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There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re:Delorean Owners Manual
From: deloreanernst@xxxxxxx
2. RE: Daily drivers?
From: "Ryan McCaffrey" <ryanjm@xxxxxxxx>
3. Re: Re: What do you use to clean and protect your interior?
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
4. Re: Daily drivers?
From: "K Creason" <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
5. Re: Delorean Owners Manual
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
6. Re: Trouble Shifting into Reverse and acceleration
From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
7. Re: Daily drivers?
From: RJRavalli@xxxxxxx
8. Re: Which OEM tire jack?
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
9. Re: Trouble Shifting into Reverse and acceleration
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
10. DeLoreans in video games
From: Grigor Maksudyan <delorean66@xxxxxxxxx>
11. Props are due To DMC Houston
From: seanm@xxxxxxxxxx
12. Door light Hidden Switch
From: Watkins Family <watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
13. Re: Door light Hidden Switch
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
14. Re: DeLoreans in video games
From: jeff hay <pkp_pledge@xxxxxxxxx>
15. RE: Daily drivers? - & typical problems
From: "Wright, Ryan (LW)" <Ryan.Wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
16. Re: Door light Hidden Switch
From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
17. still problems getting car to run right
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
18. Re: Door light Hidden Switch
From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
19. Re: Re:Trouble Shifting into Reverse
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
20. RE: Door light Hidden Switch - easy fix
From: "Michael C. Babb" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
21. Re: Door light Hidden Switch
From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
22. Re: Daily drivers?
From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
23. Brake Rotors
From: "Lowery, Dennis [C]" <loweryd@xxxxxxxx>
24. Seat swap?
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
25. Re: DeLoreans in video games
From: DLoff80@xxxxxxx
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 23:24:58 EST
From: deloreanernst@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re:Delorean Owners Manual
In a message dated 3/19/01 10:45:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,
iqintermedia@xxxxxxxxx writes:
<< What is an original Delorean owners manual worth, with
the business reply mail cards still intact to register
the car?
Originals turn up on E-bay. They often go for around $100. or so, depending
on condition, what else is included, and how bad somebody wants it. There
are one or two on E-bay right now, last I looked. Repros of the '82 manual
are available from all the usual D vendors, for I think in the range of $20
(or was it $15?). The repros have all the contents of the '82 manual, but
actually, the '81 has more material in it. I guess they reprint the '82 only
since the graphics are easier to reproduce than the halftones in the original
Wayne A. Ernst
The New DeLorean Manuals Project
vin 11174
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 21:55:03 -0700
From: "Ryan McCaffrey" <ryanjm@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Daily drivers?
When I got my car nearly two years ago, I fully planned on using it for
daily driving. My fellow Arizona DeLorean Club owners thought I was insane
(at least, Rick did ;-)), but it's worked out well so far. I bought mine
with only 20,000 miles on it, and in almost two years I've put 16k on it.
There are major 20-year-old things that are going to go wrong and have to be
replaced if you buy a lower mileage car like I did, but the car holds up as
well as I could've hoped or expected. In my opinion, I think daily drivers
probably have fewer catastrophic maintenance issues, because when driven
regularly you tend to knock them out with regular maintenance.
In nearly two daily driver years, I've taken care of the coolant overflow
bottle, the trailing arm bolts, the front end recall kit, the brake master
cylinder, the clutch master and slave cylinders, and the door seals, just to
name a few. My current issue is a dead A/C compressor, which I've been
expecting to go since I got my car as just another one of "those 20-year-old
The point is, don't expect perfection, but do have the confidence to depend
on the D every day.
Ryan McCaffrey
Arizona DeLorean Club
-----Original Message-----
From: Wright, Ryan (LW) [mailto:Ryan.Wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 5:22 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Daily drivers?
How has it worked out for those of you who use it as a daily
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 20:27:49 -0800
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: What do you use to clean and protect your interior?
Armor All has many versions, one is a non greasy specifically for the interior.
Walter wrote:
> I have learned the hard way that it is a real bad idea to use Armor-All on
> the dash of cars. If you leave the car in the sun, the stuff evaporates
> from the dash and gets the inside of the windshield all greasy. It is quite
> a job to clean the windshield afterwards.
> Does the Lexol product evaporate and deposit on the windshield too?
> Walt Tampa, FL
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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 22:48:36 -0600
From: "K Creason" <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Daily drivers?
I bought mine in October, and it has been my daily ever since.
I don't have a long history to share-- everything has been great. It was
well maintained and cared for but only had 17.7k when I bought it. I haven't
had to do much. Just a mixture adjustment with DMC/Houston and replacing the
original tires.
I know there are some things I need to do-- like lube. Fanzilla. Brighter
headlights. Maybe that suspension update (drool!). Replace outer door seals
(and adjust the T-panel). Floor mats. New radio so I'll stop being tempted
to put tapes in the Craig and break the ribbon cable.
It's a great car and reliable. I'll just wait and let those battles pick
It'll be hot here in Houston soon, and I'll be worrying about the interior
baking in the sun. I guess I'll be using that nasty old car cover to protect
it [and hide it :-(] while at work.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wright, Ryan (LW)" <Ryan.Wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: [DML] Daily drivers?
> Hi there,
> How many of you use your Deloreans as a daily driver? How do they hold up
> being driven on a regular basis? I figure I'll put at least 15,000 miles a
> year on mine; I just can't see having such a fun car and only driving it
> weekends. (I mean no offense to those of you who do this; I just couldn't
> handle driving a "normal" car to work when I've got my very own Delorean
> available. I'd do the same if it were a $400K Lamborghini. Heck, even if I
> planned to drive it only on weekends I'd never follow through.)
> I don't mind (in fact, I enjoy) the regular maintenance and time that goes
> into an older vehicle. What I'm worried about is spending $15-20K on a car
> and having recurring problems that keep me from driving it on a daily
> Obviously, things are going to break eventually, but I figure most cars
> ought to be quite reliable up to at least 100K miles. Is this true of the
> Delorean? How has it worked out for those of you who use it as a daily
> driver?
> Thanks,
> -Ryan
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Message: 5
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 05:04:55 -0000
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Delorean Owners Manual
Mike, I have purchased them from $35.00 up. They show up on ebay all
the time. But they are getting higher.Complete kit maby $80.00.
John hervey
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Michael Pike <iqintermedia@xxxx> wrote:
> What is an original Delorean owners manual worth, with
> the business reply mail cards still intact to register
> the car?
> some guy is trying to sell me one, and I dont have
> mine for my car so I was considering it, but I dont
> wanna take it in the rear.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> vin 855
> __________________________________________________
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Message: 6
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 04:55:30 -0000
From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Trouble Shifting into Reverse and acceleration
It sounds like you will be replacing the clutch master cylinder, the
line to the slave cylinder and the clutch slave cylinder. They go bad
from contaminated (read OLD) brake fluid. If the line was upgraded to
the metal you could reuse it. Check the brake fluid and see if it is
dark and "chunky". Flush the brakes too and expect the seals to start
leaking there also. Just some of the things to be expected when you
buy a 20 year old car. On the tires check the air pressure.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
-- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Ed Garbade" <garbadee@xxxx> wrote:
> Latest update:
> Got my D's front end aligned and tires balanced this past Saturday.
> drove a lot better but the steering started making this kind of
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ed Garbade" <garbadee@xxxx>
> To: <dmcnews@xxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 12:56 AM
> Subject: [DML] Trouble Shifting into Reverse and acceleration
> > Well, I'm a brand new owner (as of 3/11/01). My immediate concern
is I am
> > having a great deal of difficulty getting my 5 speed into reverse.
> >
> >
Message: 7
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 01:08:12 EST
From: RJRavalli@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Daily drivers?
Ryan, I don't use mine as a *daily* driver, but I do drive it more
often (probably) than most other DeLorean owners. I take it out
and drive it (usually more than just around the block) about 3-4
times a week. The only problems I've had with it's performance so
far (about 5 months worth of driving) is the hot start problem, which
I guess is a common DeLorean problem and is commonly fixed.
But its not that big of a bother for me (I guess it could be if it
was your everyday driver and you HAD to get to work right away
from lunch...I will hopefully get it fixed soon BTW) and besides
that I've had no other major problems.
From my limited DeLorean driving experience so far, I assume that, like any
car, if you have it in good running condition and take care of it (and don't
drive it into the ground), then it will run a very long time and only
occasionally give you some trouble. Yes, with a rare, exotic
DeLorean there might be more occasional trouble than, say, a good Ford Escort
(the most dependable car I've ever driven) but it sounds like you
don't mind that, so it shouldn't be a problem for you.
Of course, my DeLorean has 129k miles on it supposedly, so I'm assuming
previous owners have taken good enough care of it to work out the
bugs and make it a semi-reliable driver. Yours might be different,
I don't know. But if you are confident it is in good driving condition
and you plan on taking it very easy on the car, I say go for it. The
only problem I would _personally_ have with making a DeLorean an
everyday driver is constantly worrying about it while it is parked
out somewhere. I'm very anal and protective of my D (as I think
most owners are) and I don't like leaving it parked outside and
out of view for very long. If the idea of people POSSIBLY messing
with your car while you're not there doesn't bother you, then again,
I would say go for it. More good publicity for the D is what I say. :)
Hope this helps,
Message: 8
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 05:29:01 -0000
From: CBL302@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Which OEM tire jack?
Believe it or not I have NEVER used a OEM Delorean tire jack(and this
dates back to 1982)(I have always used a regular floor jack) or had a
flat on the Road (and I have NEVER driven on anything but THE orignal
tires and all 4 of my Deloreans Still HAVE their orignal tires,and I
might say, in Soft plyable condition,(my cars are sun shy,garage
queens)with no signs of cracking/hardness(same with my interiors,NO
Dash or Barnicle cracks,or torn/cracked worn seats ect)anyway I have
that weird jack,that has that threaded rod with the lolipop end,that
I think goes up in a Zizzag pattern as you are looking at it,it seems
kinda unstable to me,the wierd thing is, out of four cars I can only
locate One OEM jack in my posession,and No levers to crank it
with,with about,Seven or eight of those mini spare tires.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, deloreanernst@xxxx wrote:
> In a message dated 3/17/01 10:10:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Has anybody used their OEM tire jack,to change a tire,or should
> just be kept for orignialty,as it is a very funky type of jack, >>
Message: 9
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 05:01:31 -0000
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Trouble Shifting into Reverse and acceleration
Ed, You most likley have a leaky clutch cylinder. I have been thru
the same thing which most De Lorean have. Lift the Bonnet/hood and
the access to the clutch cylinder filler bottle, is the black rubber
like cap on the right. Fill it full of #4 or better brake fluid then
pump the petal about 20-30 times till the clutch comes back up. Then
look to see if fluid is leaking into the car onto the carpet. If it
is ,then you need an overhaul kit or replace the cylinder.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Ed Garbade" <garbadee@xxxx> wrote:
> Latest update:
> Got my D's front end aligned and tires balanced this past
Saturday. It
> drove a lot better but the steering started making this kind of
> vibration (could hear and feel but mostly feel) when you turned
more then
> just a little bit.
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 23:43:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Grigor Maksudyan <delorean66@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DeLoreans in video games
Hello everyone,
Since DeLoreans have been featured in many games already, such as Midtown Madness, Need for Speed 3 & 4, South Park Rally, Interstate 82, Carmageddon 2... I was wondering where i could find pictures or screenshots of DeLoreans from South Park Rally or Carmageddon 2. I am working on my own DeLorean site, and trying to find some screenshots from SPR or C2 but had no luck. If you come across any pics, please notify me. Thanks in advance...
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 11
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:08:34 -0000
From: seanm@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Props are due To DMC Houston
Just thought I should let the group know that the new door handle that
DMC Houston is selling are top notch!. We ordered 3 for the cars we
are servicing and expected to have to grind off the old rivits and
piece togather the new handle to the old bracket with the old spings
and other parts that go along. But to are surprise when we opened the
box their was a complete assembly. New springs, bracket and handle in
one easy to install componet. I have installed other door handles from
various places and it took me twice as long as it did compated with
the Houston version. For what you get the price is most excellent and
very reasonable. Just had to say it. Im very happy with this new
product. Thanks for the time.
Message: 12
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 10:14:42 -0500
From: Watkins Family <watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Door light Hidden Switch
There was a post recently about installing a switch for the door lights
that will allow you to turn off the door lights while you are at a car
show. This would eliminate the task of having to crawl underneath to
unhook and then re-hook up your lights. I know for myself that is a
pain in the butt.
QUESTION: I bought 2 small toggle type switches, Should I install one
switch (and hide it underneath the dash) for each door OR can I wire
both door lights power to one switch and only have the one cut off? I
wasn't sure if the door lights were connected farther back. I'm not
sure of the implications if I wire the power to the one switch and then
feed that off to each door plunger.
#004979 sold
Message: 13
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 07:33:44 -0800
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Door light Hidden Switch
None of the above, get the fuse bypass switch from DMC Joe, no holes, no
installation problems, check it out!
Watkins Family wrote:
> There was a post recently about installing a switch for the door lights
> that will allow you to turn off the door lights while you are at a car
> show. This would eliminate the task of having to crawl underneath to
> unhook and then re-hook up your lights. I know for myself that is a
> pain in the butt.
> QUESTION: I bought 2 small toggle type switches, Should I install one
> switch (and hide it underneath the dash) for each door OR can I wire
> both door lights power to one switch and only have the one cut off? I
> wasn't sure if the door lights were connected farther back. I'm not
> sure of the implications if I wire the power to the one switch and then
> feed that off to each door plunger.
> Thanks
> Tom
> #005732
> #004979 sold
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Message: 14
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 08:58:55 -0800 (PST)
From: jeff hay <pkp_pledge@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DeLoreans in video games
There is a Delorean in Resident Evil 3 and you might
can come across a picture if you look in the walk
through guide. It is parked outside a gas station
that blows up.
--- Grigor Maksudyan <delorean66@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Since DeLoreans have been featured in many games
> already, such as Midtown Madness, Need for Speed 3 &
> 4, South Park Rally, Interstate 82, Carmageddon 2...
> I was wondering where i could find pictures or
> screenshots of DeLoreans from South Park Rally or
> Carmageddon 2. I am working on my own DeLorean site,
> and trying to find some screenshots from SPR or C2
> but had no luck. If you come across any pics, please
> notify me. Thanks in advance...
> Grigor
> ---------------------------------
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Message: 15
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 08:48:45 -0800
From: "Wright, Ryan (LW)" <Ryan.Wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Daily drivers? - & typical problems
Thank you to all who replied. I've made up my mind that a D is for me. Now
it's just a matter of doing some more "homework" and getting my finances in
order before I go shopping. In the meantime, I've got another big question
for you all:
Assuming I buy a fairly low mileage D, what can I expect to replace right
away, what are approximate costs for each replacement, and how difficult is
each job? I plan to do nearly all of the work on this car myself, mainly
because I don't trust anyone else, and secondly because none of the
mechanics around here will have a clue about what to do with it. Is the D
difficult to work on in general? I've had an '85 Pontiac Fiero for about 7
years now, which also has a 2.8 V6 stuffed into a little area in the back.
It looks like the D's engine bay has more room to work in than my Fiero's.
My Fiero has a little trunk behind the engine and the D does not so I'm
guessing it's roomier. At any rate, I'm used to working on a car that most
mechanics call a nightmare, so I'm guessing the D can't be any worse.
On the daily driver issue: I too am very anal about leaving my cars places.
I have always driven rather nice vehicles and have accustomed myself to
taking preventative measures. I do most of my grocery shopping at Costco and
I find that not only are the parking spaces oversized, most of the other
customers also drive nice vehicles and take care not to damage them (and
mine). I no longer shop at places like Wal-Mart, where there are lots of
runaway carts and parking lots full of people who don't give a darn about
your vehicle. Lastly, I always park in the back away from everyone else and,
if possible, by an "island" to help prevent someone from hitting me. So far
I've had good luck with this.
Thanks again,
Message: 16
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:22:30 -0000
From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Door light Hidden Switch
I don't know if this will help you but DMC Joe sells a nice little
device that plugs into the Delorean that allows you to turn off your
lights as you described you want to do, for car shows. From what i
understand it's a plug and play and there is no cutting or splicing
involved, if I'm wrong I know Joe will correct it here.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Watkins Family <watbmv@xxxx> wrote:
> There was a post recently about installing a switch for the door
> that will allow you to turn off the door lights while you are at a
> show. This would eliminate the task of having to crawl underneath
> unhook and then re-hook up your lights. I know for myself that is a
> pain in the butt.
> QUESTION: I bought 2 small toggle type switches, Should I install
> switch (and hide it underneath the dash) for each door OR can I wire
> both door lights power to one switch and only have the one cut
off? I
> wasn't sure if the door lights were connected farther back. I'm not
> sure of the implications if I wire the power to the one switch and
> feed that off to each door plunger.
> Thanks
> Tom
> #005732
> #004979 sold
Message: 17
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 12:26:37 EST
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: still problems getting car to run right
Hello All,
many thanks to everyone who is helping me along! i think i'm getting closer,
but there are still some brick walls.
here is the scoop:
the car will start and run, but it runs like CRAP! i mean it is studdering,
shaking, completely sick sounding. if you touch the accelerator it gets
we have checked the following:
1 fuel pump - is AOK now
2. RPM relay - functional
3. frequency valve - OK
4. changed fuel filter
5. fuel accumulator - OK
6. fuel is getting to the injectors.
now here's a problem - today my mechanics found that i have over 100 psi of
fuel pressure. Warren said it should only be at around 75 to 80. obviously
this needs to be corrected. he suggested checking out the fuel return
system, because in his experience, that is the most likely cause of high fuel
pressure. can anyone here go into detail on what all should be checked?
probably the hose that goes from the fuel distributer and that hollow bolt.
what else is suspect?
also, does anyone have any input on what the control pressure regulator could
be accountable for? i am still in the process of verifying that is working.
one of my mechanics thinks that's the problem.
what can i do to check out operation of the fuel enrichment stuff?
anyone else have any good ideas on what to do???
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 18
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:32:05 -0000
From: jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Door light Hidden Switch
Before you go cutting up the wiring in the car there are some
1) A master switch on the battery
2) cut a small vee notch in the plunger of the door switch so it can
stay in when you open the door. (It's more of a groove so when you
shut the door and then open it it will work till you push it back in
and hook it on the groove).
3) get an extra defroster switch and put it in the dummy spot to
control the lights.
4) just pull a wire off of the plunger switch.
These are some of the ways I have seen owners cope with going to shows
and being able to leave the doors open. (The Delorean is one of the
few cars that are displayed with the doors open!)
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, Watkins Family <watbmv@xxxx> wrote:
> There was a post recently about installing a switch for the door
> that will allow you to turn off the door lights while you are at a
> show.
Message: 19
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 12:35:55 -0500
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re:Trouble Shifting into Reverse
A real easy solution for problems shifting into Reverse:
Put the trans in neutral
Let up on the clutch (fully)
Depress clutch (fully)
Shift into R
Works for me every time . This re-spins the trans gears and hopefully helps
the alignment when shifting into R. You shouldn't need to use any real force
or increase the revs to get it to shift. If this doesn't work the first
time, try a second. If it still doesn't work, then start looking for more
serious problems.
-Hank #1619
Message: 20
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:06:06 -0500
From: "Michael C. Babb" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Door light Hidden Switch - easy fix
You can actually make a simple switch to control all of the door lights and
dome lights at the same time (perfect for car shows). Wire up the toggle
switch and add an inline fuse holder. Remove the fuse for the interior
lights, and put it in the inline holder. You can then plug in the toggle
switch, and route it to a convenient location just behind the drivers or
passenger seats. I put one in my car and should easily reach it when
parking if I wanted to leave the door open for a bit (car shows, cleaning,
If you want a faster solution, simply unplug the fuse when you are at shows
I can't remember the fuse number, but it is the bottom/middle fuse . .
.(maybe # 14).
Hope this helps!
-----Original Message-----
From: Watkins Family [mailto:watbmv@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 10:15 AM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Door light Hidden Switch
There was a post recently about installing a switch for the door lights
that will allow you to turn off the door lights while you are at a car
Message: 21
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:01:14 EST
From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
Subject: Re: Door light Hidden Switch
There is an alternative to modifying the car. You can pull fuse # 12,
10A, Courtesy Lights. This disconnects the door, boot, bonnet and interior
It is located in the second column, row 6. Hope that helps.
Mike Pack
VIN 3713
DOA 4743
Message: 22
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:47:48 EST
From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
Subject: Re: Daily drivers?
There are several cars that are driven as daily drivers. I drove an
Automatic DeLorean everyday when I was in college. Great car!
In addition, the DeLorean World magazine has several members across the
country documenting that their DeLorean has passed the 100,000 200,000 and
500,000 mile mark.
Based on the information I have, the cars are regularly maintained with
correct DeLorean parts. Additionally, they have the original DeLorean PRV V-6
I drive my Automatic DeLorean everyday in good weather. However, I have
been caught in the occasional rain storm.
The car is wonderful to own and drive. I was just complimented by a very
attractive women. She said, "Now that's a Car." She is correct. Nothing
compares to the DeLorean, it is in a class of its own.
I have the car serviced and updated by Rob Grady. All of the necessary
and Preventive maintenance items have been addressed. I believe that is the
way to go, have the car properly gone over by a qualified DeLorean specialist
if you are in doubt of the reliability of the car.
I feel confident that I can get in and go anywhere in the DeLorean. I
wanted to match the reliability of my Acura TL. So far so good.
BTW, My Acura was purchased new. I had to take the car back to the Acura
dealership 3 times to fix the door locks. (Sound familiar?)
Michael Pack
VIN 3713
DOA 4743
Message: 23
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:47:06 -0500
From: "Lowery, Dennis [C]" <loweryd@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Brake Rotors
I have grooves in my rear rotors. What is the minimum thickness for rear
rotors? Anything else I need to know about turning the rotors? Any help
would be appreciated.
Dennis Lowery
Message: 24
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 11:39:46 -0800
From: Les Huckins <jhuckins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Seat swap?
Any reason the seats couldn't be swapped? Parts manual looks like 4
bolt assemblies per seat and the seats look alike. My passenger seat is
like new and the driver's seat is showing signs of wear. No matter how
much liquor I feed her she remains stiff and unyielding (damn, that used
to work!)
Message: 25
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 17:53:46 EST
From: DLoff80@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DeLoreans in video games
The DeLorean is in Need for Speed 3 & 4? Are those games out yet?
Dave Loffler
Johnston, RI
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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