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There are 18 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Death of vin#1657 :(
From: "Derrick Viane" <clarion9375r@xxxxxxxxxxx>
2. Re: Battery master switch?
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
3. Re: Battery master switch?
From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
4. RE: Battery master switch?
From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
5. Re: Battery master switch?
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
6. Ownership; one year down, many to go...(?)
From: Jan van de Wouw <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
7. Re: Sears Security battery - one last thing
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
8. Door Launcher Answers / Bob Zilla
From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx
9. Main Schematic is MJ FOX Fundraiser
From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx
10. Renault PRV v-6 engine fast
From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
11. Re: Battery master switch?
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
12. RE: Battery master switch?
From: "Nick Kemp" <nkemp@xxxxxxxxxx>
13. Dash lights/AC Panel lights
From: nickbrom@xxxxxxx
14. Re: Re: Rich Fuel mix with High Idle
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
15. Re: Battery master switch?
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
16. Re: Dash lights/AC Panel lights
From: "Ryan Foster" <westiething@xxxxxxxxxxx>
17. Re: Ownership; one year down, many to go...(?)
From: "ian" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
18. Re: Ownership; one year down, many to go...(?)
From: RJRavalli@xxxxxxx
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 18:33:20
From: "Derrick Viane" <clarion9375r@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Death of vin#1657 :(
Well now that I have had a chance to see the car its not pretty. I did take
some pictures but I am waiting for them to get e-mailed to me. Well
unfortunately it looks like arson because when I went to get my stuff out of
the trunk my grandfather noticed a ciggarette in the gas filler. So at this
time I am pretty sure thats what caused it considering it haden't been
started since 3 days prior. I will keep everyone informed and will post
pics as soon as possible.
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:23:24 -0400
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Battery master switch?
I know it's a little expensive, but I have the Sears Diehard Security
battery, which allows you to disable the battery via remote (for theft
prevention, but keeps presets), as well as turn off the battery entirely for
long-term storage. Works very well.
----- Original Message -----
From: <graves_14@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:30 AM
Subject: [DML] Battery master switch?
> Hi All,
> Hope everyone is enjoying the final weeks of good weather driving!
> After reading that poor fellow who lost his car due to a meltdown, I
> started thinking about a battery master switch again. Does anyone
> have any suggestions for a cut-off unit with a remote switch of some
> sort? I do not care if I lose my radio station programming :-)
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 19:43:16 -0000
From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Battery master switch?
If you are worried about a car fire there are many things that you can
do in addition to a battery master switch. Make absolutly sure there
are NO fuel leaks or odors anywhere in the car. Inspect and clean all
fuses, connectors, and relays. Install a Fanzilla or equivelent
because the fan fail relay or the fan bypass is dangerous. Check the
routing of all wiring so that is securely fastened and is not near
anything hot or moving. Keep a fire extinguisher in the car (not in
the trunk but where you can reach it quickly). If you have the Ducy
alternater upgrade to something better. Finally install a battery
master switch. The one I installed is on a bracket that slides under
the battery. It was picked up at a car show for about $14. It has a
removeble key. I can also use it as a security device and when I go to
car shows and leave the doors open the battery doesn't go dead. I only
had to make up a short cable to connect it to the battery. I also ran
a wire from the radio fuse to the battery directly so I keep my
presets even with the battery off (keeps the time going too). In case
of a fire especially, while you are driving, I doubt the value of a
battery master switch. I would trust in a fire extinguisher first! On
most modern cars, at least the ones with fuel injection, in the
majority of cases fires start out as fuel leaks. When you have a leak
on a car with fuel injection a tiny leak isn't always visible as the
fuel atomizes as it escapes. If it ignites now you have a tiny
blowtorch melting anything nearby and eventually setting the entire
car on fire. This is one of the reasons you are cautioned not to
reuse the little copper gaskets that are used throughout the fuel
system. On the Delorean, even though it is fuel injected, many of the
fires appear to be electrical in origion. I have personally seen a fan
fail bypass jumper melt in a member's car and if we didn't catch it,
it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine the car burning! A master switch
can't prevent this from happening and shuting off the battery isn't
going to save the car once it starts burning. Preventive maintainence
is the only sure way to prevent car fires.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, graves_14@xxxx wrote:
> Hi All,
> Hope everyone is enjoying the final weeks of good weather driving!
> After reading that poor fellow who lost his car due to a meltdown, I
> started thinking about a battery master switch again. Does anyone
> have any suggestions for a cut-off unit with a remote switch of some
> sort? I do not care if I lose my radio station programming :-)
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 16:22:30 -0500
From: "Scott Mueller" <scott.a.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Battery master switch?
Sears sells a battery with a remote controlled cutoff.
You may strip the threads in the battery if you disconnect the terminal a
lot. The battery threads are usually lead and lead is very soft.
Scott Mueller
DMCNEWS 002981
DOA 5031
-----Original Message-----
From: graves_14@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:graves_14@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 9:30 AM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Battery master switch?
Hi All,
Hope everyone is enjoying the final weeks of good weather driving!
After reading that poor fellow who lost his car due to a meltdown, I
started thinking about a battery master switch again. Does anyone
have any suggestions for a cut-off unit with a remote switch of some
sort? I do not care if I lose my radio station programming :-)
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:48:34 +0100
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Battery master switch?
One of the options I plan on implementing comes as a result of competing in
Robot Wars (Battlebots in the US). Every robot is required to have a
"removable link" in the + line from the battery. This is a physical
connection without which the machine cannot draw current. In terms of load,
our machine is capable of drawing well in excess of 600A, with 300A being an
average load on the battery! A lot of people use the 175A Anderson connectors
as links, with the removable bit being one half of this two-pole connector
with a "U" in in it. They are small, lightweight plastic mouldings in
polycarbonate, with hoffing great big sliding contacts. They are two-pole and
genderless. This makes a superb security device as the terminals are
inaccessible and impossible to "jump" easily. the keyswitches used by a lot
of people can be pushed down with nothing more than the tip of a pencil.
If you are looking for a high power relay, you could try these guys
with a small auxiliary power supply, these could be a great remote
disconnect. Very reasonably priced too.
graves_14@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Any other suggestions? I just can't see myself with a wrench
> unbolting the positive every time I finish driving it! Anyone know of
> any adverse effects for repeated battery dissconnecting?
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 01:14:40 +0200
From: Jan van de Wouw <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Ownership; one year down, many to go...(?)
Hello everyone,
I'd just like to let everyone know that today it has been
exactly one year since I bought my DeLorean.
It has been a great year, driving the car makes me
"all warm and tingly inside" :-)
In this past year I've put allmost exactly 4400 miles on the odometer;
when I came back home from the Fall drive the DeLorean Club Netherlands
(DCN) had organised this weekend, I saw a perfect 33.333,3 roll up as I
drove into town!
The fall drive was great, we only had 12 D's together, but everyone seems to
have had a great time. Not even a mistake in the directions for the drive or
even two small accidents (nothing too serious, thank god) could bring down
This was the first experience with a multiple-day event for the DCN and I
have to say they did one hell of a job; I'm really looking forward to the
next event!
I've had a great year with the car, even with the little things that
broke down on me, but HEY it's a DeLorean; that's normal!
Hopefully many years like this will follow!
If it hadn't been fot the DCN and DMC-News, I'm sure I'd still be
dreaming the dream instead of living it, thanx everyone!
Just wanted to share this,
JAN van de Wouw
Thinking Different... Using a Mac...
Living the Dream... Driving a DeLorean...
#05141 "Dagger" since Sept. 2000
Message: 7
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 20:41:04 -0400
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Sears Security battery - one last thing
The Sears Security battery also has a battery-saver, so if you have a slow
current drain, it will shut the battery off, keeping plenty of power to
start your car when you return and reset the battery. This has saved me
several times when I went a few weeks between driving the car. Between the
anti-theft, long term storage (both via remote), and the saver, it's well
worth the investment. IMPORTANT: If you buy one, be sure to get the
accessory side mount posts, which they should include for free.
-Hank #1619
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:03:58 EDT
From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx
Subject: Door Launcher Answers / Bob Zilla
Dear Nick,
You asked.........
I was wondering if there was any projected price on the door
> Launchers ?
Not just yet.
I've resisted the notion of attempting to price it till all the costs are in &
accounted for. Stay tuned, we'll have ALL the news soon. You'll be pleased.
The Launcher project has spanned nearly 3 years now. It has seen 3 distinct
> prototype incarnations. The main "Launch Control" unit is now ready for
> production. Thank GOD ! One finished unit appeared at the recent SEDOC
> show.
What remains right now?
Two things:
As you read this, some very unique wire is being custom made for this system
to visually match original wiring. When done, the installation will have
EVERY appearance of an OEM factory installed system ( Not an easy task ).
Secondly, custom solenoid brackets and interlinking controls are being made.
One for each door.
We've been as anxious to get this completed as you, but it's a complex system.
There have been many well intentioned ( but sad to say ) half baked / hack up
the car, systems over the years. Doing it right meant taking the time.
We're excited about it because it's fun & I'm pleased to see you are too.
Is there a "for sure" release date yet ?
We've got our fingers & toes crossed for 1 month.
Are > there any alterations that need to be done so they work effectively?
No modifications to ANY original wiring.
No tearing out the headliner.
No snaking ANY wires through the door hinge.
Everything plugs in to your original wiring. That was the goal.
If desired ( but I can't imagine why ) , It can be removed without a trace.
the doors will have to be opened up.
While the installation of the solenoid assemblies is very straight
Going into the doors is always a "job".
I would encourage anyone interested in this system to "save up" the door
repair projects and do it all at once. You know.... Window mech & motor /
Door lock Solenoids / Cleaning and adjusting bell crank switches / Adjusting
latch rods etc.
This way, if you get it all correct the first time, you won't have to go into
the doors for MANY MANY years, if at all.
ADDED WEIGHT & Door adjustment ?
This will likely be on a case by case basis.
Yes, you are adding a few pounds to each door so you would think you'd
certainly need to readjust your doors.
After installation, I would FIRST change the door struts BEFORE you adjust
the torsion bar. You may not want to touch the torsion bar at all, the jury's
still out here.
Personally, I was surprised to see how much of a difference Rob Grady's
struts made. It may become a matter of taste ie. how much "lift" you want
from your doors & how fast you want them to snap to attention. I prefer doors
that droop just a bit. This way I don't have to mussel them down EVERY time I
close the door. But, this doesn't seem to be the case with the Grady Struts.
I know I'm going to kick myself for making mention of this early on but what
the heck
OK, it's out there on the edge but,
It is planned to add sound to this system. Really.
A small digital Sound / Voice unit will plug into the Launcher.
Small alarm style speaker under the car will add sound effects.
All launchers will facilitate this feature.
Wacky ? maybe.
The Coolest toy ? Definitely.
Best Regards
Bob Zilla
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 9
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:04:17 EDT
From: ZillaDelorean@xxxxxxx
Subject: Main Schematic is MJ FOX Fundraiser
Michael J FOX has been on a crusade to increase awareness of Parkinson's
disease for a while now.
As young as he is, it's impossible to see his body of cinematic work and not
be moved by his condition. Consider the wonderful job he did on our trilogy
and how it's motivated a whole new crop of younger owners to "Live the Dream".
Further, the movies have contributed to the general desirability of the car.
It has inspired me to create products whose proceeds are donated to the MJ
FOX Parkinson's Research Foundation.
It should be OUR goal, like Michael's, to increase awareness & participation
in the DeLorean Owner Community.
We have carefully re-created the entire Main DeLorean Schematic with
Corrections and Legends incorporated into it, describing each component in
the drawing.
It is now available as a High Resolution PDF file in Vector format not raster
This allows wall size enlargements of FANTASTIC detail and sharpness.
Conversely, you can print it out to a standard sheet of paper with so much
detail you can easily read the finest detail with a good pair of glasses !
The best part are the wall size prints you can have made from it at Office
I recently made a 3 ft X 4 ft Mylar plastic print and it looks so nice it
gives you goose bumps. It's even bigger than the one I showed at the SEDOC
show, and that print was impressive.
I'm presently "going nuts" and cutting a piece of Plexiglas to frame it for
my wall.
Imagine how nice and High Tech it would look on your wall.
The Software only costs $10
We raised $170 at the SEDOC event
Thank you SEDOC !
It would be wonderful to see as much participation from the readers of the
DML as humanly possible.
It has been said that the cure is 10 years away.
Let's send the message to Michael that DeLorean owners care and want to play
a part in finding the cure sooner.
Treat yourself. It's very cool in more ways than one.
email Zilla for the DeLorean Main Schematic Software at:
We take all cards
Thank You,
Bob Zilla
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:08:22 EDT
From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
Subject: Renault PRV v-6 engine fast
I drove a 1980 Alpine over in Germany. This car has the same engine as the
DeLorean. For you die hard DeLorean know-it-all, DMC owned seven A-310 and
were DeLoreans' while at Lotus.
Message: 11
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 22:07:06 EDT
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Battery master switch?
I looked a long time for a switch that worked with our side post battery. No
luck at the major auto repair stores. I found one at a local RV store. Cullum
and Massey in Nashville,TN. had them. They are used for RV and boats. While
it doen't have a remote cut off switch. It is mounted to the battery with the
wire then being mounted to it. It is a large toggle switch. You have to
access the battery via lifting up the panel cover each time. Not hard to do
and it saves my battery when not being driven for a few days. Cost if I
remember was about $15. This switch is a heavy duty one because of the use in
RV's. If I can help with a phone number let me know. Yes you do lose your
radio and clock setting each time, but it is worth it to always have an
charged battery.
Bruce Battles
Vin #06569
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 12
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:20:10 -0500
From: "Nick Kemp" <nkemp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Battery master switch?
I picked up a ratcheting battery wrench at Wal-Mart and it makes taking the
battery cables off a snap. It's a simple tool but I really like having it
around. Sure beats using a box or open-end wrench and it is smaller than a
standard ratchet.
Message: 13
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 02:58:00 -0000
From: nickbrom@xxxxxxx
Subject: Dash lights/AC Panel lights
Before I jump to conclusions, I'm going to ask...
Today the lights in my dash gauges went out. I also noticed that now
my AC panel lights stay on when I turn on the headlights. Is this
because the gauge bulb(s) went out? Has my wiring gone horribly awry?
If it is due to the gauge bulbs being out, what bulbs do I need (part
#'s), and how do I replace them?
VIN 3092
PS: Also, there is a Delorean with a similiar VIN to mine on ebay,
however it has no gas flap. Anyone inquired to the owner as to why
this is?
Message: 14
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:29:50 EDT
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Rich Fuel mix with High Idle
Rustproof, This is a long shot, but make sure no one has hot wired or put in
a permanent hot start relay. Also, as you may know the Thermo time switch
activates the solenoid in the cold start valve. The thermo time switch should
open when it warms up. If these are OK, then I would work on adjusting the
Air flow meter valve. Gas has to come thru the control plunger to get to the
injectors. Are they open to much?
Message: 15
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:36:42 EDT
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Battery master switch?
Tyler, I mounted a battery cut off on the battery cover. You can see it on my
web site under Talk & View. It's very simple, without moving any thing but my
arm, I just reach behind the passenger seat and flip the switch. They are 300
amp rated, it also comes in handy during shows when you want to keep the
doors open and no run down the battery. One other thing you can do, don't
over rate the circuit breakers and make sure the blue fan fail relay is
replaced. Just a precaution.
John hervey
Message: 16
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 03:44:28
From: "Ryan Foster" <westiething@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Dash lights/AC Panel lights
In my delorean The A/C panel lights were always on and when the headlights
were turned on, the lights would dim a little.
>From: nickbrom@xxxxxxx
>Reply-To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [DML] Dash lights/AC Panel lights
>Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 02:58:00 -0000
>Before I jump to conclusions, I'm going to ask...
>Today the lights in my dash gauges went out. I also noticed that now
>my AC panel lights stay on when I turn on the headlights.
Message: 17
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 18:41:08 +0800
From: "ian" <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Ownership; one year down, many to go...(?)
> ... I saw a perfect 33.333,3 roll up as I
> drove into town!
What a coincidence, when I was back at Eurofest2001 in May I took my DMC for
a Government Test (MOT). When I drove the car forward to the Examiner's Bay
the odometer clicked over to 33,333.3miles! I was sure he thought I had
'fiddled' with the mileage!!!
Cheers, IAN
Message: 18
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 01:52:25 EDT
From: RJRavalli@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Ownership; one year down, many to go...(?)
I too am nearing my one year anniversary of having a D (in October)
and understand how exciting it can be. Even with having the
hassal of needing a lot of work over the past year (not the least
of which was replacing the auto trans computer/governor TWICE)
I still must say that you remember the fun times a lot more than
the bad ones. Especially if you have a good mechanic to take care
of your work for you if you are mechincally retarted as I am.
Alas, the year flew by so fast that I didn't have time to do
some of the other work I need, so that will have to wait over
the next 6 months. Has anyone else noticed how that first year of
DeLorean ownership seems to fly by?
I too would like to that Dave, Aaron in TN, Robert in Vegas, and
everyone else on the list who has sent help my way and been
VERY patient and helpful with all my questions. You have all been
such a HUGE support that I can't see how I would have made it
through a year of DeLorean ownership without the list. And I
forgot your name, but whoever helped me in that AOL chat room with
my first little project of connecting my door lights, THANK YOU!
I know it was a simple little thing, but it really helped to show
me not to be afraid of problems and that many things on a DeLorean
can be easily dealt with.
Again, thank you for all the help...I have saved many posts and will
continue to refer to them in my repairs for the upcoming year,
Modesto, CA
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