the work, are still on this list, and are
willing to spearhead this, I'd like to see if it will go forward and
I offer my assistance.  This was your project, and if it happens, you
are the man who should get the credit.  If not, can you please send me
your information?  I really would like to see this watch created!
     Stephen, do we have your permission to use the logo and have the
watch created?  I believe all TIMEX needs is a letter from the owner
of the logo stating authorization of it's use for this limited
production run.  No one but TIMEX is going to make any money off of
this.  It's just a classy timepiece at a reasonable price, $41 if I
remember correctly.  If you would like me to call as James suggested
then I'd be happy to, but I think from this post you will see support
from the masses.  Please?

(Soapbox for rent)

VIN #10365
VIN #16816


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